37. Seven Deadly Cuteness

In a workroom that is so luxurious, a middle-aged man with slicked-back hair wears a headband with heart pictures and inscribed with the name of an idol group. His hand was already holding a purple lightstick. All of this contrasted with the neat white long-sleeved shirt and tie he wore.

Smiling happily, Grigio turned on the video on his upright tablet. The singing of the cute girls can always lift his spirits. The task in this country was so stressful. Apart from the threat of the local mafia, the pressure from his boss is also getting crazy.

He was told to ask Dovi to make monsters again, or if necessary, bring him before the boss. Of course, that is an enormous task. Dovi was the one who made the monsters. If Grigio took the wrong step, Dovi could have sent a monster to attack him. To make matters worse, Grigio is prohibited from bringing one of the monsters from the base because there is a possibility that they will be killed by the local mafia.

Yes, the mafia in this country is the only one who can knock out these monsters. One monster is a valuable resource, it cannot be used carelessly. Grigio knows that. However, he was given the task of dealing with Dovi. Facing Dovi can't be half-hearted. The top parties should instead mobilize their maximum resources, regardless of the risk.

What about Dovi's threat of deactivating the monsters? Grigio thought it was a bluff. If that was true, Dovi had been doing it a long time ago.

Grigio started dancing excitedly, following the rhythm of the singing from the idol group he was watching. The idol group, which consists of seven members, has just released a video of their concert on a website. Unfortunately, the video may not be shown in full there, only excerpts of a few songs.

Grigio would be very happy if he could visit their concert, or at least attend an autograph signing event. However, if the organization found out, his prestige would be destroyed. He will no longer be respected.

While he was enjoying swinging his light stick and shouting distinctive chants, his ears heard the sound of the bell in his workroom. Yes, Grigio has deliberately installed bells in each of his workrooms in various countries. Of course, the room was soundproof to keep Grigio's little hobby from being heard from outside. However, as a consequence, no sound from outside will be heard either, be it a knock, a call, or even a riot.

Snorting exasperatedly, Grigio stopped the video he was watching and pressed a button on his desk. He then spoke into the mic embedded there, "Yes, who is this?"

"It's Max, Sir. I brought very important information." There was a male voice from the speakers that also embedded in Grigio's table.

"Wait a minute." Grigio looked even more irritated. He took off his headband and put it in the desk drawer with the light stick. He also turned off the browser on his tablet, so that he wouldn't be caught watching a video of an idol group.

"Come in," he said again with a firm tone.

Grigio pressed another button on his desk. The lock on the door to his room opened by itself. A thin man with his hair pulled up and wearing a dark suit entered. He came to Grigio's table with a slight tremor and a timid expression.

"Hurry up, what do you want to say? I have a lot of work to do." Grigio hissed with such a sharp gaze. He resented the organization's policy, which requires that important information must be conveyed in person, except in a state of necessity, which must be done by video call.

The subordinate named Max gasped, then spoke with an extremely fast intonation, "We got news from one of the informants in the government. It turns out, Dovi has a younger brother who was separated from him since he was a child. Now, Dovi is targeting that younger brother. That was the reason the two monsters had appeared recently. Dovi did this to lure his younger brother out. It was the younger brother who defeated the monsters. He is suspected of also having superpowers like Dovi. Dovi's motivation is unclear. From the information obtained, Dovi did it just for fun because now there was someone equal to him. However, that is also uncertain."

Grigio was silent as he continued to look at Max who was now looking down deeply. It went on for quite a while until Grigio finally sighed. "I did say that you should immediately convey the information that you brought, but you were too fast, so I didn't understand what you were talking about. Now, try again."

Swallowing hard, Max explained the info he was carrying again. However, this time it was too slow, causing Grigio to grit his teeth in anger.

"You're a new kid, right?" Grigio asked as he looked Max up and down. Max just nodded stiffly.

At first, Grigio wants to scold Max all out, but the old man doesn't feel in the mood because his hobby was interrupted. He just gave a hand gesture to get Max out. Instead of leaving right away, Max was confused and just stand there. Grigio, who was become more annoyed, displayed a fierce expression and stomped one foot hard on the floor, making Max immediately run away.

After Max closed the door from the outside, Grigio leaned back against the work chair. His gaze was fixed on the ceiling, and his fingers intertwined. He can make use of Dovi's younger brother. It might still be difficult to fight Dovi head-on. Grigio did not know how many subordinate monsters Dovi had. So the existence of the little brother is very valuable.

Maybe it's true that they don't get along and Dovi wants to beat his younger brother. However, if the younger brother is kidnapped, then Dovi will be annoyed, right? Dovi's pleasure in challenging his younger brother was disturbed. Dovi would probably comply with the organization's request as long as his younger brother was left alone.

And if it turns out that Dovi still loves his little brother, that will be even better.

However, Grigio still saw a big problem. The organization didn't know where Dovi's younger brother was. Maybe they could find him with the resources at hand, but that would be too time-consuming. This was against the big boss's wish to sort this problem right away.

The only way to quickly lure Dovi's younger brother was to let one monster figure rampage in a public place. It seemed, that little brother had a crime-fighting spirit. He would definitely appear to fight the monster, just like a while ago.

Feeling that he had no choice, Grigio opened the video call application with his tablet. Not long after, he hooked up with his boss. Just like Grigio earlier, that old man with short black hair and a big nose is also wearing a headband with heart pictures and is holding a purple light stick.

"What's the matter, Grigio? I hope this is something really important. You just interrupted me watching the Seven Deadly Cuteness concert."

Swallowing hard, Grigio mustered up his resolve. He is sure this conversation will not be easy. "I want to convey some information that might benefit us, Sir. I already have plans to use this opportunity, but maybe I need some wisdom from the top."

The big boss raised an eyebrow.