Hiring a demon

"Oh, how things came upon nicely." The demon muttered cradling the unconscious Lilith in his arms. His appearance was surprisingly charming for a creature of his kind. He wore circular glasses that obscured his pitch-black eyes, which were marked by bright red pupils. Notably, he lacked the horns typically associated with demons.

This demon had been meticulously planning for days, and everything had come to fruition with Lilith's summoning. He had sensed a new and powerful presence in the world a few days earlier and had discovered it was Lilith. Intrigued, he had started to shadow her, growing increasingly fascinated by her.

Seeing an opportunity when Lilith entered the Elven royal library, he had strategically placed a special book, knowing she would eventually touch it. He had exhausted a significant amount of his power to create a space from which Lilith could not escape, but to him, it was a worthy sacrifice.

"I want to serve her and devour her," he muttered, a mix of reverence and hunger in his voice. His mouth widened unnaturally, saliva dripping from the edges as he leaned down and extended his tongue to lick Lilith's cheek.

Just then a sudden flash from her inner breast pocket startled him. He instinctively pulled back, turning his attention to the source of the disturbance.

Harpe, driven by a protective urge, had launched herself into action. But the demon was quick to react, capturing her effortlessly. His elegant demeanor, however, was unshaken. "Oh, my apologies. Please forget what you just saw," he said smoothly, regaining his composure. Realizing Harpe's attempt to attack, he gently eased her back into hiding within Lilith's clothes.

In the next moment, the demon and the unconscious Lilith reappeared in the library, the spatial transition as swift as it was unexpected.

Upon exiting the library, the demon's presence did not go unnoticed. Eldric, who happened to be nearby, caught sight of them.

"Who are you?" he questioned, his tone cautious.

The demon, finding the encounter inconvenient, muttered under his breath, "Troublesome..."

Upon seeing Lilith's unconscious state, Eldric's concern escalated. "Why is Sivel's guest unconscious? Did you do something to Sivel?" he demanded, his guard now fully up.

The demon, maintaining a facade of calm, replied, "Nothing of the sort. My lady was just feeling tired and is in a deep sleep."

Eldric, not convinced and sensing something amiss, studied the demon more closely. For a brief moment, there was silence, a tense calm before the storm. Then, with a swift decision, Eldric drew his sword in a fluid motion.


In an unexpected turn, Eldric found himself pushed back, despite being the one to initiate the attack. He quickly regained his composure and, with his sword now pointed directly at the demon, he altered his approach. "I will change my question. What are you?" Eldric asked, his voice carrying a mix of challenge and curiosity.

The demon stood unfazed, his hand outstretched, the very same hand he had used to effortlessly block Eldric's attack.

The demon's demeanor, a mix of anger and restraint, was evident as he addressed Eldric. "Can't you see that my lady is resting? How dare you cause a ruckus," he said, managing to keep his voice neutral despite the clear irritation on his face. His priority was not to disturb Lilith's slumber.

As the standoff between Eldric and the demon continued, a small sign of movement from Lilith caught the demon's attention. Her eyebrow twitched, and she groaned softly, signaling a return to consciousness.

Seizing the moment, the demon shifted his focus back to Eldric. "I will deal with you later. I have to make a good impression on my lady," he declared. With those words, he vanished into thin air, taking Lilith with him.

Eldric was once again left alone, but he didn't waste any time and went to fine Sivel.


Back in Galena's private residence, Sivel was alone relaxing on the couch. Yawning she was getting ready to lie down and sleep, but just then the demon appeared before her and surprised her.

"What the fuck?!" Sivel cursed, but seeing the unconscious Lilith in the man's arms, Sivel's eyes quickly turned serious. 

"Please do not be wary of me. I am my ladies faithful servant." The demon spoke politely. 

"What?" Sivel spoke confused.

"I will need a bedroom for my lady to rest." The demon spoke.

"Wait hold on. What happened to Lilith?" Sivel asked.

"She was simply tired while reading books at the library."

'A goddess becoming tried enough so she fell asleep?' Sivel thought as every alarm in her mind went off.In the quiet setting of Galena's private residence, Sivel was enjoying a moment of solitude, lounging comfortably on the couch. Just as she was about to close her eyes to sleep, the demon appeared out of nowhere, startling her.

"What the fuck?!" Sivel exclaimed, her surprise quickly turning to concern as she noticed the unconscious Lilith in the demon's arms.

"Please do not be wary of me. I am my lady's faithful servant," the demon said, his tone polite and formal.

Sivel, taken aback by the sudden appearance and the demon's words, responded with confusion. "What?"

The demon, maintaining his composed demeanor, stated his request. "I will need a bedroom for my lady to rest."

Sivel, her protective instincts kicking in, demanded, "Wait, hold on. What happened to Lilith?"

"She was simply tired while reading books at the library," the demon replied smoothly.

Sivel's mind raced as she processed this explanation. 'A goddess becoming tired enough to fall asleep?' she thought, skepticism creeping in. Her instincts told her that something was amiss. The situation didn't add up, and every alarm in her mind was now sounding.

Sivel, cautious yet curious, decided to play along with the situation. Despite her suspicions, the man's overwhelming strength and his respectful demeanor made her tread carefully. "I see... please come this way," she said, leading the demon to an unoccupied bedroom.

Once inside, the demon gently placed Lilith in the bed, tucking her in with a surprising gentleness for someone of his apparent nature.

Sivel was about to confront him, "I know that you are—" but she was cut off by Lilith's groan as she started to stir.

Confused by the sight of the unknown man kneeling by her bed and Sivel's presence, Lilith sat up. "I greet my lady," the demon said, bowing his head respectfully.

"What is this?" Lilith asked, looking to Sivel for an explanation.

"He said that he was your servant. I know that's a lie, but I'm too confused to do anything about it," Sivel admitted.

"I am the demon you had summoned," the demon clarified, his tone still polite.

"Eh? You summoned a demon?" Sivel turned to Lilith with surprise.

Lilith, now fully conscious and equally baffled, responded, "Ah... no... well, maybe, but it was against my will!" She was trying to piece together the events that had led to her current predicament."That demon tired to eat you!" Harpe suddenly brought up. "I saw it! His giant mouth and... and his..."

"You tried eating me?" Lilith asked in which the demon flinched.

"You are mistaken, my lady..."

"Are you saying that I'm lying?"

"...It is a misunderstanding. I would never bring any harm upon you."

"Aren't you the one who trapped me in that room and forced me to summon you?" Lilith asked.



"I wanted to serve you as my master, my lady." The demon replied.

"Eh?" Lilith was taken aback. "What?"

"Yes, whenever I see your bright expression it makes me want to serve you. It feels like I could do everything and experience everything when I'm with you."

Hearing this Lilith's cheeks became flushed. She hadn't heard such flattering in her lifetime.

"I'm not looking for any servants right now."

"What?!" The demon was visibly shaken. "Please reconsider!"

"I won't change my mind, and besides don't you have something better to do then follow me around?"

"No, I do not! My life already belongs to you!"

'This guy...' Lilith thought.

"What is your goal? I will help you achieve it." The demon offered.

"Well, my ultimate goal is to settle down and try many different things, but now I have some responses I need to take care of."

"I can help. You can think of me as a butler!"

'A butler?' Lilith thought as she began to imagine different scenarios where she could use this demon. She wouldn't have to worry about trivial things if she had a butler. That meant more free time!

"You're hired," Lilith spoke as she patted the demon's shoulder.

The demon looked up at Lilith as if she was his savior. "My lady! You have graced me!"

"What am I looking at..." Sivel sighed.