New wear

"I want us to start after Suzuki makes your clothes," Kato spoke as he disappeared as fast as he appeared.

"How long is that gonna take?"

"Just a few hours. I'll take you back to your Minka," Suzuki's voice was a soft whisper as she placed her hand gently on Lilith's shoulder. Lilith felt a surge of energy flow through her, and before she knew it, they were no longer in the cozy room but standing in the midst of the Tokonoma room.

"I can manage myself, and thank you." With gratitude in her heart, Lilith expressed her appreciation to Suzuki for crafting the magnificent weapons that were now in her possession.

"No problem... and make sure you take good care of them!" Suzuki spoke as she waved Lilith goodbye.

In no time at all, Lilith found herself transported back to the comfort of her cozy abode, surrounded by the familiar comforts of the Minka.

She had only spent four hours here, so that would mean only two hours had passed in the other world, meaning Lilith had more time to spend.

Lilith seized this opportunity to fully immerse herself in the knowledge and understanding of her newly acquired weapons, carefully examining and tending them. 

With delicate care, Lilith drew out a soft cloth to wipe down Almace, brushing away any dirt, fingerprints, or moisture that might have clung to their smooth surface. Gently, she applied a small amount of oil to the blade, tending to them to prevent any rust from forming and keep them pristine.

As Lilith carefully tended Almace, she noticed a strange sensation in her hand. The katana began to quiver and vibrate, seemingly responding to the gentle touch of her fingertips. It was as though the Almace herself was alive, enjoying the attention it was receiving from Lilith.

As Lilith also tended to Ragnarok Harpe, the same type of reaction occurred.

As Lilith finished the final touches of her meticulous cleaning, a gentle tap echoed from the sliding door, disrupting the peaceful atmosphere of her cozy Minka.

"Suzuki-sama has called for you." The maid on the other side of the door spoke, her gentle voice carrying through the thin paper panels.

"Oh, already?" Lilith questioned. "How long has it been?"


"I see..." She quickly rose from her kneeling position and slid on her Zori sandals. With a soft grunt, she walked towards the door and gently slid it open, revealing the maid standing outside. "Where is she?"

"Suzuki-sama is within Kato-sama's residence."

"Ah... right, thank you."

The maid lowered her head, her long black hair falling forward as she made a deep bow, showing her respect. She straightened herself up and turned away, the hem of her kimono trailing behind her as she walked away silently.

Lilith strode towards Kato's Minka Manor, the snow crunching under her feet with each step. As she arrived, a maid appeared before her, bowing deeply before leading Lilith through the winding halls. Soon, the maid ushered Lilith into a cozy dressing room where Suzuki awaited her.

"Suzuki-sama, Lilith-sama has arived." The maid spoke before making her exit.

"I thought you said a few hours," Lilith spoke while taking off her sandals and walking inside.

"I worked faster than expected." Suzuki's footsteps echoed on the tatami mats as she sauntered towards the towering wardrobe, her nimble fingers deftly plucking several garments from their hangers. With a gentle yet firm nudge, she ushered Lilith towards the secluded corner of the room, where a sturdy screen crafted from interwoven wooden panels and gossamer-thin paper stood guard over Lilith's modesty, shielding her naked form from prying eyes.

As Lilith's gaze roamed over the array of clothing, her attention was immediately drawn to a billowy white shirt. The sleeveless design reveals her bare arms and the gentle curve of her armpits. Accompanied by a pair of loose-fitting black pants that reminded Lilith of sweatpants, the ensemble appeared deceptively heavy and cumbersome, but to the touch, it was as light and soft, embracing Lilith's curves like a lover's caress and providing her with a relaxation experience. This was coupled with a pair of comfortable sandals.

Suzuki's deft fingers plucked a second ensemble from the wardrobe, and as she held it out to Lilith, the garment seemed to shimmer in the light. Eagerly, Lilith reached out, savoring the smooth, slick texture of the fabric as it slipped through her fingers, caressing her skin with a luxurious feel that surpassed even the most premium of silks. A lightweight black trench coat, complete with a hood, the garment was a true masterpiece, crafted to perfection by the skilled hands of Suzuki herself. A piece of attire meant for battle.

But that was only the beginning - the true centerpiece of the ensemble lay in the form of a tight-fitting black top, its supple fabric clinging to every curve and contour of Lilith's alluring form, emphasizing the fullness of her breasts and the sleekness of her waist. And as the top descended downwards, it gave way to a belt that snaked around Lilith's hips, drawing the top downwards to reveal the crisp white cotton of her pants, with the black top splitting open like the petals of a flower, revealing a tantalizing glimpse of Lilith's legs before cascading down like a curtain, covering the backside of her legs. The effect was breathtaking, a true masterpiece of design that showcased both Lilith's beauty and her prowess as a warrior.

As if the ensemble wasn't already stunning enough, an additional detail caught Lilith's eye - a sleek black compression sleeve that encircled her slender arm, its fabric stretching tautly against her skin as it culminated in a slender ring, nestled comfortably around her middle finger. The purpose of the sleeve was clear - it provided support and compression, enhancing Lilith's physical abilities in battle. Accompanying the battle outfit was a pair of lightweight boots crafted from a sleek black material that glimmered in the light.

Just when Lilith thought this was her last piece of clothing, Suzuki surprised her yet again. In her hands, she held a strikingly modern black dress, its silhouette sleek and form-fitting, with daring red outlines tracing the contours of its design.

As Lilith slipped into the dress, it flowed over her body like a second skin, its fabric smooth and cool to the touch. From her toes to her breasts, the dress was a single, uninterrupted piece of cloth, hugging her curves with an almost sentient intensity. But as the dress reached her breasts, it transitioned seamlessly into a delicate lace, the red outlines tracing a tantalizing pattern that drew the eye irresistibly. Her arms were left bare, giving her an air of confident sensuality that was impossible to ignore. The black dress was paired with a stunning set of high heels, each with a sleek and slender black strap that snaked around Lilith's ankle, keeping the shoes secure on her feet. The heels themselves were tall and graceful, their smooth surfaces reflecting the light.

"Why is the dress like this?" Lilith questioned as she came out of the screens. 

"What do you mean?" Suzuki summoned one of the maids to her side with a single, sharp snap of her fingers. The maid appeared almost instantly, her steps light and graceful as she walked across the room toward them. "What do you think?"

"The dress Suzuki-sama made is perfect and fits Lilith-sama very well. It is as if shSuzukie is a goddess." The maid spoke.

"See?" Suzuki spoke while dismissing the maid. "It's perfect."

"Well, yea..." Lilith spoke as she went behind the screen again and changed into her casual wear, the sleeveless shirt and black pants, as it was the most comfortable. "But these are more comfortable."

With the belt from her battle attire securely fastened around her waist, Lilith began the process of equipping her weapons. 

Lilith deftly fastened Almace to the left side of her waist, strategically placing it so that she could easily draw it with her right hand but also accessible from her left. On her back, Ragnarok was secured with its handle facing towards her left, ready for a quick draw. Finally, Lilith nestled Harpe in front of her, hidden behind her clothes, ready to be retrieved at a moment's notice.

The door slid open abruptly, without any prior indication, and there stood Kato. "I take it that you're ready," Kato spoke.

Lilith smiled while nodding.