Lilith's wrath

"But I require a name, my lady." The demon spoke.

"Huh? You don't have one?" Lilith questioned, with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, I need a new name for the new master I'm serving." The demon spoke.

Lilith considered the demon's request for a name. Recalling her favorite fantasy book, she decided on a name that felt fitting. "Then I will name you Azriel," she announced.

"Thank you. I will carry this name until I perish," he vowed, acknowledging his new bond with Lilith.

At that moment, the door burst open, and Galena entered the room, her expression a mix of concern and irritation. "What's going on here? Why isn't anyone responding to my calls?" she demanded. However, as she took in the scene before her – Lilith, Sivel, and the newly named Azriel – she realized she had intruded on an important moment. "Ehem, my apologies," she said, quickly exiting and closing the door behind her.

With Galena gone, Azriel turned his attention back to Lilith. "What do you plan on doing now, my lady?" he asked, his demeanor indicating his readiness to serve and fulfill Lilith's needs.

"I'm going to have to go home for a bit," Lilith spoke realizing that morning would soon rise in the other world.

"Huh? What does that mean?" Sivel asked.

"Don't worry. I'll be here before tomorrow night." Lilith reassured.

Sivel nodded and soon exited the room leaving Lilith and her new servent alone. 

 "Since you are my servant now, I guess I can tell you," she said, standing up from the bed. "I can travel between different worlds. There's a world different from this one, where my parents live."

"Traveling worlds?" Azriel muttered in realzation. "Is that why you would suddenly disappear with your presence completely gone from this world?"

"Eh? What do you mean? How did you know that?"

"Ah..." Azriel realized that he had said something unnecessary. So he simply explained.

"What? So you're a stalker?" Lilith said with a serious expression.

"Yes." Azriel said wihtout much hesatation.

"...Ah, there's nothing much I can do no is there" Lilith sighed. 

Having decided on her course of action, activated her dimensional pocket. She expanded it, creating an opening large enough for a person to pass through. "Get in," she instructed Azriel. "If you're inside, you should be able to come with me."

Azriel complied without hesitation, stepping into the dimensional pocket. Once inside, Lilith checked to ensure he could still communicate. "Can you hear me?" she asked.

"Yes. Your majestic voice is echoing throughout this realm, which is very pleasant," Azriel replied, his voice carrying a hint of admiration.

Lilith chose to ignore Azriel's flattering remarks, focusing instead on the task at hand. She closed her eyes, concentrating on her destination. When she opened them again, she found herself in her parents' backyard – a familiar and comforting place.

She then reopened the dimensional pocket, allowing Azriel to step out into her world. As he emerged, he took a moment to observe his surroundings. "So this is my lady's hometown..." he commented, taking in the new environment with a sense of curiosity and respect. "But why do I smell blood..."

Hearing this Lilith's eyes quickly shifted to her house. The sight of blood splattered on the wall of her house struck Lilith with immediate dread. Her heart sank as the grim reality of the situation started to unfold before her eyes. Azriel, sensitive to the shift in Lilith's emotions, could feel the weight of her sudden distress.

Lilith rushed inside the house, her steps quick and heavy with concern. The interior was in disarray, clear signs of a struggle evident everywhere. Furniture was overturned, and personal belongings were scattered. Most alarmingly, her parents were nowhere to be seen, their absence adding to the growing sense of panic.

Azriel, following closely, observed Lilith's reaction. He noticed her dark expression, a stark contrast to her usual demeanor. It was the first time he had seen her so visibly shaken and enraged, a sight that sent a chill down his spine.

Lilith instantly connected the dots. She realized that the culprits were likely the loan sharks she had been dealing with, but she hadn't anticipated they would go to such extreme lengths.

Noticing Lilith's distress, Azriel offered his assistance. "I can trace these perpetrators," he said, ready to use his abilities to aid his master.

"Do it," Lilith commanded, her eyes burning with fury.

Azriel leaned forward and picked up a piece of a broken vase. After a moment of focused concentration, examining a broken vase, he announced, "I have found them."

Lilith, driven by urgency and resolve, commanded, "Take me there."

