A miracle

Seraphina Greenwood, the Duchess of Veridiania, was both excited and nervous as she sat inside the banquet hall. This was her first time leaving her own country. Seraphina was not just any noblewoman; she was a skilled mage, able to use mana, a kind of magical energy. This made her feel safer, knowing she could protect herself if needed.

Being a mage was not something Seraphina chose to be. She was born blind, unable to see her parents' faces or the world around her. But with mana, she found a way to sense things. She could feel the shapes of objects and people, even though she couldn't see them with her eyes.

Her eyes were hidden behind a blindfold, adding a touch of mystery to her character. Despite her blindness, Seraphina's hearing and sense of smell were exceptionally keen, compensating for her lost sight.

Her face was framed by long brown hair with a bang covering her forehead, hinting at expressive emerald-green eyes beneath the blindfold. Seraphina carried herself with a queenly air, with her slender and graceful figure.

As the announcement of the elven queen's entrance echoed through the hall, silence crowd. Lady Seraphina Greenwood, amidst the assembly, couldn't visually discern the details of the queen's appearance. However, she was able to see the queen's outlines through mana.

As the elven queen began to address the gathered crowd, Seraphina turned her focus to the queen's words. The queen's voice, clear and resonant, filled the hall, speaking of matters of state and tradition. But then, the topic shifted to something unexpected – the revelation of a new goddess.

However, as the queen concluded her speech, a peculiar sensation suddenly took hold of Seraphina. It was as if a warm, comforting energy had enveloped her entire body.

Seraphina, with her heightened awareness and mastery over mana, quickly tried to discern the source of this sensation. She extended her senses, searching for the signature of magical energy that might explain this phenomenon. But to her astonishment, there was nothing – no trace of mana.

As the seconds ticked by, something extraordinary began to happen to Seraphina. A light, faint at first, started to emerge in her world of darkness. It was unlike anything she had ever experienced. Startled by this new sensation, Seraphina abruptly stood up from her seat, her heart racing with a mix of shock and wonder.

The light grew brighter, and more distinct, illuminating her surroundings in ways she had never known. It was a revelation, a miracle unfolding before her very eyes. For the first time in her life, Seraphina was not just sensing but actually seeing. The realization that she was receiving the gift of sight struck her with overwhelming emotion.

Quickly, almost instinctively, she reached up to pull down the veil that had long covered her eyes. As the fabric slid away, revealing her eyes to the world, tears began to flow freely down her cheeks. These were not tears of sadness but of joy, amazement, and gratitude. The room, the people, the colors – everything came into view in a brilliant array of clarity and vibrancy.

Her mind raced with questions. How had this happened? Was it connected to the queen's talk of a new goddess?

"Are you alright, milady?" The attendant, sitting next to Seraphina, asked with concern. His voice was filled with surprise and worry as he noticed her veil had been removed.

As he looked more closely at Seraphina, he realized something astonishing. Her eyes, once dull and unseeing, were now vibrant, full of life and emotion.

"Yes," Seraphina replied, her voice steady despite the tears she was quickly wiping away. "Could you get me an audience with the elven queen?" she asked, her tone conveying the urgency of her request.

"R-right away," the attendant stammered, still trying to process the incredible scene he had just witnessed. He quickly excused himself, moving with haste to fulfill her request. 


Lilith's mind raced as she listened to Galena's speech, the words echoing through the grand hall. 'Isn't this the perfect time to showcase my divine powers?' she pondered.


'...Isn't that bad...?' Lilith's expression shifted to one of concern.


'Teach me? Now?' Lilith muttered under her breath, her voice tinged with disbelief. 'Can't you just do it for me?'


'Ah... right. Then hurry it up, please...' Lilith's plea was almost a whisper, her voice filled with urgency and a hint of pleading.

<> Veda asked. 

'Soul...?' Lilith whispered, her eyes closing gently as she shifted her focus inward. The concept felt vast and intangible, but she trusted Veda's guidance. As she concentrated, an awareness began to emerge within her, subtle yet distinct. She sensed the presence of Galena and Sivel, not just physically but on a deeper, more spiritual level.

'Is that Azriel...?' Lilith muttered as she also felt Azriel's presence, but not quite.


To anyone else, these words might have sounded like complete nonsense, but to Lilith, they made perfect sense.

Azriel, seated beside Lilith, sensed a shift in the atmosphere. His sharp instincts as a demon, honed over centuries, alerted him to the unfolding. His gaze fixed on Lilith, his master.

Being a demon, Azriel was no stranger to the presence of holy divinity. Such forces were usually harsh, even painful to his kind.

But the divine energy emanating from Lilith was different. It was warm, almost soothing, a stark contrast to the holy forces he had encountered in the past. This warmth resonated with him in an inexplicable way.

As he watched, transfixed, a miraculous sight unfolded. From the tips of Lilith's fingers, a soft golden light began to coalesce. It shimmered in the air, taking form, until a delicate golden dove emerged, perched elegantly on her finger. The dove then took flight, circling the grand hall.

The banquet hall was now in astonishment and disbelief. The guests, touched by an invisible yet potent force, felt a sudden rejuvenation coursing through their bodies. Old aches faded, wounds healed, and a general sense of well-being permeated the crowd. The transformation was so profound and immediate that the attendees were too captivated by their own experiences to notice the dove's quiet disappearance.

Meanwhile, Galena, the elven queen, gracefully stepped down from the podium.

Almace's excitement was palpable as she clapped her hands, her eyes shining with delight. "That was so cool...!" she exclaimed.

Amidst the renewed energy in the banquet hall, soft, melodious music began to play, setting a relaxed and elegant ambiance. The servants started to bring out an array of exquisite dishes.

Many guests, still reveling in the afterglow of Lilith's blessing, were now eager to seek an audience with Galena, the elven queen.

"Hmmm," Lilith murmured, observing the scene with a nod of acknowledgment. Her thoughts then shifted to a more mundane, yet equally important matter. "Should I get some wine and beer? Oh yeah, Azriel, you said you had some good wine for me."

"Yes, should I get it now?" Azriel replied.

"If it doesn't trouble you," Lilith responded.

"It will be quick," Azriel assured her with a smile, a glint of pride in his eyes for being able to provide something to Lilith's liking. Without further ado, he vanished.


Inside of a room where Galena was temporarily staying.

"What do you have to talk about?" Galena inquired, her voice calm yet carrying a hint of curiosity.

"This goddess whom you speak of," Seraphina began, her newfound sight still adjusting to the nuances of light and color. "I would like to be a believer." Her voice was steady.

Galena's expression softened, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "I think you are mistaken," she gently corrected. "You do not need permission to become a believer. All you need is an open heart and a willingness to embrace hope, kindness, and love. And though you will never be as perfect, you should strive to be as perfect as the goddess." 

"If there is, I would like to join a Guidance Session," Seraphina stated, her determination clear.

"Of course," Galena responded, a slight uncertainty in her voice. "There will be one tomorrow morning."