
'Gosh. That was a shock. I didn't think they'd go lunging at the joint straight out. It freaked me out a bit, but that was it. After the fight, I got some pretty exciting skills.'


Name: Lilith Octream

Race: Goddess

Class: Supreme God

Level: 30

HP: 800/800

MP: 800/800

STR: 8

AGI: 8

DEF: 8

INT: 8

VIT: 8

DEX: 1

LUK: 1

Free points: 115


[Talent] level 1 (passive): Accumulate a thousand times more exp than usual, including other skills.

[World travel] level 1 (active): Use this skill to travel to a different world. Only one world is available now, and more can be unlocked in the future.

[Limiter] (passive): allows the user to have complete control over their strength just by thinking about it.

[Translator] (passive): translate any language.


When Lilith conversed with the wolves earlier, she was convinced they had comprehended her words. However, since they lacked a distinctive language, she couldn't establish a connection with them. Their only means of communication were howls, which didn't activate her [Translator] ability.

The recently acquired [Limiter] skill had transformed Lilith's game entirely. She could now easily regulate her strength level to match that of a typical child. This was a significant breakthrough, as she no longer needed to adjust her strength constantly as she grew stronger. Instead, the [Limiter] skill ensured her strength remained constant until she chose to alter it, thereby making her movements more fluid and more controlled.

Lilith had experienced a significant boost in her power, as her level had soared by 21 levels, landing her at level 30. She had been granted 105 free points but held off on allocating them immediately. Instead, she wanted to save them for when she truly needed them. Lilith could sense that a powerful adversary was lurking somewhere in the future, and she was determined to be prepared for it.

As Lilith battled the pack of wolves, she couldn't help but notice that not a single drop of blood was shed from her own body. It was as if she was invincible, her skin impenetrable to even the sharpest claws. And as for her MP, Lilith found that her raw strength had no impact on it whatsoever.


Lilith cast her gaze around the area, her eyes taking in the now unrecognizable surroundings. Where there was once lush vegetation and a peaceful ambiance, there was now a gruesome and eerie sight to behold. Blood was splattered in every direction, transforming the once greenery into a bloodbath. The stench of the place was suffocating, making her feel nauseous. She couldn't help but shudder at the sight before her, but she couldn't deny that she was doing much better than before.

Lilith retreated from the gory scene and climbed up the hill, finally lying down on the cool, dewy grass. She let out a contented sigh as the blades tickled her bare skin.

As Lilith gazed upon the luminous moon, she noticed an ethereal blue moon orbiting it in a graceful dance'How pretty,' Lilith thought. 'Prettier than the one back at home.'

Now that Lilith mentioned home, she realized that she needed to get back before someone realized she was gone.

With a flicker of her mind and the activation of the [World Travel] skill, Lilith suddenly found herself back in the sterile confines of the hospital room. Though it seemed to her as if only half an hour had passed, the clock on the wall betrayed her by indicating that only fifteen minutes had elapsed since her departure.

Confused about this, Lilith asked the voice.

'Hey miss voice, how come only 20 min passed here?'


'Eh...? Must you use math? You know I ain't good with this.' Lilith thought, but she was able to understand this much. It basically meant that an hour here would be equivalent to two hours in the other world. Two hours would be four, and ten years would be twenty years.

'Wait..., but this isn't how time works...' Lilith thought, thinking something was a bit off.


"Oh..." Lilith gazed down at her exposed form, her once-pristine skin now smeared with crimson stains. She noticed the blood that had coated her limbs and torso. Seeking to cleanse, she made her way to the adjoining shower in the chamber. There, she stood beneath the scorching streams of water, washing all the stains that sullied her body.

After drying up, she turned herself to turn into a newborn, changed into new clothes, and got back in her crib.


Morning came.

Lilith spent the night in deep thought. Memories of her previous life flooded her mind, a life filled with routine and monotony. She had been nothing more than a soldier, dedicating her days to the army with no time for leisure. She had never seen the world beyond the barracks, never experienced the joys of travel or adventure. But now, as a divine being in a new world, Lilith was determined to live a life worth living. She had been given a second chance, and she was not going to let it slip away.

As the morning dawned, Lilith nestled against my mother's chest, her tiny hands grasping for sustenance from the warmth. Thought it might have been a bit weird for Lilith, thought with a bit of justification, it wasn't a problem for her.

As the scent of breakfast still lingered in the air, a pair of nurses glided into our room. With gentle voices, they explained that Lilith would need to be inoculated against diseases before we could take go home.

Lilith, a divine being in her own right, required no mortal protection against the ailments that plagued the common folk. Nevertheless, before the nurses could pierce her delicate skin with needles, she needed to coax my defenses down to a level where it seemed normal.

Lilith activated her [Limiter] ability, a surge of energy pulsing from her tiny form. As the skill took effect, her once impenetrable defense crumbled to a mere shadow of its former strength, a fragile barrier barely holding together.

As the nurse approached with the needle in hand, crackling energy seemed to fill the air. Suddenly, a shower of sparks erupted from beneath the syringe, illuminating the room with an eerie glow. The very air crackled with electricity, threatening to electrocute the nurse.


'Huh! What the! Chill a bit! They're just trying to help me. It's basically a treatment! Cut that out!' Lilith yelled at the voice.

<<...Understood, deactivating the self-defense mechanism.>>

'Haaa, when did it get such a cool feature? ...Wait, that's not the point. I have to keep my mind straight!' Lilith thought

'Ok! Look here, Miss' voice! When someone is trying to do treatment on me or help me, don't do such things! You could have killed the nurse!' Lilith scolded the voice.

<< Master does not need such things as treatment. Even if you did, I alone am enough.>>

'That's not the point! Haaa... this thing is driving me crazy.' Lilith wasn't trying to blame it. She just thought that it needed some common sense. But Lilith did have to admit that the voice was a lot of help.

'...You know what, you've been pretty helpful, and I think calling you "voice" is pretty rude, so I'm going to change your name to "Veda,"' Lilith spoke, thinking that it was a pretty good name. It also had a warm feeling to it.


'Geez! At least pretend you liked it.' Lilith complained


'Uhhh... ok, now you're acting cheeky.'


'Uhhh...wait, you don't have to.'

<< ? >>

'I kinda like this new side of you. It kinda feels like you're opening up, really. So don't change it.'


As Lilith gazed upon her, a sudden heat rushed to Lilith's cheeks, Lilith couldn't help but think that she must be blushing, for it felt as if she were whispering tender words to a secret lover.

'...Ah! Well, either way, I hope we can get along with each other, Veda!'


As Lilith's lips curled into a gentle smile, her heart swelled with anticipation.