A new goddess

Almace, brimming with cheerfulness, fed Lilith crackers and cheese, treating her playfully and affectionately. Despite the formality of the banquet and their surroundings, Almace's actions were quite carefree.

Lilith, for her part, accepted the gesture as if it were normal, even though this experience of being fed like this was new to her at her current age. She opened her mouth to receive the food.

"Is it tasty?" Almace asked.

Lilith responded with a nod, her expression one of delight.

"Here's another," Almace said, offering Lilith another bite, continuing their light-hearted interaction.

Just then, Sivel approached them, holding two glasses of wine. She offered one to Lilith as she asked, "Are you enjoying yourselves?" 

"Yeah," Lilith replied with a nod to Sivel, acknowledging the enjoyable atmosphere. "This is my first time coming to an event like this," she added,

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Eldric, whose appearance was as striking as the formal attire he wore. "Good evening," he greeted the group with a certain charm

Sivel, upon seeing Eldric, seemed to become suddenly self-conscious. She lowered her gaze and began to quietly withdraw from the group, perhaps feeling uncomfortable or shy in his presence.

However, Lilith quickly intervened, grasping Sivel's arm to halt her retreat. "Stop right there," she said firmly.

Sivel, taken aback, whispered in a mix of surprise and protest, "What are you going...?!"

Lilith responded with a touch of drama, "Don't you want to bring equity and peace to your nation?" Her words trying to remind Sivel of the greater purpose.

"What...?!" Sivel looked at Lilith, her eyebrows raised in confusion. "Of course, I do, but..." Her voice trailed off, and after a moment of hesitation marked by a nervous glance, she stopped trying to pull away.

Sivel's nervous greeting, "Hello..." was met with a simple acknowledgment from Eldric. "Yes, it's a good evening," he replied, his response brief and somewhat formal.

The air between them quickly became charged with an awkward silence. Eldric's gaze remained fixed on Sivel, who was visibly struggling to maintain the conversation. Her efforts were palpable, as she seemed to be using all her mental faculties to come up with something to say, clearly flustered and with her face flushed red.

Lilith observed the interaction, her expression morphing into one of discomfort at the awkwardness of the situation. 'What happened, Eldric? What happened to that charisma you had when we first met?' she thought to herself, puzzled by the stark contrast between Eldric's current demeanor and the more charismatic presence he had initially displayed.

Lilith, feeling the awkward tension, leaned in and whispered urgently to Sivel, "Say something...! I'm also getting embarrassed here!"

Just as the silence was becoming unbearable, Eldric finally broke it. His expression, though somewhat hesitant, conveyed a genuine interest. "I was hoping for today's dance, Lady Sivel, that you would be my partner," he said, carefully wording his invitation as if not wanting to impose on her.

Sivel, still caught in a whirlwind of emotions, managed a stuttered response, "S-Sure." Her agreement, though flustered.

Eldric, seemingly relieved at her acceptance, decided to give her some space. "Alright then, I'll step away so you can enjoy yourself now," he said, tactfully withdrawing from the conversation.

Sivel, still with a hint of a blush on her cheeks from her interaction with Eldric, shifted her attention back to Lilith. "Then let's get you to your seats," she suggested, ready to move on from the moment.

"Yeah..." Lilith agreed, nodding as they began to make their way through the banquet hall.

As they walked, Almace approached Lilith from behind and tapped her shoulder to get her attention. "Master... would you like to dance with me?" Almace asked hesitantly, a hint of hopefulness in her voice. "You don't have a dance partner, so..."

Lilith paused, realizing the implication of Almace's words. 'Ah, that's right...' she thought, the prospect of having to dance with another man briefly crossing her mind. 

With a smile, Lilith responded, "Sure, I don't mind."

As they continued their walk through the banquet hall, Sivel didn't stop at the tables on the main floor but instead began ascending toward the second floor. This unexpected direction caught Lilith off guard.

