War is Not Won by Might Alone

The Champions continued to discuss their plans, and scouts were sent to warn those at the bottom of the mountain. Mezal also began to relay certain instructions that Kyros had told him to suggest for the battle.

Gojirrah also revealed the might and power of the Commander and Champions, as well as the Captain. He estimated that the army could arrive a few hours, which urged the Champions to make haste.

"Yes. Right now, the Lowlands are preparing for war. Airom is the first battlefield. We cannot expect reinforcements very soon!" He gave the grim report.

"Wait! Things are not as hopeless." Champion Faye spoke up as she held her vacuum cleaner and channeled magic to see things clearer. Finally, an image appeared before them for all to see.

The projected vision revealed the eagle of Champion Faye flying with great speed, and it was closing in on several eagles that had gathered together.