Chapter 11: The Announcement.

😥 "You see that girl? She looks so happy, right? Telling jokes, smiling, having a great time and... Dying inside. She's hurt. And tired. Tired of all the drama, tired of not being good enough, tired of life. But she doesn't want to look dramatic, weak, and attention seeking. So, she keeps it all inside. Acts like everything's perfect but cries at night. So everybody thinks she's the happiest person they know. That she has no problems and her life is perfect. If only they knew the truth..."

-Unknown 😥

⚠️ Warning: Please Proceed With Caution! This chapter may contain alot of Violence, Disturbing Details, and/or Mental Illnesses/Disorders! This chapter may/will contain Dark/Offensive Humor!!!! Please Be Advised And Proceed With CAUTION!!!⚠️


😳" At The Auditorium "😳

😙" Max's POV "😙

We walk in and sit down. I look around to see if I can Scarlet, Haylee, and Tyler or even just one of them since, we were seated in an assigned seat.

I don't know about them or anything but I wouldn't be able to keep up with all these kids and this place.

I end up spotting Haylee, Scarlet, and Tyler close together. I turn to the person next to me who seems to be trying to talk to me about something.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. That sounds good and all but, can you cover for me? I need to do something really quick.", I tell the person more in a demanding tone which, FYI I know was rude.

I quickly over to them thanking whoever assigned the seats that they were towards the outside of them.

"Hey guys!", I exclaim quietly as I kneel down next to them.

"Holy shit and batman hell!", Haylee exclaims. Scarlet and Tyler start to laugh.

"What are you guys laughing at?! I almost had a freaking heart attack cause of this psychotic woman!", she exclaims a bit to loudly.

"Shh! I'm not here by permission. I came here to tell you guys why I think the Head-mistress had made us come here for an announcement.", I tell them and they seem interested

"I went to training yesterday right, and after that period school was canceled for the rest of the day, you guys remember that?", I ask them and they nod.

"Okay, good. Well, when I was heading to the locker room thing I heard a screech so loud pitched it could make your ears bleed. After the scream I realized it came from the locker room thing so I ran to it and to my surprise everyone was gathered around one area. I had to literally push through them to see what the hell was going on.", I say to them quickly and then look around to make sure I haven't been caught yet.

"Well, it was blood. Like, alot of blood, enough to even kill one of us kids here but the thing that I can't get outta my head was the message.", I tell them quickly again then look around to make I haven't been caught again.

"What did the message say?", Scarlet asks curiously.

"It said, 'This is only the beginning. Sincerely L.'", I tell them and I look down.

"Do you think-", Tyler goes to ask and I cut him off.

"Yes, I think it's from Lucifer! Who else could it possibly be?!", I exclaim feeling like this person's blood was actually on my hands.

"This was my fault! I should've just killed him when I had the chance.", I say while looking down. After a few moments I hear someone clear their throat in irritation and I turn my head to look at them.

"Well don't I just have the shittiest luck in the world right now.", I say out loud on accident

"Watch your mouth young lady!", the teacher exclaims grabbing my arm as he started to drag my to my seat.

"Shit, this dude is kinda strong. Guys just remember what I said!", I say loud enough so they could hear.

Violation in the third degree. I think to myself

☆You're an idiot! Just cause he's dragging by the arm doesn't mean he's violating you☆ My demon side says and I laugh at him.

♤That's where you are wrong my friend! He's touching me without my permission! Do you know how many years a teacher can go to jail for if they violate a student?♤ I ask him and my angel side steps in.

♡Okay, we get it! We accomplished the fact that both of you are idiots now shut the hell up before you regret it!♡ My angel side exclaims and I laugh.

♤Oh my God guys! What do you think would happen if I actually yelled Violation in the third degree?!♤ I ask them only to get smacked upside the head twice

♤Ouch! Double whammy!♤ I exclaim and then I'm snapped outta my talking as I feel what weight as lifted into the air drop down.

I look up and see that I'm at the row of seats where I'm suppose to be seated at. I get up grumbling and sit at my seat. The microphone makes that weird static sound before I look up and see the Head-mistress.

"Good morning everyone!", the Head-mistress exclaims

"Good morning Head-mistress.", we say back in monotone voice.

"It has come to my attention that yesterday something happened.", she says and sighs.

"One of our students here are missing. We aren't for sure where she is but we do know that there is the possibility of him not being alive.", the Head-mistress says which makes almost everyone gasp.

"I've heard that one of our students have proposed an offer but hasn't got around to tell me. Max? Can you please come up here?", she asks and my breath hitches in my throat as a lump forms in it.

I take deep breaths before I stand up walk to the stage trying my best not to chicken out.

