
Spring. The flowers blossoms at their greatest occasionally falling to the ground creating a beautiful ambiance prefect for the peak of social season and where new trends would thrive. Eos being a Duke's daughter was expected to participate in the most important events and attend many parties by any influential figure. At the start of spring, the empress would organise the Spring Banquet to start off the social season as this was the prime time for social debuts for many of the newer nobles. Eos was now approaching the appropriate age to be able to have her debut so at the crack of dawn. She was awoken by her maids who were excited to dress their fairy-like master, "Miss! It's the day for the Spring Banquet!" Pulling the sheets off the young lady who shivered from the absence from the warm blanket that cocoons her every night, "Miss! We must prepare for such a momentous occasion," Eos dressed a night-time chemise was exhausted having read all night of romance novels that were a staple in any young female noble's room. Her small head bobbed at small intervals as she tried to wake up from her sleepy stupor that was fogging her mind making her unable to focus at the task on hand.

Her maid-in-waiting, Lisa Macowen, was slightly older than her was preparing the bath with a peppermint bath salt which released a fresh minty aromatic scent with a sweetness that lingered in the air. It was one of Eos's preferred bath salts. The perfectly warmed water gently cleared the fog that clouded Eos's mind leaving her completely refreshed, "How long will I have to be there?" Eos took a handful of water began letting it fall from her hands completely immersing her into the ripples that continued until the edges of the bath, dissipating completely as if it never happened.

After finishing her bath, "My Lady, you only need to stay until you danced at least three times." Lisa replied as she escorted Eos to return to her room where there were many hair accessories, dress, cosmetics and expensive perfumes. The scents of the cosmetics and expensive perfume caused Eos to grimace at the overpowering nature of such products. Lisa being quite the observant maid immediately removed the cosmetics and switched out the perfumes to herb infused oils.

Soon, numerous maids entered the room to help prepare Eos for her social debut to aid in such a momentous occasion was a honour for any servant especially since it was the Fairy of the Monciaux Dukedom. Soft maple beige hair that the sunlight would bounce from emulated an ethereal otherworldly aura that could only belong to a fairy. Accompanied by lime honeyed eyes that could pierced through a being but with eyelids that faced downwards would give off a softness that many couldn't achieve through facial cosmetics. A porcelain complexion with pale olive undertone bought a liveliness to the face. The person of such extraordinary appearance was none other than, Eos Monciaux, the Nymph of Monciaux Dukedom. Members of the Monciaux Dukedom are well-known for their fairy-like or elven beauty with their blondish hairs and golden eyes.

Legends are recorded that the Monciaux first ancestor had married a nymph who disguise themselves as human despite their differences and the opposition of their marriage. They were able to bear the fruit of their love. The first descendant of the Monciaux House who had the beauty of the nymph wife and the monstrous strength of the human husband. Soon, the blondish hair variants with golden eyes were the main trait of the Monciaux bloodline. Eos was no different having been blessed with the Monciaux traits and nymph-like beauty.

As she was dressed into a fresh forest green to emphasis her beautiful honey lime green eye that would sparkle among a flourishing garden. Golden accessories were added to accentuate her maple beige hair such as a golden barrette that was adorned with pearls. Pins with pearls were sparsely were added to the hair to make it seem like her hair was sparkling underneath the light of the sun. Her hair was intricately wrapped so that her hair seemed effortlessly done without much work done to it. To her face, Eos applied some rose water to give her skin a healthy glow. Her lips were reddened with a creamy but balmy lip product that was applied using a brush, a new innovative product that was introduced into high society. It was a bright red with some pink notes which would brighten her complexion, giving some colour to Eos's face.

