
On the dance floor, amidst the swirl of couples moving gracefully to the music, Sivel and Eldric stood still for a moment. Eldric, holding Sivel's hands gently, inquired with genuine interest, "Did you perhaps start learning magic?"

Sivel, a hint of blush coloring her cheeks, responded, "I recently started learning."

Eldric's confidence shone through as he offered, "I see if you allow, I could teach Lady Sivel a few things." His smile was confident.

Sivel's response was a soft giggle, charmed by his offer. "I'm sure that it's fine," she said, her laughter light and genuine.

Eldric, usually so composed, found himself unexpectedly flustered by her laughter. He turned his head away for a moment, trying to conceal his own flush of embarrassment. 

Sivel, noticing his brief diversion, asked with a mix of concern and curiosity, "Is there something wrong?"

Eldric quickly regained his composure and turned back to face her, his smile returning. "Nothing is wrong," he assured her.

Then, as if guided by an unspoken understanding, they both took a step back and bowed to each other, a traditional gesture to initiate the dance. With this respectful acknowledgment, they began to move in sync with the music, their steps aligning in a harmonious dance.

As Sivel and Eldric continued their dance, there was an ease and comfort in their movements and conversation. "Quite good at dancing, I see," Sivel commented with a smile, gracefully navigating around Eldric's arms.

Eldric, maintaining his composure, replied, "It was something I had to learn since a child."

As they danced, their conversation flowed effortlessly, punctuated by laughter and shared stories. Sivel found herself speaking more freely than she usually did, caught up in the moment's joy and ease. Eldric, too, seemed to enjoy the conversation, engaging with a level of openness that was perhaps rare for him.

After their dance session, Sivel, feeling a mix of contentment and fatigue, settled down into a comfortable settee. The exertion of the dance had left her throat feeling a bit dry, a need she hadn't fully realized until she had stopped to rest.

At that moment, Eldric reappeared, thoughtfully carrying two glasses of champagne. He handed one to Sivel with a considerate gesture, anticipating her need for refreshment. 

Though in a moment, the pleasant atmosphere took a sudden, alarming turn when Sivel, with a swift movement, stopped Eldric from taking a sip of his champagne. "Don't drink that... there's poison..." she warned with a serious tone.

Eldric, taken aback, looked at her in shock. "What?" he asked

"I'm quite sensitive to these things," Sivel explained, gesturing towards her nose.

"Then yours too...?" Eldric asked, his voice laced with worry.

"Yeah," Sivel nodded in confirmation.

"Who?" Eldric muttered, his anger becoming evident. The thought of someone attempting to poison Sivel was quite infuriating to him.

"I don't know..." Sivel sighed, her frustration palpable. But before they could delve further into the matter, Sivel suddenly felt an overwhelming wave of pressure emanating from the second floor of the banquet hall.

Without a word, she sprang into action, rushing towards the stairs leading up to the second floor.

Eldric, who also sensed the unusual pressure, wasted no time in following Sivel. His protective instincts kicked in.

Upon reaching the second floor, Sivel was immediately engulfed in a scene of confusion and chaos. The center of this turmoil was Azriel, who was in a state of heightened agitation. He stood there, his demonic red eyes glowing with malice, as he held a cloaked figure by the throat. 

The people around Azriel instinctively stepped back, creating a circle around him, their faces etched with a mixture of fear and bewilderment. In this tense atmosphere, Sivel's attention was drawn to Galena, who was on the ground, holding Almace in her arms, her expression one of confusion and shock.

To Almac, her eyes were devoid of any light. Her body was limp as if she lost all will to live.

"S-sister...!" Sivel exclaimed, her concern for Galena overriding the chaos around her. She rushed to Galena's side, attempting to help her. "What's going on...?" 



A few minutes earlier...

Galena and Lilith were engaged in a conversation about the upcoming guidance session. "I think your grace is going to have to hold a guidance session?" Galena said, broaching the topic with Lilith.

Lilith, who had sobered up by this time, was intrigued. "Guidance session?" she asked.

<> Veda explained.

"Ah... I understand," Lilith said, a look of realization dawning on her face. "But for whom?"

"There are people who want to experience your blessings," Galena explained. "I also want to attend."

Lilith responded with a sly smile, "I'll be sure to cook up something good." She was embracing her role as a goddess.

"I'll be expecting it..." Galena replied, her smile bright and full of anticipation.

However, as the seconds ticked by, Lilith sensed something amiss. Galena's expression remained unchanged, frozen in time. Quickly surveying her surroundings, Lilith realized that time hadn't stopped; rather, it was moving incredibly slowly.

In the midst of the slowed time, Lilith's senses caught sight of a cloaked figure moving stealthily toward Galena. To Lilith, Galena was still motionless.

With a calm and swift movement, Lilith approached the cloaked figure. She grabbed the intruder by the collar and, with a surge of strength, flung them across the room. However, as she did so, Lilith was suddenly struck by a searing pain in her chest.

'Ah…? My heart? No, it's my soul…" Lilith whispered, confusion and pain evident in her voice. Her legs began to feel weak.

"What?" Galena, now released from the time distortion, turned around in surprise, catching a glimpse of the unfolding drama.

"Nice reflexes," the cloaked figure muttered from across the room.

"My lady?" Azriel, noticing the unusual situation, quickly approached Lilith. Almace, too, stood up from her seat, both of them observing Lilith with growing concern.

Despite knowing Lilith's strength and abilities, they were taken aback to see her shaking uncontrollably.

In a flash, the cloaked figure reappeared in front of Lilith, their hand outstretched and emanating a faint red aura.

As Lilith instinctively raised her arm to block, Azriel intervened, swiftly stepping in front of her to shield her from the attack.

Lilith's strength faded away, and she found herself unable to stand any longer. Collapsing to her knees, she witnessed with alarm that her body was starting to fade away, the very essence of her being seemingly dissipating into thin air. 

"Master....!" Almace rushed over to Lilith's side. Almace expression was nothing but worry and anxiety.

Lilith groaned as she lay on the floor. Though ignoring the pain she looked towards Azriel and spoke up. "Protect them..." Before disappearing. 

As Lilith collapsed to the floor, Almace, overcome with concern, rushed to her side. Her face was etched with worry and anxiety.

Lilith, despite the pain and the weakening of her form, maintained her focus. With a tremendous effort, she looked up at Azriel and spoke "Protect them..."

Then, in a moment that seemed to defy reality, Lilith disappeared, leaving behind a void where she once lay.