One day, when Sun Wukong was walking around in Heaven, he decided that even if he couldn’t descend to Gekai, he should still pass on his legacy to someone worthy. So, he threw his cultivation technique down into the Lower Realm and told it to pick the purest, most talented soul it could find, and integrate with it. The soul it picked was that of a newborn boy. His name: Bell Cranel
goodgdosiehw wjwoshebneiesisygeehwieieieueyeuruueieieieeieiieiwjwoshebneiesisygeehwieieieueyeuruueieieieeieiieiwjwoshebneiesisygeehwieieieueyeuruueieieieeieiiei
not too many chapters out so far, but with what it has I would have to say that it is a very promising book. keep up the good work author! looking forward to what you have in store for the story
when you get the chance and time to update your book, please do
When will you update again?