Donning a bonnet that decorated with honeysuckles was similar to the dress was to compliment the spring theme for the Banquet, but it would also act as a protective shield from the sun so that she wouldn't get tanned and to maintain her pale complexion. The wealthy elite were able to remain inside which meant their pale which the much less wealthy or commoner often had work outside in an effort to have a living to survive for the next few days or weeks. It was something of like a badge of honour as it would mean that if you have a pale complexion you were wealthy. To Eos it was laughable since it was such a silly ideology that the paler the complexion the wealthier one was, "Lisa, how much more is needed to continue with this laborious task?" Rolling her neck to relieve the stiffness that plagued her neck from the late-night reading. The crack that loudly popped echoed through the room which worried the maids that were pampering her. Nevertheless, they continued with their duty to beautify their young miss.

Lisa then when to retrieve the forest green empire dress which was now in fashion society as women nowadays preferred the more comfortable dress and the more laid-back silhouette. But some people still preferred the pompous and extravagant nature of the Rocco-style dresses which were quite a nuisance to wear. It simply took too long to prepare such dresses and change into them for every party since they would take up so much space within the wardrobe. The transition of new trends was still ongoing but there has been a major shift to the softer silhouette.

Eos' dress was the vastly different shade to her eyes to make the green in her eye more prominent. There were rose gold trims to the edges, but it honestly made Eos itch whenever it brushes up against her leg. The pattern of the dress was to make it seem like she was a flower which was suitable for a banquet in spring which would most likely be held in a garden or something of the sort. As Eos exited her room to get to her carriage to get to the Spring Banquet. A young man stood at the bottom of the staircase, impeccable dressed in a black suit with rose gold accents which were the Monciaux Dukedom colour; only accentuate his most prominent features golden eyes and golden blonde hair, "We are going to be late, Eos." His reprimanded Eos who could only sigh internally at her brother who was annoyed at having to escort her to the debutante ball.

Eos elegantly bow towards her brother, "I apologise brother, I will make sure not to condone such tardiness," Her apology only seemed to make her brother furrow his eyebrows. He was more annoyed at Eos than before and he went out to the carriage before Eos. She was aided by the coachman who helped her into the carriage where her brother was already seated at the furthest corner. The time to dress up Eos took approximately the entire morning and that they had to rush to the carriage the reach to the Empress' Spring Banquet in time. Thankfully, Eos was about to make it to the venue in time to allow herself to mingle with some of her childhood friends. Her brother quickly left her alone so that he could meet up with his own friends whose families were close to her own whether it be friends, allies or business associates. The closest of her friends were Lilith Suveron; eldest daughter of a maquis house that had a military background, Courtney Boisgenas; youngest daughter of a Duke house that is famous for producing the finest of ladies with impeccable mannerism that often are married to royalty and Arachne Gineveron; the only child of a Viscount house known for their many highly demanded textiles that were imported from other countries because of their ties with merchants.

The Monciaux Dukedom is highly influential being second only to the royal family but what they are well known for are their ability to produce the high ranking officials that have served aplenty of well-known establishments including the royal palace. The majority of people who were able get some sort of relationship with the Monciaux family was through recommendation or already established relationship through family. Having contact with the Monciaux Dukedom was akin to have guaranteed success for the rest of your life. But, to Eos the Monciaux Dukedom had an exhaustive lifestyle that she would rather not have. She simply did not have enough energy for day to day responsibilities that she couldn't bother with other outside work which could have boosted up her reputation.

Removing the bonnet that struck to her hair whilst trying to maintain the hairstyle that the maid painstakingly tried to create was a difficult task but thankfully it didn't get too messed up, "Eos! You're late!" Arachne pouted since Eos was late to the Spring Banquet and could have missed out of the first round of dances that could have effected her social debut, "How is that you are so late?" Question the tired Eos who could barely suppress a yawn from having to wake up from the early hour to prepare yet she was still late. Arachne was a beautiful girl with the ability to become a femme fatale if she were the mature in the future with that ebony hair that shone beautiful in the sun and pale polished skin that was much unreal and it seemed she had no pores. The wine red dress that she would was quite a bold colour for the spring theme which emphasis her bold nature which was quite rare among women.