"Eh...? Isn't this the section where very important people are?" she inquired, her voice tinged with a mix of surprise and hesitation.

Azriel, always supportive, reassured her, "It's the least they can do for someone as great as you." 

"Well, you are important," Sivel chimed in.

Reaching the top, Lilith was surprised by the distinct atmosphere of the second floor. It featured a bar serving high-quality liquor and the overall ambiance was noticeably less formal than the first floor. The change in the setting provided a more relaxed and intimate environment, which seemed to cater to a different kind of social interaction.

"I think you'll feel more comfortable here," Sivel remarked, sensing that Lilith might prefer a more comfortable, less rigid atmosphere.

"Thanks," Lilith replied as she accepted her table number from Sivel,

As Lilith and her companions made their way to her designated table, they were intercepted by a man whose attention seemed focused not on Lilith, but rather on Almace. He was a man of noble bearing, with striking green eyes and neatly groomed brown hair that fell around his shoulders. His attire was simple, yet it carried an elegance that suited his status as a nobleman.

"Good day, milady. I am Lord Alistair Blackwood, of the Duke of Cresthaven. It is my great pleasure to make your acquaintance," he introduced himself, offering a slight bow in Almace's direction.

Almace, however, appeared indifferent to his approach. "Sure," she muttered casually, brushing past him without much regard for the formalities typically observed in such interactions.

Lilith, witnessing Almace's dismissive response, felt a need to smooth over the situation. "Ah..." she muttered, offering an apologetic glance on behalf of Almace as they continued past the still-bowing Lord Alistair, who seemed taken aback by the unexpected brush-off.

Lilith, settling into her seat at their designated table, commented on the recent interaction, "That was quite harsh." Their table offered an impressive view overlooking the entire banquet hall, providing a strategic vantage point to observe the event.

Almace, unfazed by Lilith's remark, expressed her indifference. "Wasn't worth my time," she stated plainly, her expression uninterested. "I'm sure he has ulterior motives." Her words suggested a skepticism towards the intentions of that man.

Azriel, who was still standing next to Lilith, chimed in, "I agree." He then offered, "If you give the word, I can get rid of him.

Lilith, however, seemed taken aback by his proposition. Raising an eyebrow, she responded, "What are you saying?" She then noticed that Azriel hadn't taken his seat and prompted him, "Aren't you going to sit?"

Azriel began to reply, "No, I am-" but was quickly cut off by Lilith.

"Sit," she ordered, her tone firm yet composed.

Azriel immediately complied, taking his seat at the table.

The herald at the front of the banquet hall began to speak, his voice magically amplified so that it resonated throughout the grand space. "Esteemed guests, please direct your attention to the front of the hall. Her Majesty, the queen regnant, will be gracing us with her presence shortly. Kindly take your seats and prepare to welcome our sovereign ruler."

As he announced the queen's imminent arrival, Galena walked onto the podium. In response, everyone in the banquet hall rose to their feet, a customary show of respect for a ruler. Everyone, that is, except for Lilith's group.

Lilith, caught by surprise, glanced around the room, noticing the standing audience. Almace and Azriel, on the other hand, appeared unfazed by the protocol and remained seated. Lilith might have stood as well if she had anticipated this event, but by the time she realized what was happening, Galena had already signaled for the guests to be seated again.

With a loud voice, Galena 

"Lords, ladies, and esteemed guests from across our vast kingdom, it is with immense honor I welcome you to this banquet. As we gather in this hall today, we not only celebrate the prosperity and unity of our land but also pay homage to a new era under the divine guidance of our deity, the mighty goddess Lilith daughter of the goddess Lisa."

"Tonight, we not only feast and revel in friendship but also witness a demonstration of our goddess powers. As we enjoy this grand evening, let us remember the blessings and protection bestowed upon us by goddess Lilith, and let the banquet commence with joy, reverence, and gratitude!" Galena spoke as she raised her cup.