
Eos remained on the balcony seeing that no one had invited her to dance was quite disheartening but after she finished eating. Leaving the privacy of the balcony, Eos signalled down a servant to tie up the curtain to allow for others to use the private space. Casually walking around the place, she could listen to parts of gossips which were relevant to her which was mostly of the more prominent noble families that her father was interested in. As she was mindlessly walking the perimeter of the ballroom, bumping into someone. A petite girl roughly around her height with strawberry blonde hair with a pastel pink dress with white trimming trembling in her shoes, "Are you okay?" Looking behind the girl was a much older gentlemen was prowling towards her, however, stopped in his tracks as he saw Eos holding the girl. Eos immediately understood the situation as the man was from a marquis house while the girl was from a baron house that recently bought their rank. Thankfully, this information was helpful since she was forced to memorise all the noble from old to new which she was alway up to date with, "I was trying to find you everywhere! I told you to stay close with me!" Taking the young girl's hand with her hand before directing her away from the man.

Eventually, Eos took the girl away from prowling man by using the crowds to lose him. As she was passing the table filled with food. Plating a few snacks and taking a drink before pulling the girl with her to a vacant balcony to give them some privacy, "Thank you for saving me back there." The trembling girl thanked Eos for her aid.

Eos then handed the plate to the girl who could only blink in confusion, "Eat something you are going to need the energy to last the day," She took out a handkerchief from a seamless hidden pocket that Arachne's store had meticulously sewn, "Even if you don't like the debutante ball is the best place to start to form connect with other nobles," Dabbing off the sweat from the girl's face so that it wouldn't affect her makeup put there was only some smudges of her makeup from her tears. Eos then went to fix her makeup by removing some of the unnecessary part to make it more suitable for her face.

The girl finally stopped her trembling, "I am Cybele Umber," She began getting flustered as she introduced herself, worrying about her poor etiquette skills. But to Eos it was a good starting point considering that most nobles that from child to form this perfect facade that they call perfection. Then Eos aided Cybele with corrections to her form to make it more closer to making her better because practice equals to perfection. As Cybele became more familiar to the form without the nee with too much correction from Eos then did her confidence rise a little bit. Then the two exited from the balcony with Cybele holding her head up from the little etiquette lesson from Eos, "Ah! I forgot to ask for your name so I can repay you one day." Cybele noble facade broke a bit before she began fixing herself.

Eos smiled at the cute girl, "I am Eos Monciaux," Introducing herself with a slight bow before Cybele became flustered having a Duke's daughter to teach her despite the disparity of their ranks, "There is no need to worry about rank unless the situation calls for it," Reassuring the flustered girl who then quickly calmed down. But, soon Eos' friends soon came and approached Eos laughing and giggling about dancing with aplenty of men startling the poor Cybele once again with such beauties which would probably be similar rank to Eos.

Arachne smiled at Eos before her eye line shifted to the cute girl that was beside Eos, "Who is this cute bunny that you have capture Eos?" Her eye ran up and down looking at the innocent and naive Cybele who instinctively hid behind Eos who was the only one who seemed to be an ally/mentor to her in this strange new world, "Are you going to introduce her to us?" Eos gently urged Cybele to practice her etiquette on her friends for practice so that she would get more experience.

Cybele then straightened herself up so that she would be able to properly introduce herself to these ladies, "I am Cybele Umber and I glad to formally meet on this night," Curtsied at the perfect angle with the right tone of voice to not seem too arrogant or humble but the perfect amount of dignity, "Lady Eos saved me from a precarious situation tonight and I owe her my gratitude," Clearly explaining how Eos and herself were acquainted tonight.

Then the three of the ladies giggling, "I guess we all have been saved by Eos one way or another," Courtney smiled as she reminisced about the first time they all were saved by Eos, But, Eos hid her blushing face from the four girls clearly been the saviour of all four of the girls from years prior to tonight which caused all of them to giggle at the blushing Eos, "Eos, would it be alright if we invited Lady Cybele to the tea party at your place next week?" Courtney politely requested Eos permission for Cybele attendance at the scheduled tea party to which Eos responded with a nod. Cybele was extremely grateful to be able to have a connection with these wonderful ladies who didn't judge her from the get go.

Lilith took a cup from the refreshment that a servant was serving on a tray to relieve her parched throat from dancing so much, "Have the both of you dance yet?" Those words instantly caused Eos to immediately look away a figure of mannerism that meant that she had not, causing all the girls to worry about her, "Eos, you need to dance with at least a few people." Her worry about Eos' inability to people made it hard for her to interact with people that she only made connection with the three and adding on with Cybele made them four. The majority of nobles at the debutante would have at least a dozen of people minimum at this time period. Then everyone began trying to find a partner for Eos to dance with tonight, all they needed was one male.

