The succubus queen

Beneath the mortal realm, lay the underworld. A realm shrouded in shadows it was the birthplace of demons. The underworld was a landscape of haunting beauty, painted in hues of red and dark, imbuing it with an eerie yet mesmerizing crimson glow.

Amidst this ominous setting stood a singularly imposing structure – a large castle with complex architecture.

Yet, within the walls of this grand castle, there was an unnerving stillness. The halls and chambers were deserted, devoid of life. Not a single soul, not even a mouse.

It was in this atmosphere of eerie quietude that Azriel manifested himself in a certain bedroom. The room, like the rest of the castle, was adorned with intricate designs and rich furnishings.

In the dimly lit room, Azriel moved with purpose towards a glass shelf that held an impressive collection of alcoholic beverages. Each bottle was an exquisite work of art, their contents ranging from rich, aged wines to rare spirits.

He carefully selected two bottles of red wine. Alongside these, he picked up a bottle of another liquor.

As Azriel was securing the shelf, a feminine voice echoed through the room, emanating from the direction of the doorway. "A lost mutt has found its way into my home, it seems."

Azriel, upon hearing the voice, did not panic. His demeanor remained calm and composed.

He turned slowly to face the source of the voice. 

The woman standing in the doorway exuded a powerful allure, her appearance unmistakably that of a succubus. Her dark skin contrasted beautifully with her striking pinkish eyes. Her black hair cascaded around her shoulders, framing her face in an almost hypnotic way. The succubus traits were evident – a winding tail and a pair of horns.

She was dressed in revealing black lingerie that accentuated her enchanting curves.

Vaeloria, the renowned Succubus Queen of the demon world, stood in the doorway with an imposing presence. Her eyes, now glowing with a demonic intensity, fixed on Azriel as he made to leave.

"I'll be on my way," Azriel stated, as he turned to depart. 

"Hey! Stop right there!" Vaeloria's command echoed in the room. "Who taught you to speak like that?" Her question was laced with intrigue. She was not used to being dismissed or ignored, especially Azriel.

As Azriel paused, Vaeloria's sharp senses detected something unusual. Her nose, sensitive, picked up a faint yet distinct aroma emanating from Azriel. "A woman? But it's not human or demon," she mused aloud, her interest visibly piqued. Her demonic eyes narrowed as they bore into Azriel.

"I can smell a bit of divinity..." Vaeloria's voice trailed off, her gaze intensifying.

"A lover?" Vaeloria came to conculsion.

"You're mistaken..." Azriel muttered.

Vaeloria, intrigued, arched an eyebrow and inched closer to Azriel. Her movements were fluid and graceful.

Vaeloria raised an eyebrow, her interest clearly piqued. She observed Azriel with a calculating gaze, piecing together the clues before her. Her familiarity with Azriel spanned a long time, their relationship akin to siblings.

She was aware that Azriel was not one to indulge in alcohol for personal enjoyment, which suggested that the fine wines he had selected were intended for someone else. If not a lover, then who?

"I see..." A chuckle escaped her lips, laced with both amusement and revelation. "The mutt has finally found an owner." Her words were teasing.

"I doubt that you found a lover," Azriel spoke as he stared at Vaeloria. "You slut."

"What did you say?" Vaeloria muttered. "You know that is a complaint to me right?"

Vaeloria then closed the distance between herself and Azriel until she was standing directly in front of him. With a heightened sense of curiosity, she leaned in and took a deep, discerning sniff from Azriel's chest.

"I'm not into women, but this person smells tasty..." Vaeloria remarked a hint of mischief in her tone.

Azriel, in response, brought a hand to his mouth, covering his lips in a gesture that was both thoughtful and cautious. "Yes... tasty..." he echoed softly, his voice barely audible. 

"Even though I want to meet this person, I can't," Vaeloria stated, her voice tinged with a hint of regret. It was a rare admission from her, a succubus known for pursuing her desires without restraint.

Azriel, accustomed to Vaeloria's typically impulsive nature, was visibly surprised by her restraint.

Noticing Azriel's reaction, Vaeloria quickly clarified her position. "It's not that. The Demon King is mobilizing the entire demon army.

At this revelation, Azriel's eyes widened in surprise.

"I wouldn't expect you to notice," Vaeloria added, a slight edge to her voice.

"Though what help are you going to be?" Azriel retorted with a scoff.

"You don't worry about that," Vaeloria sighed, dismissing his skepticism. "You go have fun with your new owner." Her words were laced with a mix of sarcasm. "In the meantime, we will prepare for war."


Lucas, taking a deep, steadying breath, prepared himself for the task ahead. He watched as Almace, seemingly on a mission to find more delicacies for Lilith.

Both Cedric and Lucas's objectives were clear: to learn more about Lilith's origins and, if possible, extend an invitation for her to join their nation.

Lilith, on the other hand, was watching the people below starting to dance. Her gaze drifted across the dance floor, observing the lively interactions below. The sight of humans and elves engaging in dance. 

'Should I go down?' she mused, a chuckle escaping her lips. 'Maybe Sivel would dance with me... but I did promise Almace.'

