A simple misunderstanding

With a blur of motion, Lilith suddenly materialized before the two figures, her form flickering in and out of existence like a mirage. She had moved so fast that the air around her crackled with energy, sending small pebbles and bits of snow flying in all directions. "Oh, I didn't mean to surprise you, but..."

Suddenly, a powerful surge of water with immense pressure hit Lilith from nowhere, lifting her off the ground and sending her tumbling through the air. She crashed into a soft patch of grass about six feet away. As she pulled herself out of the snow, her entire body was drenched, with snow sticking to her hair and skin.

"It looks like we have a misunderstanding..." Lilith's voice trembled as she spoke, her fingers frantically trying to wipe away the snow that clung to her body. "I know I may look like a pervert, but if you have a problem with then give me something to wear! Don't attack me!"

"Did the Witch of Alorea send you?!" With a furious shout, the man launched himself towards Lilith, a giant ball of water held high above his head. Then he hurled the watery projectile at her with all his might.

Lilith dodged the giant ball of water by sidestepping far away enough. She moved with such precision and fluidity that not even a single droplet of water managed to graze her skin.

"So I take it to take you guys aren't going to listen to me," Lilith muttered. "I mean, I can leave if you want me to, but it looks like you all are trying to kill me. Why don't we talk about it first? Yea?"

"You talk a lot for a demon." As Lilith stood her ground, her keen senses picked up the sound of the child's voice, and in the blink of an eye, she saw his tiny fist charging toward her with all his might.

With a graceful sway of her body, Lilith effortlessly evaded the little boy's punch, leaving him awestruck and bewildered as she smoothly sidestepped his attack. A faint smile curved on her lips as she looked at him, her crimson eyes glinting mischievously.

As Lilith was about to speak, a sudden and powerful vortex of water appeared out of nowhere and enveloped her head. The swirling water was so forceful that it threatened to pull her down and drown her in its depths.

"Good job." The man gave a silent nod of approval to the child. His eyes fixed on Lilith as she collapsed onto her knees in the snow. Gasping for breath, she clutched her neck with both hands, her eyes bulging in terror. Her struggle became more desperate by the second until she finally fell face-first onto the ground. Her naked body was now completely motionless.

"Was that really the Witch of Alorea's subordinate?" The boy asked.

"I don't know, but she's definitely evil." The man's voice carried a sense of relief as he turned to pat the boy's head, completely unaware of Lilith's body slowly and silently rising from the ground behind him.

"Oh, yeah? What's so evil about me?" The man was startled by a gentle, whisper that tickled his left ear. 

The man twisted his head in slowly to the left and caught a glimpse of Lilith's demonic eyes, which shone with a fierce crimson hue, visible through the vortex of water that still enveloped her head.

"What do you think of my acting skills? Eight out of ten? It has to be ten out of ten. I mean, c'mon, it fooled you. It also fooled me. I didn't think I was that good at acting."

"Aghh!" The man let out a blood-curdling scream as he desperately tried to escape Lilith's grasp. With a quick movement, he broke free and sent a powerful wave of water smashing into Lilith's face, soaking her long hair. "I forgot that succubus uses energy that they steal from men!"

"You really gotta stop with the water, man!" Lilith roared with fury, lashing her head back to shake off the water that clung to her face, her features contorted with frustration and anger. "You're splashing water around like it's a fucking water gun! And what do you mean by succubus?! I ain't no succubus! I'm telling you all this is a damn misunderstanding!"

"You think I'll believe that…?!"

But before the man could utter another word, Lilith's hand swung toward him with incredible force, making a loud cracking sound as her palm connected with the side of his head.

"You want to keep bull shiting me and get beat up, or do you want to listen to me," Lilith's eyes gleamed with a fierce intensity as she spoke, her voice cold and menacing. She slowly raised her hands, curling her fingers until each of her knuckles popped loudly in the cold air.

"I-I'll listen…!" The man spoke. "But don't hurt the child!"

"Haaa…" Lilith sighed as she gave a roll of her eyes. It seemed that they still thought she was a bad guy. "Give me something to wear first."

The man quickly removed his fur coat and handed it to Lilith. As she wrapped herself in it, the luxurious fur brushed against her bare skin. The coat was large enough to conceal her intimate areas.

"So, who is this Witch of Alorea?" Lilith's eyes narrowed as she placed her hand on her hip, her long legs peeking out from under the oversized fur coat given to her by the man.

"Are you not the subordinate of the Witch of Alorea?"

"I've been telling you, but I ain't that person you're thinking of."

"Then who...?"

"Just a passer-by who wanted to see what was on this mountain." Lilith said in an nonchalant expression.

"How can I believe that this place is a sacred place no one..." As the man spoke, his voice quieted down. "Are you really a passer-by?"

Lilith sighed as she nodded. "Yes, really."

"Then I would like to express my sincerest apology. To show you my apologies, I would like to invite you to our village."

"There's a village here?" Lilith winded her eyes, amazed that there would be a village this high up on a mountain. 

"Looks like you really are a passerby." The man sighed to himself and began walking towards the north, showing Lilith the way.