Another girl held an unfurled her fan covering the lower part of her face before tilting it to reveal her entire face to the group of girls, "It would be best that you arrive at least some time before the suggested time to mingle with the rest of the debutantes," Courtney gently sighed as she gave some advice for future formal events to the rest of the girls, "This is the best time to form some connections for the future," Pointing her white gloved hand at the few noticeable nobles that had the best chance of success from their recent achievements and their established social standing. Her icy white hair emphasis the goddess image that she imposed onto society without much effort which was complimented with baby blue dress with golden trims.

Lilith was fanning herself from the sweltering heat that was now pelting on them since the day had been advancing to afternoon, "I think it would be better for us to be under the shade that standing in the the sun like reptiles," Lilith began tying up her wavy black lock into a ponytail ruining the hairstyle that her maids tried to fix up during preparation of this day. Her olive skin glistened under the sun before they entered the shade that was created by the trees that were nearby. Her yellow dress accentuated her bright personality and amber eyes. There were some light munchies that people could eat waiting for the debutante ball to start but most of the people wouldn't eat them. But, Eos and Lilith both moved to the prepared platter of food that was left untouched meaning that all the food was free to be eaten without any restraint of certain snack running out. The both of them took a small plate where they filled up the plate with delicious snacks before returning back to the group, "Lets eat together," Lilith came back with an entire plate stacked with food especially meat with glistened with its own fats since it was a high grade meat being served at this party.

Eos handed forks to the other two who picked at a few bites on the three plates, "Lilith, I have no idea how you stomach to eat all of this." Courtney knew that eating now will help later in the day when the debutante ball would official start. Unfortunately, she had a weak stomach so digestion was much harder for her compared the rest so she would pick off some of the lighter snack on Eos' plate which had more variety which help ease the nausea.

Lilith began panicking as she watch Courtney complexion pale as the food that she had eaten was too heavy for Courtney, "Courtney, are you okay?" Worrying over the fact that Courtney was now getting sick. Arachne was also worried as she took out an embroidered silk handkerchief and patted off the sweat that could affect the makeup on Courtney's face.

Eos waved a server who was holding a tray filled with goblets filled with refreshment, "Are these non-alcoholic refreshment?" Politely enquired as she was about to grab two goblets from the tray. The server nodded affirming that the drink were non-alcoholic since the majority of attendees were underaged. Eos quickly took a goblet, one in each hand before handing it to Courtney and Lilith before grabbing another two for Arachne and herself to wash down the food that they had just eaten.

Courtney slowly sipped the water that was inside the goblet before her complexion had returned back to its healthy glow, "Thank you for your concern but I feel much better now," She adamantly stood up, fixing her momentary break from composure. Then their attention finally was captured by the announcer who declared the arrival of the Empress which would mean that it was the offical start of the debutante ball where everyone moved to the ballroom which shone beautifully. Golden decorations were the main continuous theme throughout the ball which showed off the vast amount of wealth that the royal family possessed. The light from the various source especially the chandelier which had crystal which the light refract through shining on the dance floor, illuminating the ballroom as he day was soon darkening. Soon music began playing, echoing throughout the dance hall. However, no one was brave enough to initiate the first dance.

Arachne, however, was apparently the only brave soul among the entire group of debutantes who were attending the ball. She callously took a random young man from the audience who was of some decent social standing. Then Courtney and Lilith were invited by some nobleman who asked for their hand to dance which they politely accepted before they joined Arachne on the dance floor and eventually the entire floor was filled with debutantes. Eos having a much more introverted personality quickly become a wallflower completely unseen by everyone which was something that she much preferred. She was the only to continue towards the table filled with catered food that no one was attempting to eat. Grabbing a plate and picking a few finger food so that she could maintain her energy levels before moving to one of the many balconies. Pulling at the rope that held the curtain separating the ballroom from the balcony gave some privacy.