A rather lively wepon

"Hahaha! You are a funny human!" The ogre gave Lilith a wide stare and started laughing like a madman, wiping away his tears. "You really are funny... but do you think you can do such a thing? Your thin arms can't do a thing to me!"

Lilith remained silent, her lips curling up into a mischievous smile as she gazed at the ogre. Then, she slowly raised her hand and beckoned the ogre with a provocative gesture, crooking her finger in a taunting manner.

The ogre's eyes twitched with a wild gleam as it deftly retrieved two massive war axes from its back. With a sudden burst of movement, the ogre charged towards Lilith with a malicious grin etched on its face, brandishing the axes.

Lilith's face remained unperturbed as she took a single step back, her gaze locked on the two gleaming axes that the ogre had hurled toward her. At that moment, everything seemed to slow down as if time itself had come to a halt, and Lilith felt an otherworldly sensation wash over her. The axes appeared to move sluggishly through the air, their once-imminent threat now reduced to a stagnant.

Lilith lifted her sword and attempted to parry the attack, redirecting the force as Kato had taught her. However, despite her best efforts, the axe slid off her Katana, producing a shower of sparks as it grazed her blade. The ogre's weapon continued its trajectory toward Lilith's head, but to the surprise of the ogre, it shattered into a hundred pieces upon contact with her seemingly impenetrable defense.

'Ah... that felt wrong. Let's try again.' Lilith thought as she looked up at the other axe coming at her.

Lilith lifted her Katana high above her head, the sharp point of the blade facing the ground. The ogre charged towards her, axes raised high, ready to strike. With swift movements, Lilith parried the incoming attack, causing the ogre's axe to slide off the smooth surface of her Katana. The sound of metal clashing against metal echoed through the air as the ogre's axe hit the ground with a loud thud.

Then without wasting another second, Lilith spun her body, causing her Katana to emit a soft hum as it sliced through the air. The tip of her sword arced upwards and then down, tracing a graceful loop as she aimed for the ogre's neck. In one fluid motion, her blade connected with the monster's flesh, severing its head from its body. As the ogre's head soared through the air, a fountain of purple blood gushed from the stump of its neck, creating a gruesome spectacle.

"Oh, nice! That felt pretty clean.





Almace (Katana)

Level: 1 -> 2


'Alright, let's move on to the next ogre.' Lilith's mind raced as she vanished into the shadows and moved stealthily through the dense forest. With each step, the leaves and twigs crunched under her feet, but she maintained her silence. Soon enough, she caught sight of a trio of massive ogres in the distance. She landed on the ground with a barely audible sound. Her presence did not go unnoticed by the ogres, and they turned their heads in her direction, searching for the source of the noise.

"Oi, come at me all at once," Lilith spoke as she pointed at them with her Katana.

"A human!" With a deafening roar, one of the ogres charged towards Lilith, axes drawn and ready to attack. The other two quickly followed suit, sprinting towards her like a pack of hungry wolves closing in on their prey, their mouths salivating in anticipation of their next meal. "Kill it and eat!"

"That's the spirit!" Lilith laughed as she raised her Katana.


An hour later...





Almace (Katana)

Level: 10 (Stage one)

Type: Ego

Grade: Genocide - purple

Quality: Immeasurable

Durability: ∞

Soul-bound: Lilith Octream.

Soul-bound skills:

Absolute loyalty: Only the individual Lilith Octream can wield this sword. If anyone other than individual Lilith Octream tries to wield it, they will suffer from severe mental traumas.


Lilith's eyes flickered from the blue screen in front of her to the Katana that she held.

"You leveled up quite a bit... did you enjoy it?" Lilith spoke with a chuckle.

'Yes, Master!' Lilith felt a sultry whisper inside her head, a voice that lured her senses and tantalized her mind with its seductive tone. She recognized that it wasn't Veda's voice, and with the power of the soul bond, she immediately realized it was Almace speaking to her.

"What? You can talk?" Lilith spoke as she looked down at Almace.

'Yes, after drinking enough blood, though it was disgusting, I was finally able to evolve into the next stage of an ego weapon.' Almace spoke in a cheerful tone.

As Lilith's mind was seduced by Almace's voice, her two other weapons on her waist started to vibrate in frustration, feeling left out and envious that only Almace was able to evolve and communicate with their master. The vibrations grew stronger, and Lilith could feel the intense jealousy and longing emanating from the weapons, begging for her attention and affection.

'Humph...! Can't you tell our master favors me more? Quiet down over there.' Almace's voice boomed with an air of superiority and arrogance, echoing through Lilith's mind.

"That enough." Lilith let out a deep sigh, her breath fogging up in the cool air as she slid Almace back into its scabbard. She then reached for the hilt of her Wakizashi, Ragnarok, and unsheathed it in one swift motion, the sound of steel ringing through the silent forest.

'Eh?! Master? Why my sister? Please use me...!' Almace's voice erupted in a fit of cries and wails, echoing like a petulant child throwing a tantrum. It was a stark contrast to her typically mature and confident tone.

"Sister?" Lilith asked.

'Yes, my, she's my little sister meaning that I'm better!' As soon as Almace spoke, the Wakizashi-Ragnarok began to tremble violently, as if it were an animal trying to shake off an annoying bug crawling on its skin.

'Ragnarok, you a little piece of shit...!'

"Alright... Alright, calm down. I'm using Ragnarok, so quiet down, and don't worry, Harpe, I'll get to you." Lilith's lips curled into a smile as she sensed the vibrations coursing through Harpe's blade, a sign of its appreciation.