First Battle?

Lilith gave the wolf a quick look-over.

The wolf's fur was a pristine white, a stark contrast against the darkness of the forest. Its coat was thick and lustrous, each hair standing out in razor-sharp relief. And as it prowled toward Lilith, its movements were fluid and effortless, its black claws glinting in the dim light. It knew that it had the advantage of darkness, its body blending seamlessly into the shadows.

Even Lilith was barely able to see the figure of the wolf.

With a guttural growl, it launched itself into the air, soaring toward its prey with deadly intent. But at the last moment, it veered off course, its body twisting in mid-air as it landed with a graceful thud. Lilith tensed, ready for the attack. But instead of striking her directly, the wolf began to circle her, its movements fluid and playful. It was as if the beast was mocking her, toying with her like a cat with a mouse.

"I can't see shit when it's moving that fast," Lilith spoke as she felt her heart quicken.

As she focused her will, a powerful aura began to emanate from her, suffusing the surrounding area with a faint blue glow. And then, with a sudden burst of intensity, the wolf in front of her was enveloped in a brilliant blue light. The entire forest was also awash in a pulsing blue light, making it bright as day for Lilith.

'What is this?' Lilith thought, taken aback.


Despite the voice that answered her, Lilith's attention remained firmly fixed on the wolf before her. Her gaze was locked onto the beast's every move.

But Lilith quickly calmed down and found it quite irritating that the wolf was simply circling around her like a pest.

"As a goddess, I'm able to kill this pest without much trouble, right?" Lilith asked.


"Great..." Lilith muttered, tensing her lean muscles and propelling herself forward with a sudden burst of energy. Her body moved with a speed and agility that belied her slight frame, hurtling towards the wolf with all the force she could muster. But as she reached the creature, something went awry - perhaps she had underestimated her own strength or miscalculated the distance between them. In any case, the impact sent Lilith hurtling through the air, a blur of limbs and hair and flashing red eyes. She flew a full fifty feet before finally colliding with a nearby tree, the sickening crunch of wood and bone ringing out through the night air. For a moment, she lay there stunned, struggling to regain her senses and come to grips with what had just happened.

"Fuck... what kind of body is this?" Lilith yanked herself away from the tree, her eyes blazing with fury as she glared at the wolf.

With a newfound understanding of her body's capabilities, Lilith reined in her strength, tempering it to a level that was more playful than deadly.

In a split second, Lilith darted towards the wolf like a lightning bolt, her agile movements akin to that of a graceful predator. The wolf, caught off guard by Lilith's sudden burst of speed, was taken aback as she swiftly appeared beside it.

Lilith pulled back her fist and punched as hard as she could, causing her fist to rip through the air and blast through the wolf.

With her eyes fixed on the wolf, Lilith took a deep breath and drew her arm back, tightening her muscles. A thunderous crack echoed through the air as her fist plowed through the wolf's body.

Without a single bit of resistance, Lilith's punch blasted through the wolf, slaughtering it in half. 

Lilith's fist tore through the air and collided with the wolf's body, which seemed to offer no resistance. The force of the impact was so great that it split the wolf in half, its body falling to the ground with a sickening thud.

Blood sprayed from the wolf's body, painting Lilith's face and saturating her right arm, leaving it dripping with crimson droplets.

'That is too much...' Ellia thought.

< level up>

< level up>




Lilith's level was raised by a whopping nine levels, and she was pretty sure that the skill [Talent] had to do something with it.

<45 free points have been added>

Lilith disregarded the notification and shifted her gaze to survey the area. The wolf's guts were strewn across the ground, and crimson droplets of blood cascaded off the nearby foliage. The revolting sight made her stomach churn, and if she wasn't so composed, she would have retched. It was a ghastly display, akin to the goriest horror movie she had ever watched, but even more distressing. Nevertheless, Lilith recognized that she would eventually become accustomed to such things.

Lilith released a deep breath, feeling a sense of relief as she found a soft, verdant meadow. She lowered her body, feeling the cool blades of grass beneath her as her bare and rounded buttocks came into contact with the ground.

Before Lilith went on, she didn't give a quick update on her status. With 45 free points, she distributed them evenly to my STR, AGI, DEF, INT, and VIT stats. Though Lilith didn't touch her DEX stat as she did not have a weapon on her to use. And as for LUK, she wasn't looking for anything that needed luck.

With just a single point in STR, Lilith had delivered a bone-crushing punch that split the wolf in half. And with only one point in AGI, she had moved with lightning speed, appearing behind the wolf before it could even process what had happened. Lilith couldn't help but wonder what kind of destruction she could unleash if she had eight points in both STR and AGI.

As Lilith contemplated her newfound powers, her attention was abruptly drawn to a pack of wolves making their way toward her, their movements slow and deliberate.

'Damm... that's quite a lot.' Lilith thought.

The wolves, their number in the hundreds, came into Lilith's view. Their white fur glistened under the sun, and the black claws at the tip of their paws glinted. She squinted and made out the menacing pack, identical to the one she had slaughtered earlier. To get a better view of the horde, Lilith headed towards a nearby hill, which rose above the forest's thick canopy.

However, as soon as she started moving, she realized that she was going too fast. She whizzed past the hill without any control. Realizing her mistake, Lilith stomped her foot on the ground, hoping to stop herself. But to her surprise, the ground beneath her foot cracked, and a deafening boom echoed through the forest. The force of her stomp created a massive crater that sent dozens of trees toppling over. Lilith stood there, dazed and wide-eyed, trying to comprehend the extent of her newfound strength.

"T-Thi-THis is crazy! What the hell?!" As Lilith turned around, her eyes widened at the sight of the trail of destruction she had left behind. A thick cloud of dust was still rising from the ground, obstructing her vision. She could hear the distant echo of trees cracking and falling, and the ground still shook under her feet. Lilith's voice echoed through the air as she shouted, overwhelmed by the sheer power she possessed. She couldn't believe that just by moving at a moderate speed, she had caused so much damage.

As Lilith was still pondering about the aftermath of her movement, a glowing blue screen abruptly materialized in front of her, catching her off guard.

Lilith was quite surprised the receive these two titles. But as she didn't need any additional strength, she simply didn't equip any titles.

Lilith's newfound strength was nothing short of savage. Even when she tried to take a leisurely stroll, the forest would blur past her in mere seconds. And as for her raw power, she was too scared to even begin to test its limits. So, with caution in her every step, Lilith began to gingerly saunter towards the hill she had set her sights on.

Lilith made several attempts to control her newfound power before finally getting the hang of it. She gingerly walked up the hill, cautiously scanning the dense forest for any signs of the wolf pack. After a while, she spotted them in the distance, their white fur and black claws visible even through the thickest of trees.

'Has my eyesight gotten better?' Lilith questioned but realized it was only because of her mana vision.

Suddenly an idea hit her.

'These wolves aren't as strong to me anymore, but there were numbers and quite a lot, and I need to somehow test my strength. Ah... this is perfect.'

Lilith's eyes lit up with a maniacal gleam as she made up her mind. She lunged forward towards the pack of wolves, her feet barely touching the ground as she dashed towards them with a wicked grin on her face.