I get on the stage next to the Head-mistress and she takes the microphone off of it's stand.

"Max. Would you like to tell us what this proposal is?", she asks and I clear my throat before hesitantly nodding.

"S-sure.", I say not really liking the idea of what's going on.

She hands me the microphone and smiles at me.

"M-my proposal is th-that we all n-need to start tr-training more often. Not as ju-just individual classes b-but we need to start tr-training together. What's g-going on here is my fault and I want to h-help out as best as I can.", I say clearing my throat again and taking a few deep breaths.

Stop stuttering you idiot! My mind says to me which I mentally nod too.

"The people who still don't know who or what they are yet, we need to figure that out asap-", I say before I'm cut off by a random student.

"Um, I thought you didn't know what you are either.", the student says and I sigh look up towards all of them.

"We all know about the legend of the demon angel hybrid, right?", I ask them and they look at me confused, well everyone but from what I can see Scarlet, Tyler, and Haylee.

I look over at the Head-mistress and she gives me a funny look before realization hits her face. I look back at all the students.

"Well then, we all know how at the end of the legend that it says that the angel demon hybrid would be reincarnated, right?", I ask them and a student raises their hand.

"Yes?", I ask and the student stands up.

"Okay, we get it, we all know about the legend but what does this have to do with anything?", he asks for which I sigh with a nod.

"Well, it all started before I got here. The first day of this school year actually. I was just the loner, the outcast, the loser who didn't know what the hell she was. I used to get bullied alot for it. On the very first day of this school, I was looking for my classes before I looked for my locker, kinda backwards I know but that's just me. Anyways, my bully decided that, that day was an oh so marvelous day to bully me but the thing is, he took it a step too far this time. I prefer not to go into detail about what he did that took it a step to far.", I say taking a deep breath in hopes to calm myself down some since I'm fixing to explain how I got here.

"I didn't even know what powers I had until that day. The first powers I discovered I had was fire.", I tell them holding the microphone in one of my hands and making a flame in the other. I make the flame go away and make a small light but not to bright to where it'll blind anyone.

"And then also light. It isn't ordinary though. I couldn't control it. It just went outta control. I was just so angry at all them for laughing at me, what my bully said upset, it upset me alot. But the thing that ticked me off the most was that everyone thought it was funny. I mean yeah, they laughed at me when ever I got beat up or whatever, they never really understood the pain, I guess.", I tell them looking down then looking back up at them.

"But, the pain I felt after they laughed about what my bully said it just made me so freaking angry that I couldn't control it. First powers I ever used was the bright light and fire. I guess I cause 4 students to go blind and they have or had major injuries, a handful of the student are or were in critical condition, a-and s-some I..... I c-caused some f-fatalities.", I say I feel tears in my eyes and one starts to roll down my face and I quickly wipe it away and then sniffle.

"This was all before I had my visions of the demon angel hybrid. I also have more control over my powers and I guess you could say I'm the reincarnated angel demon hybrid.", I say looking at all of them and say that they're all looking at me with shocked or dumbfounded expressions.

"Um, so Head-mistress. Do you except my proposal?", I ask her and she nods.

"Of course. We need to start training asap especially since war is coming!", she exclaims and I nod.

"When do we start?", I ask

"How about we do training every morning a little after everyone eats breakfast starting tomorrow?", she asks and I nod.

"It sounds good enough to me. I hope the rest of the students are okay with this.", I say and she nods.

"They don't really have a choice. We're practically outcasts to any of our kinds.", she says and I nod walking off the stage and back to my seat.

"Alright everyone is dismissed. School is canceled for the rest of the day. You all need to be well rested for tomorrow. Breakfast starts about an hour and a half earlier than normal from now on.", she says and you can hear everyone groan as we start to make our way back to our dorms.

Scarlet, Haylee, Tyler, and I head towards mine and Scarlet's Dorm Room. As soon as the door closes I I turn around and glare at them.

"Which one of you guys told her or told someone who told her?!", I ask them and Haylee gets a bit of a scared expression.

"I'msorryIdidn'tmeantooitjustslippedout!", Haylee says in one go and I give her a weird look.

"What?", I ask in confusion and she takes a deep breath.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean too it just slipped out!", she says quickly but I could hear her this time. I sigh and look at her.

"It's fine it just, took me by suprise.", I say putting my hand on her shoulder and then letting my hand drop to my side.

"You 2 should get going. You heard the Head-mistress. I didn't get much sleep either so I'm gonna try to sleep some.", i tell them and they nod then walk outta the dorm.

I plop face first on my bed and close my hoping for sleep to consume my mind before my thoughts do.