Almace, Ragnarok, and Harpe

"Which kind of Katana would you like? There're six options for you to choose from." Suzuki spoke, her voice resonating through the chamber. Suzuki began to lay out all of Lilith's options.

Suzuki gestured towards a display of blades, each one gleaming in the soft light that filtered through the windows. The Katana, with its long, curved blade and delicate hilt, was the first to catch Lilith's eye. It seemed almost alive in Suzuki's hands as if it were a living thing with a will of its own. Nearby, the Wakizashi stood ready, its shorter blade no less deadly than its larger cousin. It was clear that these two swords were meant to be used together.

But there were other weapons here, too - the Tanto, with its short, sharp, single-edged knife with a blade length of fewer than 30 centimeters. It was often used as a utility knife, as well as a weapon in close combat, and the Nodachi, a weapon of fearsome power that was a longer version of the Katana with a blade length of over 90 centimeters. And then there was the Tachi, an ancient sword that seemed to harken back to a time before the Katana had even been conceived. Finally, Suzuki mentioned the Ōdachi, a massive weapon with a blade longer than Lilith was tall. Though she Suzuki Lilith would use such a big weapon.

It all sounded great to Lilith, so she asked. "Is it possible for you to forge three weapons for me?"

"Three?" Suzuki raised an eyebrow. "Which ones?"

"The Katana, wakizashi, and the tanto," Lilith answered.

"Fine... but I have a few conditions," Suzuki said.

"Tell me."

"Firstly, you will treat these weapons as your own kids. It will always be with you. Secondly, you will clean and tend the swords every day. Thirdly, you will give the sword a proper burial once it is broken beyond repair. Do you accept?"

"I vow that I will follow these conditions." 

"Good." Suzuki nodded as her calloused hand closed around the handle of her hammer. She turned to the corner of the room where her materials were kept, picking up a woven basket filled with all the tools and supplies she would need. With practiced ease, she hefted the basket onto her hip. "It'll take me three hours to finish."

"So fast?" Lilith spoke with surprise.

"Yeah, I'm good at this. You can sit down over there."

As Lilith watched, Suzuki moved with practiced grace and precision, her every movement fluid and purposeful. She picked up the chunks of Tamahagane with tongs and tossed them into the roaring furnace, the intense heat causing the metal to glow like molten lava. 

When the Tamahagane was heated to the right temperature, Suzuki carefully removed it from the furnace and placed it on the anvil, the sharp clang of metal on metal ringing through the cave. With each strike of her hammer, sparks flew like miniature fireworks, illuminating the dim room with flashes of light. She repeated this process again and again, sweat beading on her brow as she meticulously shaped the steel into the desired form and worked out any impurities in the metal.

As the blade took shape, Suzuki heated it to a lower temperature and allowed it to cool slowly, the blade taking on a deep, dark hue as it cooled. Lilith watched as Suzuki expertly removed any stress in the metal, making sure the blade was strong and resilient enough to withstand even the most intense battles.

Then came the crucial moment, the blade heating up to a searing hot temperature before being plunged into the waiting water with a fierce hiss.

Finally, after an hour of work, the blade was tempered, its stresses reduced to a minimum, and its surface polished to a mirror-like finish. Suzuki worked with intense concentration, her movements almost ritualistic as she mounted the blade with a handle, guard, and other fittings. Lilith watched in awe as the Katana took shape, the perfect blend of beauty and deadly precision.

Lilith watched do this two more times, never bored as she watched Suzuki. 'It looked fun...' Lilith thought.

After pouring three hours of his soul into the craft, Suzuki finally scattered his three prized possessions - the Katana, Wakizashi, and Tanto - onto the table. As they lay there, glistening with the sweat of her labor, each weapon was a unique work of art. The Katana gleamed in the dim light, its golden handle glinting while black wrappings hugged the handle tightly. 

The Wakizashi was a miniature replica of the Katana. Its blade was forged with the same care and precision as its larger sibling, and its golden handle with black wrappings only added to its elegance. And then there was the Tanto, a weapon of a different breed with no handle to speak of. Instead, its blade was a wicked crescent of steel, honed to a razor's edge, and its black wrapping. It was a weapon that spoke of stealth and cunning, of assassination and deception, and it completed the trio of masterpieces that lay before Lilith.

With a flicker of excitement in her eyes, Lilith reached out and grasped the hilt of the Katana as she drew the sword slowly away from the scabbard. But as she tried to swing the weapon around, Lilith felt a pang of disappointment. The Katana felt unwieldy in her unpracticed hands, its weight and balance unfamiliar and awkward. In response, Lilith put another seven points into her DEX stat.



In a flash of insight, the Katana in Lilith's hand seemed to come alive. It was as if the spirit of the blade had entered her body, infusing her with centuries of knowledge and skill. As she swung the sword through the air, every movement felt fluid and effortless. It was as if the sword was an extension of her own body, an extra limb that moved with the same grace and precision as her own arms and legs.

"But why are all the handles black?" Lilith asked.

"I thought it matched your aura." With a heavy sigh, Suzuki ran her fingers through her hair. Her voice was low and weary as she spoke, the words coming out in a soft murmur that barely broke the silence of the room "Ah... this habit of mine... you wouldn't mind if I also made you some new clothes."

"What? Are you sure?" Lilith questioned. The weapons Suzuki had hand-forged were more than enough.

"Yes." Suzuki nodded her head.

"But why?"

"As a blacksmith and seamstress, you look incomplete."

"Well, sure," Lilith answered, unable to refuse.

"Then let's move to the important part - naming. " Suzuki spoke as she faced as looked at the Katana in Lilith's hands. "I want you to name your new weapons."

"Name?" Lilith muttered as she looked up at her Katana. "I'll name her Almace. As for the Wakizashi, I'll name her Ragnarok, and for the Tanto, I'll name her Harpe."