Demon summoning

Lilith had said that she wanted to learn about the history of this world. She lied. Her interest was in the magic books. Her curiosity about performing various types of magical spells took precedence.

As she ventured deeper into the library, Almace, ever enthusiastic, tugged at Lilith's waist. "Master! Look for all the books on swordsmanship!" She shouted excitedly.

Ragnarok, more composed, chimed in, "I'm sure Master already has things planned out."

Lilith, however, ignored both of them as she moved further into the library, her eyes widening as she came upon a stage-like platform that led down to hundreds of neatly aligned bookshelves. They were so vast and numerous that they appeared like walls in their own right.

"Wow..." Harpe's voice echoed Lilith's sense of awe.

Descending the steps, Lilith approached the shelves and randomly selected a book titled "Intro to Mana Manipulation." Her excitement was palpable as she gazed at the book, eager to delve into its contents. However, as she glanced around at the thousands of other books surrounding her, her excitement momentarily faltered.


'Eh, you do that?' Lilith questioned.


Following Veda's instructions, Lilith flipped the books in a second.

<<... Scanning complete... do you want me to transfer the data to you?>>

'Just like that? Damn... but not now. I still want to scan other books.'

But as Lilith was about to grab another book Ragnarok's voice echoed in her head.

"Master? Who's that voice you're always talking to?" Ragnarok asked.

"That's right master. I tried talking to her but she never responded to me." Almace added.

"Yea...!" Harpe also chimed in.

"Eh? You guys can hear Veda?" Lilith questioned, quite shocked. Lilith was then reminded of the time when Veda said that they were connected by soul. And Harpe Ragnarok Almace were also connted to Lilith by soul.

'Is that the reason why?' Lilith thought.


"Hello, Veda!" Harpe spoke in a cheerful tone, but Veda didn't respond.

"See? She doesn't respond." Almace hrumfed.

"Why aren't you talking to them, Veda?" Lilith asked.


"Eh, you can do that?" she asked, surprised by this capability.

<> Veda instructed.

Lilith quickly flipped through the book in a second, following Veda's guidance.


"Just like that? Damn... but not now. I still want to scan other books," Lilith replied, impressed by Veda's efficiency.

However, her interaction with Veda didn't go unnoticed by her ego weapons. Ragnarok's voice resonated in her mind, "Master? Who's that voice you're always talking to?"

Almace chimed in, "That's right, Master. I tried talking to her, but she never responded to me."

"Yea...!" Harpe added, joining the conversation.

Lilith was taken aback. "Eh? You guys can hear Veda?" she asked, surprised. She recalled Veda mentioning that they were connected by soul, and it dawned on her that Harpe, Ragnarok, and Almace were also connected to her in a similar manner. 'Is that the reason why?' she pondered.

<> Veda confirmed.

Harpe tried to engage with Veda, "Hello, Veda!" but received no response.

"See? She doesn't respond," Almace huffed, slightly annoyed.

"Why aren't you talking to them, Veda?" Lilith asked.


Lilith let out a sigh, slightly exasperated. 'You can talk to them, they wouldn't mind another person to talk to,' she told Veda.


"Veda?" Harpe called out again.

<> Veda responded this time.

The group was pleasantly surprised. "Wow, she responded!" Harpe exclaimed. The conversation between Veda and the sisters started to flow, turning into a lively discussion.

Lilith continued scanning books, listening to their conversation, which felt like a background podcast. An hour swiftly passed in this manner.

"How much did we scan?" Lilith inquired.

<<1749,>> Veda replied, momentarily pausing her chat with the sisters.

As Lilith reached for the next book, a sudden wave of pain shot through her fingers upon touching it. Startled, she dropped the book, which landed with a thud, and flipped open to a specific page.

"Pain?" Lilith groaned, a wave of dizziness overwhelming her.

"Master?!" Almace expressed his concern.

"Hey! Look at the book!" Ragnarok cried out, drawing everyone's attention to it.

"Eh...?! Why is it opening up?!" Harpe was visibly shaken.

