A small village

"Are you not cold?" The kid asked as he noticed Lilith's bare feet trudging through the frosty terrain without so much as a flinch of pain or hesitation.

"No, I'm fine," Lilith replied with a serene smile, her face a picture of tranquil contentment. But then Lilith posed and question. "By the way, what are your names?

"I'm Haruto, and this is my disciple, Yuto," The man spoke, introducing him and his disciple.

"I'm Kayden..."


"Er... I meant Lilith." Lilith's chuckle was tinged with a touch of self-consciousness, her hand absently reaching up to scratch at her tousled hair. She had to prove that he didn't need Veda's help regarding this simple matter. "By the way, what's with the antlers?"

"We're mountain deities," Yuto's voice boomed with fierce pride, his chest swelling with a deep-seated sense of triumph.

"Oh really, then I'm a goddess," A sly grin crept across Lilith's face.

"What kind of goddess walks around naked," Yuto's own smirk mirrored Lilith's, a knowing grin that played across his face.

"You're acting as if I wanted to be naked. I simply had nothing to wear at that moment." Lilith let out a long, weary sigh as if the weight of the world had settled upon her shoulders. Her eyes rolled upwards as if seeking guidance from the heavens above or perhaps simply trying to ward off the frustrations of the world below. 'I swear if he fucks me over because of this...'

"Bleh...!" Yuto stuck out his tongue toward Lilith, trying to taunt her.

"Stop, Yuto. She is now our guest." Haruto spoke, stopping Yuto.

As Lilith's eyes scanned the horizon, she caught sight of the village nestled in the distance. But as she drew closer, she realized that all was not as it seemed. The village lay before her like a ruin, torn down and shattered as if ravaged by some great calamity. The wooden cabins and huts that had once stood proud and strong were now reduced to splinters and ash, scattered like leaves in the wind. The air was thick with the acrid smell of smoke, and the ground beneath her feet was littered with debris and rubble.

Despite the devastation that lay before them, the village people were already hard at work. They moved with a purpose and a determination, gathering logs of wood and tools to begin the process of rebuilding. Their movements were synchronized and coordinated as they worked together to repair the damage that had been done. The air was alive with the sounds of hammering and sawing, the shouts and calls of people working together towards a common goal.

"What happened here?" Lilith asked as Haruto led Lilith through the narrow opening in the towering wooden wall that separated the outside world from the village.

"Humans attacked our village two days ago," As Haruto spoke, Lilith expected him to say that with a burst of anger or frustration. But to her surprise, his voice was as tranquil as a still pond on a quiet day. "We're supposed to be on high alert, and I was not supposed to bring you here."

Suddenly, Lilith felt a prickling sensation on the back of her neck, as if a hundred pairs of eyes were fixed on her. She raised an eyebrow in surprise, and as she turned to look around, she realized that every single person in the village was staring at her. But then, she noticed that the looks on their faces were not hostile or suspicious but rather curious and intrigued, mostly because Haruto was beside her.

Haruto stepped forward as he drew in a deep breath, filling his lungs with the crisp, cold. "This young lady will be under our hostility as I have mistaken her as an aggressor!" Haruto's voice echoed like thunder through the village, booming and resonating off the walls of the wooden huts.

As Haruto's voice faded into the background, Lilith watched as the people of the village went back to their daily routines. Some nodded in silent approval, as others simply went about their work.

Haruto guided Lilith through the bustling village, weaving in and out of clusters of people as they walked deeper into the heart of the settlement. As they passed by, Lilith caught glimpses of the villagers' daily lives, from children playing games in the dirt to women weaving baskets under the shade of a tree. Despite the destruction that had befallen their village, there was a palpable sense of community and resilience in the air.

Lilith and Haruto made their way to a row of houses, which appeared to be in pristine condition. As they approached one of the houses, Lilith's eyes were immediately drawn to the wooden exterior, which was adorned with a low-sloping tiled roof. The house's design was exquisite, with an aesthetic that incorporated elements from the natural surroundings.

"This is what we call a Minka," Haruto spoke.

As Lilith approached the house, she noticed a beautiful covered passageway running alongside the wooden exterior. The passageway was crafted with skillful woodwork and was supported by elegant wooden pillars that rose up towards the low roofs. The passageway was shaded and provided a seamless transition between the outdoors and indoors, making Lilith feel like she was stepping into a secret garden.

"This is the Engawa, and this is the Tatami Rooms." Haruto guided Lilith as he slid open a door made of a beautiful wooden frame intricately carved with delicate patterns covered in paper.

As Haruto left to fetch Lilith some new clothes, she took a moment to catch her breath and take in her surroundings. She could hear the sounds of the village outside, the chatter of people, and the clanging of metal against wood.

The door to Lilith's room slid open, and a lady in a black and white maid uniform gracefully entered. Lilith couldn't help but stare in awe at the unfamiliar attire of the maid. The white apron on the uniform looked like it was carefully crafted with delicate laces on its edges, tied neatly around the maid's slender waist. The main dress of the uniform had an elegant design, stretching down to the maid's toes with a stunning black and white color scheme. Lilith couldn't help but notice the maid's sleeves, which were incredibly large and billowy, adding a unique and charming touch to the maid's uniform.

The maid then carefully presented a set of clean clothes in front of Lilith, revealing a stunning, colorful robe adorned with delicate plum blossoms that were folded to perfection. The maid bowed courteously before making a graceful exit, leaving Lilith alone in the room with the new clothes.

Lilith grasped the flowing garment in her hands, the fabric soft and smooth beneath her fingertips. She hesitated for a moment, uncertain of how to don the strange robe-like clothing.


"I can wear a simple robe..." Lilith spoke as she forced it on.

The door to Lilith's room slid open abruptly, startling her. In the doorway stood a towering figure with golden tresses that cascaded down his broad shoulders. A long curved sword was sheathed beside his waist, which got the attention of Lilith.