36. Please, Don't Kill the Author

It took Jon several times to repeat what he had said before Gargar could finally hear him.

"You're welcome, sir." Gargar put his left hand on his chest, then bowed his body as a sign of respect. Then, the sugar guy looked around. "Where is my master?"

Jon and the driver turned towards the car, which was actually quite far from them. Next to that car, Evan stood while holding the loudspeaker.

"You are amazing, Gargar. Thank you for defeating that monster." Evan said using that loudspeaker.

At first, Gargar's face looked so sad because his master didn't want to get close to him. However, that lasted only a moment. After that, he wore a big smile, even though his eyes were teary.

"Now, you're going to do your special move, I suppose?" The driver asked the sugar guy.

Gargar looked at the huge monster again. The monster was silent, even though his eyes were still shedding tears.

"I don't know." Gargar approached the monster. "He's done no more damage. Do I still need to do that?"

"But, if you don't do that, he won't come back to how he used to be," Jon explained with a smile. "Evan's first partner succeeded in returning a monster to its normal state. These monsters were made by Evan's brother. Evan and his brother are related by blood, maybe their power is also related to each other. This is just a guess, maybe Evan's power was destined to have abilities to negate his brother's power."

Gargar sighed. "Oh, I see."

"But, before that, I wanted to ask this gentleman." Jon turns to the monster, smiling again. "Have you really never met Dovi? His face is similar to the man standing by that car, but his hair is longer."

The monster turned slightly to Evan. He paused for a moment before finally answering, "I've really never met someone like that... The person who made me like this was someone in a dark gray robe. He held my head, it hurt so bad. Then, suddenly I turned like this and my appetite grew craze."

"Most likely it was Dovi. Who else could it be?" The driver growled a little.

Jon shrugged. "Very well then. Thanks for the answer."

"Then, now I can do it, right?" Gargar asked.

Getting a nod from Jon, Gargar did not immediately do the special move, but instead shouted at his master, "Goodbye, Master! Thank you for being with me! And sorry for torturing you! I love you so much!"

"I know, I know." In a lackluster tone, Evan spoke into the loudspeaker again.

Widened his smile, Gargar took a few steps back and said to the monster, "Open your mouth wide, please."

The monster, still trapped in the thick liquid that had now hardened, opened its mouth to the maximum until it seemed that it could swallow a human figure.

Jon then tapped the driver on the shoulder and gestured to walk away. That's for anticipation because they didn't know what was going to happen. When the two of them finally leave, Gargar performed a very complicated combination of moves. He spreads his hands and moves like octopus tentacles, yanks and moves his ass like an influencer on social media who likes to do erotic dance, walks in places so aggressively, and many more absurd moves that sugar guy does. Evan and the driver just stared in amazement, while Jon just watched with a smile. The monster also looked confused. He almost moved his mouth to ask, but Gargar snapped at him at once. "No! Keep your mouth open!"

"What the fuck is he doing?" The driver was getting frustrated when he saw Gargar jumping like a frog.

"There used to be a study that sugar caused children to become hyperactive." Evan scratched his hair while explaining. "However, this research has been debunked by many parties. But, perhaps it still influenced the formation of Gargar. Before this, my partner had the power of MSG which gave a headache to a monster. It was very similar to the Chinese restaurant syndrome which has already been debunked."

For the umpteenth time, Evan found it so strange to give such an absurd explanation.

Jon nodded his head. "You seem to have a lot of knowledge, don't you?"

Evan scratched his hair again. "Well... I like to search for articles about anything on the internet, sir. Whatever random questions come to my mind, I'll look for answers. Or sometimes I go to news portals and open articles about health, culture, and more."

Trivia like that really caught Evan's attention. (Apart from porn, of course.) It was much more interesting to him than boring college lessons. He must understand all college lessons, even though he is not necessarily interested.

Strangely enough, this thing about aliens somehow didn't interest him at all. Maybe because it made him uneasy. He's an alien himself.

If he's uneasy, how can he lead an ordinary life? Instead, he will continue to think about his own existence.

"Master, you haven't said goodbye to Gargar." Mimi who was in Evan's vest pocket suddenly said. "Or are you not aware of it?"

"Eh?" Evan gasped.

Gargar takes off his special troop clothes and stopped moving. His eyes closed tightly. His position is so upright with his two fists clenched down.

Then, a miracle happened. Gargar's body began to change, or rather crystallized. Starting from the bottom, Gargar's body turns into something white and shiny but has an uneven surface, just like sugar crystals combined into one.

Evan dropped the loudspeaker from his hand and ran.

"Hey, don't go there!" The driver is about to stop Evan, but Jon blocks him.

"I guess it's okay." The old man shook his head.

The driver raised an eyebrow. "How do you know?"

Jon looked at Evan again. "Instinct."

Evan's chest felt tight now. Perhaps Gargar made him very uncomfortable. The sugar guy gives him goosebumps from overexpressing love, and he hasn't met Gargar for long. Still, Gargar was a being he gave life to. Evan still felt a bond with the sugar guy.

And most importantly, Gargar wants to fight like this because of Evan, right? If he didn't love Evan, of course Gargar wouldn't want to obey his master's request.

Evan stopped near his partner and swallowed hard. Half of Gargar's body already changed.

That young man's eyes started to feel hot and wet.

Gargar gives a smile. This time, the smile of that sugar guy looked different, seemed more sincere and carefree.

"Don't cry, Master. I am proud and very honored to do this for you." Gargar said softly.

The changes in Gargar's body were accelerating. The sugar guy closed his eyes again. In a short time, his entire body had completely turned into sugar crystals.

Evan's tears started to trickle. It seemed, he didn't really hate Gargar.

Gargar's body began to crumble into much smaller, sparkling crystals that looked like the sugar used in the kitchen. Then, that sugar crystals flew and entered the monster's mouth. The crumbling of Gargar's body also gradually accelerated. In just a matter of minutes, his entire body was completely gone.

"It's so sweet." The monster spoke softly.

Wiping away his tears, Evan looked up slightly. "Ah, I forgot to say .... Goodbye, partner."

The monster also shed tears. "Somehow, I feel something inside of me... It's like ... Warmth? It may sound strange, but I feel so loved."

Even though the monster's words sounded absurd, Evan could understand. As he had said, apart from the sugar itself, what constitutes a being called Gargar may well be the form of affection symbolized by this sweet thing. For example, such as Valentine's chocolate, birthday cakes, and candy that parents buy for their children.

"Even though I haven't seen him that long, I feel like he's a friend." The monster closed his eyes. Then, his body parts, including the thick liquid that had trapped him, were all enveloped with white light. The monster's body shrank rapidly, while the liquid that trapped it just disappeared.

The light then vanished, leaving a naked fat man lying face down on the asphalt.

"Maybe you want to ask where he'll be taken, like you wondered where Kevin went." Jon walked over to Evan. The old man spoke in a friendly tone. "I can't answer your curiosity. And I suggest you don't ask either. It's for your own sake."

Getting Jon's pat on the shoulder, Evan clamped his mouth shut. Apparently, the young man hated Jon more than Gargar.