As they watched, the book seemed to open up a void-like pit, catching Lilith off guard. She lost her footing and fell into the mysterious void created by the book.

'Book about demons...?' Was Lilith's last thought as her vision faded to darkness.

Lilith's eyes then shot open to find herself in an unfamiliar, enclosed chamber. The solid stone and brick walls offered no hint of an exit. The altar and the book upon it stood as the only noticeable features in the room.

Testing the walls for any sign of weakness, Lilith found them immovable, resistant to even her considerable strength. "Is it telling me that there's no way out of here?" She murmured, her gaze returning to the altar.

Approaching the altar, she eyed the book warily. It was unmistakably the same book that had caused this.

Ragnarok's voice interjected, "I think it's telling you to do something with it."

Almace reacted with alarm. "What?! You want her to touch that suspicious book?!"

Ragnarok, more sensible, pointed out the reality of their situation. "Well, I doubt there's anything else to do. Even with us, I don't think we would be able to put a scratch on this wall."

"Demon summoning?" Lilith read aloud.

Almace's anxious voice broke the silence. "It's suspicious!" She exclaimed.

"Stop yelling!" Ragnarok retorted.

Lilith read on, the book's instructions. "If you want to get out of this place, perform the ritual."

"Suspicious!!" Both Almace and Ragnarok yelled in usion.

Seeking guidance, Lilith turned to Veda. "What do you think, Veda?"

Veda's response was pragmatic, <>

Almace was quick to express his worry. "What? It's obviously going to put our master in deep trouble!"

Veda challenged her, <>

Almace, lacking an alternative, reluctantly conceded, "Kuh... no."

Lilith, placing her trust in Veda's judgment, decided to prepare herself. "I trust Veda," she affirmed. She then summoned her stat screen.


Name: Lilith Octream

Race: Goddess

Class: Supreme God

Level: 50

HP: 48000/48000

MP: 28000/28000

STR: 8 -> 28

AGI: 8 -> 28

DEF: 8 -> 48

INT: 8 -> 28

VIT: 8 -> 48 

DEX: 8 -> 28

LUK: 1 -> 49

Free points: 0


"But this is for assurance," Lilith spoke as she walked up to the stone wall. Her clenched fist struck the stone wall, unleashing a vortex of wind that swirled around the space. Despite her jump in strength, the wall remained unscathed, leaving her with no choice but to proceed with the ritual.

Approaching the altar, she retrieved the ancient book, its pages filled with arcane knowledge. Lilith then skimmed through the text.

"Did you get it?" She inquired.

<> Veda confirmed. <>

In an instant, the forbidden knowledge of demon summoning flowed into Lilith's mind.

"I'm sorry about this," Lilith whispered as she drew Almace.

Almace, ever faithful but apprehensive, sensed Lilith's intentions and pleaded desperately, "No...! Stop, master! I don't want to...!"

Before Almace could finish her plea, Lilith acted swiftly, slicing her own left palm with the blade and letting her blood spill onto the ground. 

"In the realm where darkness and evil reside, I call upon demonic forces to guide. With corrupted hearts, do the same to mine. Let a demon appear." Lilith spoke, slightly embarrassed at the nonsense she was speaking.

As the crimson blood on the floor began to glow, a gate materialized, seemingly connected to the depths of hell itself. The moment it opened, Lilith felt a sharp pain in her heart, and her legs gave way beneath her.

Her mana reserves were completely drained:

MP: 0/28000

<> Veda announced.

"Eh? Is Master going to be fine?!" Harpe cried out in panic.

Veda quickly reassured, <>

True to Veda's words, Lilith was physically unharmed, though she had lost consciousness due to the sudden drain of her mana.

However, a new figure appeared above the gate, adding a twist to the already tense situation. A mysterious man emerged, laughing ominously as he approached the unconscious Lilith. "Kakakaka! How interesting!" he exclaimed, picking her up gently.

"Who is this weird guy?!" Ragnarok yelled, his voice filled with alarm and confusion.

"Kya!" Harpe screamed.

"..." Almace was silent, too traumatized to even care.