War Across Time

The human kingdoms watched in amazement as the two 'guests' were brought in. Kyros had sneaked back after informing his family of the plans and what to say. 

With the Temple down, even their Message talismans could not be restored and were drained of power even though it could work when sending a message from the Golem City to the land of the lizard.

Because of this, Kyros informed his family of their plan and then sneaked back to Gojirrah and Reptilia.

After this, the two Champions revealed themselves to the humans and called on their saviors, Branze and Aron Steele.

The beauty of Reptilia was like a gateway drug into the Scalies world for most of these humans. The entrancing beauty amazed Mezal and the rest of the Steele family even though they were strictly instructed not to look stunned by her arrival since going by the planned narrative. This Steele family accompanied Branze and Mezal.