Acknowledging her command, Azriel led the way, moving at a remarkable speed. Lilith was right behind him, both of them moving so fast they appeared as blurs against the backdrop of buildings and the dark night sky. The sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon, casting a faint light on their urgent pursuit.

In no time, they reached their destination. "We have arrived," Azriel declared, coming to an abrupt halt. Before them stood an abandoned church, its structure worn and neglected, a stark contrast to the quiet beauty of the breaking dawn.

"They are in the basement," Azriel informed Lilith.

Without a word, driven by a mix of anger and determination, Lilith approached the church. She clenched her fist and struck the ground near the building with such force that the floor collapsed into the basement below. The sounds of screams and yells erupted from the opening, but Lilith was beyond concern for the perpetrators inside

"Of all sins you could commit, you decided to commit to the worst one possible."


One minute prior.

In the dimly lit basement of the abandoned church, a grim scene unfolded. Two men, one of them the apparent leader, were standing over body bags. One of the henchmen addressed the leader as "boss," indicating a hierarchy in their criminal operation.

The boss stepped forward and unzipped one of the body bags, revealing Lisa inside, struggling and gagged. His cold, gaze assessed her as he callously remarked on her value. "Yeah... she will fetch a lot. She looks about thirty; there's a lot of people who will need this year-old organ."

Lisa's eyes widened in terror at his words. She thrashed about, panic setting in as the grim reality of her situation became clear.

The boss seemed amused by her distress. "You have something to say? I can hear you out," he said, removing the gag from Lisa's mouth.

Desperately, Lisa screamed, "We paid back all the money!"

The boss's response was devoid of any empathy. "You forgot about the interest. It rose," he said, his tone indicating that he was unmoved by her plea.

"What are you talking ab-?" 

Lisa's question was abruptly cut off by a thunderous crashing sound that filled the basement. Startled, he stood up in surprise as the ceiling began to collapse around him. His men scrambled frantically, some of them getting buried under the debris. Miraculously, the collapse halted before it could reach the boss, sparing him from the same fate.

As the dust started to settle, two figures emerged, walking down the slope of the collapsed ceiling with a sense of purpose. The boss, stunned by the sudden turn of events, struggled to comprehend what was happening.

Before he could process the situation or formulate a response, the taller of the two figures – a striking presence – vanished from sight and then reappeared instantaneously right in front of him. In one swift motion, this figure picked up both Lisa and John, cradling them away from harm.

The boss stood frozen, unable to grasp the rapid sequence of events. Even Lisa, who was in a state of shock and confusion, couldn't help but notice the strikingly handsome man in a butler's uniform who had seemingly appeared out of nowhere to rescue them.

The boss, still reeling from the sudden appearance and disappearance of the man, found himself enveloped in confusion and disbelief. "What is this...?" he muttered, trying to make sense of the unfolding events.

Before he could gather his thoughts, a sweet, angelic voice cut through the lingering dust and debris. As the air cleared, he saw a stunning young woman standing before him. Her presence was both captivating and ominous.

"I won't say much, but I'm going to need you guys to die," the young lady declared with an unsettling calmness. She casually snapped her fingers, and in that instant, the boss was engulfed in an excruciating pain.

Looking around in horror, he saw his men consumed by a dark, otherworldly fire. They writhed and screamed, each one succumbing to the unrelenting flames. The boss, overwhelmed by the agony and the shock of the situation, collapsed. With his last bit of strength, he looked up at the girl, his mind grappling with the reality of his imminent demise. As his consciousness began to fade, the last thing he saw was the young lady's unwavering gaze, a mix of beauty and mercilessness.

Author's message: If you're reading this it means that at this moment I rewrote all the previous chapters. First of all, I would like to apologize for going on and off with this novel. I won't make any excuses but the reason I'm back is because this book kept bothering me. So I decided to continue to write until I finish this book, but I don't think I can promise an update every day, though I will try. Writing is simply my hobby. By now some of you guys are wondering why I would rewrite everything. That's simply because I cringe when I read my own work. Lots of things didn't make sense and lots of typos. So yeah, I hope you will still continue to read. Many apologies from the author.