Sister in arms

Lilith brandished her Wakizashi with such force that the blade sliced through the air, creating a sharp whistling sound. With a swift downward motion, she brought the sword to the ground, causing a burst of purple blood to spray across the lush green grass. In that same instant, an ogre collapsed to the ground, its head cleanly sliced off and its body crumpling into a heap. A pool of purple blood quickly formed around the lifeless ogre, adding to the gruesome scene before Lilith.





Ragnarok (Wakizashi)

Level: 10

Type: Ego

Grade: Genocide - red

Quality: Immeasurable

Durability: ∞

Soul-bound: Lilith Octream.

Soul-bound skills:

Absolute loyalty: Only the individual Lilith Octream can wield this sword. If anyone other than individual Lilith Octream tries to wield it, they will suffer from severe mental traumas.


'It has been an honor, Master. I'm sorry you had to experience talking to my older sister.' A tender and affectionate voice whispered into Lilith's ear. Unlike Almace, whose voice was steeped in maturity, Ragnarok had a slightly softer tone. However, it was clear that there was some kind of sibling rivalry brewing between the two swords.

'What do you mean by that? I'm obviously superior.' Almace's voice pierced the air, still filled with arrogance, interrupting the sweet sound of Ragnarok's gentle voice.

"Quiet..." Lilith grumbled under her breath, the sound of her Wakizashi sliding back into its scabbard filling the air.

'Eh...' Ragnarok muttered, disappointed.

'Now please use me, Master! I'll cut down any enemies in your path!'

'Are you dumb? You had your share. Master said that she was going to use our youngest sister!'

'What did you-'

"Quiet. If you two keep yapping, then I won't even touch you for the rest of the day!" Lilith shouted.



Lilith sighed as she finally got some peace and quiet as her hand moved to the hilt of her Tanto, Harpe, drawing it from its sheath in a single, smooth motion. Lilith vanished from her spot in a blur of motion, her body soaring through the dense forest as she hunted for her next prey.

As Lilith held the tanto, Harpe, in her hand, she couldn't help but notice how different it felt compared to her other weapons. The blade was considerably shorter than her katana and Wakizashi, and as such, she knew that she needed to approach her next target in a different manner. While Almace, her katana, was focused on raw power, and Ragnarok, her Wakizashi, was an all-rounder, Harpe was a weapon of speed and precision. It lacked the sheer cutting power of her other blades, but it more than made up for it in terms of swiftness and agility.

"Veda... give me a full lesson of Anatomy 101," Lilith spoke as she gazed down at an ogre from a branch of a tree. 


A flood of intricate and vivid information surged into Lilith's mind, inundating her with images of the human body in unparalleled detail. She could see every muscle, bone, tendon, and organ, their shapes and sizes etched in her mind's eye. The intricate network of pressure points and acupoints danced before her, revealing the secrets of the body's energy flow in a way that few had ever seen.

A sly grin crept up on Lilith's face as she observed the ogre from the tree. With the grace of a cat, she leaped down and landed effortlessly behind the hulking beast, her steps soundless on the forest floor.

Lilith assumed a combat stance, one that she had learned during her time in the military, as she positioned her body with precision. With her empty left hand raised and Harpe gripped firmly in her right hand, she drew in a deep breath to steady herself. Finally, she made her move and brandished the sword, aiming it at the ogre in front of her with focused determination.

Lilith's Harpe sliced through the ogre's tendons like a hot knife through butter, severing the Achilles tendon, the Patellar tendon, the Rotator cuff tendons, the Biceps tendon, the Triceps tendon, the Flexor tendons, the Extensor tendons, the Quadriceps tendon, the Hamstring tendons, the Gluteal tendons, the Peroneal tendons, and the Tibialis anterior tendon all in one swift motion. As the tendons snapped, a purple stream of blood spurted out from the ogre's wounds. Before it could even react to the sudden attack, it crumpled to the ground, its body paralyzed and helpless, realizing too late what had befallen it.

"How fast was that?" Lilith posed her question, her eyes still fixed on the ogre she had just defeated. With a swift and decisive strike to the temple, she ended its agony and put it out of its misery, the blade of her Harpe glinting in the sunlight as it pierced through the flesh and bone.



<> Veda answered.

"Hmmm, I think I can get it done faster," Lilith muttered as she rubbed her chin. Then almost as if she was eager, Lilith went off to find another ogre to try it on.

Another hour later, Lilith was much used to using Harpe.

"How fast was that?" Lilith asked.

<< 0.124>>

"Hmmm, I still need some work."





Harpe (Tanto)

Level: 10

Type: Ego

Grade: Genocide - red

Quality: Immeasurable

Durability: ∞

Soul-bound: Lilith Octream.

Soul-bound skills:

Absolute loyalty: Only the individual Lilith Octream can wield this sword. If anyone other than individual Lilith Octream tries to wield it, they will suffer from severe mental traumas.


'Thank you... Master.' Harpe's voice chimed like a delicate bell, sweet and soft, akin to the whisper of a child. 'I will do my best to serve Master. Please take care of me...!'

"Sure." Lilith smiled warmly. "I'll make sure to take good care of you."

'Thank you...!'  

'The youngest lacks confidence.' Ragnarok spoke.

'It only means there is one less in the competition.' Almace muttered.

Suddenly a blue screen blared in front of Lilith.


<[Dimensional pocket] has been added.>

<[Dimensional pocket]: An infinite sup-space you can use to store any item you want to expect for soul-bound weapons. There is not limit on how much you can store. You are also able to hold living beings inside the infinite sup-space.>


"I wasn't even thinking of putting my weapons in there," Lilith spoke, but she never the less thought this was an interesting skill that would help her in the future.

Lilith's fingers grazed the ogre's corpse's cold, lifeless skin as she knelt beside it. With a newfound curiosity, she placed her hand on the creature's chest, and as she activated her skill, she felt a strange sensation as the body seemed to dissolve into thin air. The corpse vanished into the void of Lilith's Dimensional pocket, leaving behind nothing but a faint afterimage. Though she couldn't see or hear it, she felt the weight of the ogre's corpse in her Dimensional pocket.

"Great! I'll do with all the other corpses." Lilith spoke as she retraced her steps, her eyes scanning the forest floor for any sign of the ogre corpses. She carefully placed her hand on each one, feeling their weight and texture before they vanished into her Dimensional pocket. Finally, after touching all 95 corpses, Lilith felt a sense of relief as they all disappeared, leaving the forest floor empty once more.


"Alright." Lilith nodded.