Demon king's future plans

In the depths of the underworld, a significant event was unfolding, one that would shape the future of the demonic realms. The Succubus Queen, Vaeloria, was en route to a conference.

This conference, called by the Demon King, was a rare occurrence, a momentous assembly that brought together the most powerful and influential figures of the underworld.

The conference was being held in the Demon King's castle, located at the edge of the largest continent in the underworld.

Upon her arrival at the Demon King's castle, Vaeloria, the Succubus Queen, was greeted by a demon knight standing guard at the entrance. Acknowledging her high status, the guard promptly allowed her entry.

As she approached the conference room, the guards stationed at the door quickly recognized her and hastened to open the doors for her.

Inside the conference room, the atmosphere was heavy. Seven seats were arranged in a semicircle, four of which were already occupied. Each seat was crafted to reflect the status and power of its occupant, but one chair, in particular, stood out. It was distinct in its design, indicating its importance and the high status of the individual it was meant for, presumably the Demon King himself.

Seated in the four occupied chairs were the demon generals, figures of immense power and influence in the underworld. Each general exuded a menacing and dark aura, These generals were among the highest-ranking demons, known for their formidable abilities and ruthless nature.

Henry, embodying the sin of Gluttony, presented a unique contrast within the conference room. Despite the gravity of the gathering, he seemed entirely carefree, engrossed in savoring various types of chocolate from his pocket, seemingly unconcerned about their slightly melting state.

Sporting black hair and red eyes, Henry's chosen form was that of a slightly childish figure. This appearance was intriguing, as it belied the typical expectations of Gluttony. Instead of a figure indicative of excess and overindulgence, Henry maintained a surprisingly skinny physique. His youthful, almost innocent appearance stood in stark contrast to the nature of his sin.

Across from Henry, embodying a starkly different aspect of the seven deadly sins was Chloe, representing Sloth. Her appearance, much like Henry's, was deceptively childlike. Chloe's long white hair was carelessly spread across the table, adding to her appearance of utter disinterest and lethargy. Her posture was one of complete relaxation, with her cheeks pressed against the table's surface.

Chloe's most distinctive feature was her hazy pink eyes, which remained half-closed as if she was perpetually on the brink of sleep. This drowsy appearance was further accentuated by a trickle of drool escaping her small, seemingly delicate lips.

Next to Chloe sat another female demon, distinct in her appearance and aura. Unlike Chloe's childlike form, this demon presented herself with an alluring figure. She was the embodiment of the sin of Envy, Sophia.

Her appearance was striking, characterized by light blonde hair that contrasted vividly with her intense red eyes. 

The final demon general present at the conference was a male figure embodying the sin of Greed. He sat quietly by himself, exuding an aura of self-interest and calculation. His appearance was marked by slightly long reddish hair, which paired strikingly with his dark, black eyes.

His name was Lorenzo, and he had the look of someone who might possess a secret lair-filled gold which he would use in his free time to giggle to himself while tossing around his gold coins.

As Vaeloria took her seat among the demon generals, the atmosphere in the conference room shifted. A sudden, overwhelming gust of pressure descended upon the room. All eyes turned towards the entrance, and there, unmistakably, was the figure of the Demon King.

The demon king had quite a large figure. Adorning his head were two large, prominent horns. His eyes were red which was a stark contrast to his pure white hair.

"Where's Zephyr and Ezekiel." The demon king asked. 

"Zephyr never shows up and Ezekiel said that he won't be showing up," Sophia spoke up.

"Hmmm..." The demon king muttered. "Then we will proceed without wasting time."

"Sir..." Vaeloria stood up from her seat, asking permission to speak with a nervous expression.

"What is it?" 

"I would like to know why we are suddenly going to war with the humans," Vaeloria asked.

The Demon King's eyes narrowed as he considered her question. "What a foolish question," he began, his voice tinged with a mix of disappointment and frustration. "These humans kill our kind without reason, even as I try to make peace with them. They come down to the underworld and kill as they please."

"..." Vaeloria stayed silent. 

It was true what the demon king was saying. The current Demon King, who had been ruling the underworld for over a century, was very different from his predecessor. 

The previous king had been aggressive, wanting to conquer the human world. In contrast, the current king had been trying to make peace with the humans. Despite his efforts, humans kept attacking the underworld, leading to the present situation where the Demon King was going to war.

In the conference room, the Demon King faced the other Demon generals, who appeared unfazed and relaxed despite the gravity of the situation. He then announced a strategic approach to the impending conflict with the human world.

"We will not attack the humans immediately," he declared, capturing the attention of his generals.

"What? Why not?" Lorenz voiced his confusion.

"We will slowly gather our forces as we are doing now while weakening the human nations."

Sophia, with a sinister smile, interjected, "Why go through such a hassle? We have a stronger army than most of the human nations combined. Let's just kill all the humans starting with the villages. We can burn all their little houses."

The Demon King, however, had a different perspective. "You're forgetting that these humans would sometimes do anything if they were given what they wanted. Given that reason, I want Vaeloria to start weakening these human nations. With the others helping, but it's mainly going to be Vaeloria's job."

Vaeloria responded to the Demon King's directive with a polite bow. "I will carry out your orders," she affirmed.

The Demon King then turned his attention to the other generals, delegating specific responsibilities to each. "Sophia, you will be in charge of gathering enemy intel,"

"Lorenzo, you will take care of Logistics," he continued, assigning Lorenzo the crucial task of managing resources and supplies.

He then looked at Chloe, who appeared less enthusiastic about her role. "Chloe, you will be in charge of training the soldiers." Chloe's response, a muted "Eh...?" reflected her reluctance.

Lastly, he addressed Henry. "Henry, you will support from the home front."

As the conference concluded, the demon generals stood and declared in unison, "We will carry out your orders!" Their voices, synchronized and resolute, echoed through the chamber.

The generals began to disperse, but before Vaeloria could leave, the Demon King addressed her specifically. "Vaeloria," he called.

"Yes?" she responded, turning her attention back to him.

"Head to Ezekiel and tell him about the war and that he will lead the war as the strategist," the Demon King instructed.

"Yes," Vaeloria nodded in acknowledgment.

Just then, Sophia approached the Demon King with a question. "Demon king," she called out, gaining his attention.

"What is it?" he asked.

"What should we do about the elven kingdom?" Sophia inquired. "They have made prolonged contact with the humans. As of right now, they should be having some fancy event to strengthen their relationship with the humans."

The Demon King considered her question carefully. The elves' alliance with the humans could indeed pose a strategic complication. After a moment of contemplation, he replied, "If you think they will be a threat, deal with them."

Sophia's response was immediate and filled with a malevolent glee. "I heed the demon king's orders," she said as the edge of her lips curved upwards in an uncanny manner.