As she contemplated, Ragnarok's voice, filled with enthusiasm and impatience, broke into her thoughts. "Grrr... Master, let's go for a quick hunt!" he exclaimed. "I also want to hurry up and obtain my human form!"

'Right now?' Lilith questioned.

Her attention, however, was quickly diverted as Lucas appeared beside her, smoothly taking a seat next to her. The suddenness of his approach caught her slightly off guard.

'Ah... that's Almace's...' Lilith muttered under her breath, noting that Lucas had taken Almace's seat. 

"A good evening today isn't it," Lucas spoke.

"Uh-huh..." Lilith slightly nodded, staring at Lucas, wondering why he suddenly approached her.

"I'm Lucas... I'm a mage from the nation of Eldoria." Lucas spoke.

"A mage?" Lilith repeated, slitly interested.

"Yes." Lucas nodded with a smile. "So, where are you originally from?"

"Originally from...?" Lilith muttered with an awkward look. How could she reply with, 'From another world.'

"Someplace far from here," Lilith responded with an awkward smile.

Just then Lucas, sensing a sudden, unnerving chill, slowly turned his head, only to find Almace standing behind him. Her presence was imposing, her eyes hidden in the shadows, casting an air of menace. The grip on her fork was tight, almost white-knuckled, signifying a barely contained aggression.

"Get up and leave before I kill you," Almace spoke, her voice low and terrifying, resonating with a deadly seriousness. She stared down at Lucas with a bone-chilling intensity, her gaze akin to that of a seasoned predator eyeing its prey. 

"Ah hey now." Lilith tried to ease the tension between the two but Lucas himself got up.

"I'll excuse myself." He spoke as he quickly left.

Lilith was even more surprised by how fast the guy left.

'Scary...! She's scarier than that butler guy.' Lucas muttered as he ran off. 'She won't kill me in my sleep right?'

Azriel appeared at the opportune moment, his face bright and expectant, holding the carefully selected liqueur in his hands. His arrival seemed to dissipate the tension that had been building, drawing attention away from the standoff between Lucas and Almace.

"Oh...!" Almace's demeanor instantly changed upon seeing Azriel with the bottle. Her previous menace gave way to a childlike excitement. "The red liquid that Master was drinking last time. I want to try...!" she exclaimed.

"This is not for you," Azriel interjected, preventing Almace from reaching for the bottle. 

At that moment, Lilith intervened with calm authority. "Azriel," she called out.

"Yes, my lady," Azriel responded almost instantly.

"Pour her a glass," Lilith instructed with a simple smile.


"Oh, is that bourbon?" Lilith inquired, her interest piqued as she requested the bottle to be brought to her. The rich, amber-colored liquid had caught her attention, promising a depth of flavor.

"I want to try that too...!" Almace eagerly chimed in.

Azriel stared at Almace with a slight annoyance as he poured a glass each for Lilith and Almace.

"You might not like it," Lilith cautioned Almace, her gaze fixed on the rocks glass in her hand. Bourbon, known for its strong and distinct flavor profile, wasn't to everyone's taste.

Internally, Lilith reached out to Veda. 'Can you lower the alcohol content I consume by about fifty percent?' she asked, wanting to maintain a level of sobriety. <>, came the prompt response from Veda.

Almace, upon taking her first sip, immediately pulled the glass away from her lips with an exaggerated grimace. "Blechk...!" she exclaimed, her reaction clear and unfiltered.

Lilith couldn't help but chuckle at Almace's reaction. She then brought the glass closer, inhaling the rich aroma of the bourbon.

Without much thought, she took a small sip, allowing herself to savor the flavors.

"Oh, it that buron?" Lilith asked as he ordered it to be brought to her. 

"I want to try that too...!" Almace spoke as she saw that Lilith was also drinking it.

Azriel gave Almace a look before finally pouring Lilith and her one too.

"You might not like it," Lilith spoke as she stared at the rocks glass in her hand. 

'Can you lower the alcohol contents by about fifty percent?' Lilith asked Veda as she wanted to retain some soberness. 


"Blechk...!" Almace exclaimed as she moved the glass away from her lips.

Lilith chuckled at the sight as she smelled the aroma of the buron which was stronger than she had experienced before. 

But without thinking she took a small sip to savor the flavors.

A few minutes later...

Galena's arrival on the second floor of the banquet hall caused an immediate stir among the guests. Her presence was unexpected as nobody expected the queen to be in such places.

Unbeknownst to many, Galena had slipped away from her own quarters, seeking respite from the constant stream of guests vying for an audience with her.

She was trying to find Lilith and inform her about the upcoming Guidance Session. However, as she approached Lilith's table, the scene before her was not what she had anticipated.

Lilith, usually composed and dignified, was now slightly flushed from the effects of alcohol. Beside her, Almace found comfort in Lilith's arms, snuggling close in a display of affection.

Amidst this cozy scene, Azriel stood as the sole figure of sobriety.

Galena paused for a moment. 'Has she forgotten everything I thought her...?'