Ego wepons

As the names left Lilith's lips, a chill ran down her spine, and a shiver rippled through the air like a gust of cold wind. The very ground beneath her feet seemed to tremble as if an earthquake was about to erupt from the depths of the earth. And then, as if in response to Lilith's words, the weapons in her hands began to vibrate, the metal humming with a strange energy that made her teeth chatter. It was as if the swords were alive, and they were trying to communicate with her in a language that only she could understand. But as the vibration grew stronger, a dark mist began to swirl around the blades, shrouding them in an ominous cloak of shadows.

Lilith stumbled back, her feet faltering as she tried to regain her balance. But it was Suzuki who stood rooted to the spot, her eyes widening in amazement as she beheld the spectacle before her. The weapons in Lilith's hands had been transformed, infused with a power that seemed to pulse with a life of its own. As she watched, the swords glowed with an light, casting shadows that danced across the walls like the flames of a bonfire. The air was thick with the scent of ozone, and the hairs on the back of Suzuki's neck stood on end. For a moment, she was lost in the beauty of the sight, the majesty of the swords filling her with a sense of wonder and awe.

"Arughh...!" Just then, a sudden, searing pain ripped through Lilith's chest as if a spear had been plunged into her heart. It was a physical pain, but it felt as if it was coming from somewhere else as if a malevolent force was trying to tear her apart from the inside out.

She stumbled backward, her hand still clutching the Katana, her eyes wide with shock and pain. The ground rushed up to meet her, the impact knocking the wind from her lungs. For a moment, Lilith lay there, gasping for breath, the sword still clutched tightly in her hand. The metal was cold and hard against her skin, a strange comfort in the midst of the pain. And then, slowly, the pain began to subside as if a dark cloud was lifting from her chest. She took a deep breath, and the air rushed into her lungs like a gust of fresh wind.

As Lilith watched in disbelief, the sword in her hands began to shift and writhe like a living thing. Its once-beautiful golden handle was now a sickly, tarnished hue, and the black wrappings that had once adorned it now seemed to be creeping up the blade itself. The Katana's blade, once so bright and shining, was now a deep, inky black as if it had been plunged into a pool of pure darkness. She looked down at the Wakizashi and Tanto and saw that they, too, had undergone a similar transformation. The once-gleaming blades were now dull and lifeless, their edges seeming to pulse with dark, ominous energy.

"Are you okay...?!" Suzuki came to cheek up on Lilith. 

"Yea... I'm good." Lilith nodded her head as she stood back up.

"Wow... I thought that this was only something from fairy tales." Suzuki spoke while rubbing her head.

"What is?"

"If I'm correct, then I'm sure you bonded with your weapons," Suzuki said. "The pain you felt was your soul bonding with your weapons. I'm sure that you're weapons would soon turn into ego weapons."

"What's an ego weapon?" Lilith questioned, confused.

"A weapon that had an ego of its own," Suzuki answered simply.

Just then, a blue screen appeared before Lilith.


Almace (Katana)

Level: 1

Type: Growth

Grade: Genocide - purple

Quality: Immeasurable

Durability: ∞

Soul-bound: Lilith Octream.

Soul-bound skills:

Absolute loyalty: Only the individual Lilith Octream can wield this sword. If anyone other than individual Lilith Octream tries to wield it, they will suffer from severe mental traumas.

Description: Forged in the fiery depths of blacksmith Suzuki's forge, the Katana had been imbued with the essence of the goddess Lilith herself. This was a force of nature, a being of immense power and potential. In the hands of the right wielder, it could become a force for good, a tool for justice and righteousness. But in the hands of one who sought only destruction and chaos, it could become a calamity, a weapon of mass destruction that could lay waste to entire cities with a single stroke.


Ragnarok (Wakizashi)

Level: 1

Type: Growth

Grade: Genocide - red

Quality: Immeasurable

Durability: ∞

Soul-bound: Lilith Octream.

Soul-bound skills:

Absolute loyalty: Only the individual Lilith Octream can wield this sword. If anyone other than individual Lilith Octream tries to wield it, they will suffer from severe mental traumas.

Description: From the fiery depths of blacksmith Suzuki's forge, a weapon was born. Forged with sweat, toil, and the power of the divine, it was a thing of beauty and terror. It had been named by the goddess Lilith. And with her name came the essence of her soul, a power that bound the weapon to her and her alone. And that will be clear: to serve its wielder, no matter the cost. It was a weapon of great power, imbued with the essence of the direct relative of Almace, a force to be reckoned with. t was a weapon that would do anything to assist its wielder, even if it meant sacrificing itself in the process.


Harpe (Tanto)

Level: 1

Type: Growth

Grade: Genocide - red

Quality: Immeasurable

Durability: ∞

Soul-bound: Lilith Octream.

Soul-bound skills:

Absolute loyalty: Only the individual Lilith Octream can wield this sword. If anyone other than individual Lilith Octream tries to wield it, they will suffer from severe mental traumas.

Description: From the depths of blacksmith Suzuki's forge emerged a weapon of legend. It had been named by the goddess Lilith herself, a being of immense power and grace forged with the finest materials and the most skilled craftsmanship. Despite its diminutive size, this weapon was a thing of madness and chaos. It was a type of sword that could slip past even the most skilled swordmaster's defenses. In the hands of a skilled wielder, it was a weapon of unrivaled power and precision.


"Can I see the katana?" Suzuki's eyes widened with desire as she gazed at the Katana, her lips parting slightly as she took in its beauty. Her fingers twitched with anticipation as she reached out to take the sword, her hand trembling with excitement.

"Ah, remember my vow?" Lilith smiled as she moved the Katana away from Suzuki.

"Eh...? No, but I was the one who made it...!" Suzuki shouted, but her eyes quickly dropped in defeat.

As if materializing out of thin air, Kato appeared before Lilith and Suzuki.

"Ah...! Kato-sama!"

Kato's gaze locked onto Lilith and then slowly drifted towards the sleek, deadly blade of the Katana that she held in her hands.

"Have you ever used these kinds of weapons?" Kato asked.

Lilith shook her head in denial.

"Then, if you would like, I would like to train you for a bit. I simply do not want you to misuse our weapons."

Lilith smiled upon hearing this. "I would love to."

Kato smiled back.