As the three girls were on the search to find Eos a partner leaving Cybele to guard Eos from escaping, "So? Have your danced with anyone yet?" Asking Cybele who nodded at her question confirming that even Cybele a shy person was able to dance with a few people. This only caused Eos to sigh in exasperated seeing that no one even wanted to attempt to dance with her. But, in fact it was the opposite, Eos, was in fact so beautiful that it intimidated people from approaching her, "I guess, I'm fated to be alone for the rest of my life." Eos jokingly stated as she gently fanned herself before closing her fan to press it on her lips.

Cybele quickly took Eos' hand into her own, "That wouldn't happen!" Her determined eyes expressed sincerity to Eos who appreciate Cybele's words, "I'm sure that you will be able to find someone who will cherish you for the rest of your life since you are extremely beautiful just like a fairy." Those words immediately caused Eos' heart to flutter with joy at her comforting words.

Eos playful patted Cybele nose which resembled a rabbit, "Don't worry about me so much," Her light chuckle caused Cybele to blush at embarrassment from her loud speech about Eos' beauty. But, Cybele's words were indeed heard by nearby noble by both debutantes and escorts which instantly caused everyone to compliment on the fairy-like beauty that Eos possessed. Soon, this was the starting point in which would cause a ripple in society. Dubbing her the Fairy of Monciaux Dukedom. As Eos was chatting comfortably Cybele about different matter such as the what specialties their house were known for to the most recent tabloid of scandals or achievement of notable nobles.

A light tap on her shoulder caught Eos' attention. As she turned around to see who was requesting for her attention was decently looking gentlemen who stood in front of Eos, holding out a hand to Eos, "May I have the pleasure to have a dance with you Milady?" Politely asking for her consent before attempting to dance with her. It was her first dance which was to be expected.

Eos smiled as she placed her hand in the man's hand, "You may," She placed her hand in the gentlemen's hand before he intertwined their hands together before he escorted her to dance floor. His left hand held her lower back supporting her while his right hand held Eos' free hand, "I forgot to ask but what is you name sir." Judging from his appearance he was slightly older than herself since the major of males attending the debutante had very pretty face that were still trying to outgrow their baby fat and most of them weren't quite as proper as this gentlemen when asking her for a dance.

He spun herself before spinning her back into his arms, "Caedman Bassett," As they continued dancing throughout the dance floor. The beautiful forest green fabric of Eos' dress flared and fanned in every direction when she danced completely captivating the eyes of everyone as the colour opposed every other bright floral colours that were popular among the debutantes, "My Lady, I do wonder why would people want to draw attention on themselves during the debutante ball yet you decided to remove yourself?" His sultry voice poured in Eos' ear like sweetened honey which was pleasant to listen to but his words completely caught her but instead of showing him her surprise at this question. As they continued the dance, chatting with each other exchanging words with each other. His bright orange hair veiled his ocean blue eyes which gently lulled her into its depths however Eos was easily able to break their eye contact without might effort.

Eos herself unknowing entranced him with her own eyes drowning him in a onslaught of her honeyed lime eyes which had the glaze of a gemstone, "Sir Bassett, people are quite fickle in high society; the ever changing nature of the court is quite overwhelming for a noble who has just be debuted is that right?" Releasing a suppressed chuckle under her breathe before she closed her eye allowing the gentlemen full control of their movements, "I should suggest that you hide your traces better Sir Bassett before they catch on." Releasing him from his trance before the song end, therefore, ending their time together. Eos' then quickly made her exit from the floor which she was then bombarded with men who were waiting to have a dance with her. Being overwhelmed she was quickly swept away by her close friends.


The five of them then closed themselves off from everyone once they took another vacant balcony that could fit all of them. Lilith and Eos fell on top of the couch that was provided, kicking of their shoes to alleviate the painful sores on their feet and achilles, "This is too much for me," Lilith began rubbing her sore feet that had stood and danced for hours without rest, "I want to go home and sleep," They were all equally tired from tonight and wanted to rest for the night before they would start getting invites from other noble families now that were officially now independent nobles.

Arachne forehead scrunched up in annoyance hearing the loud music and people in the dancing hall, "I believe that Eos' house is the closest out of the all of us," The four of them looked at Eos for confirmation to be able to stay at her residence for the night to relieve them of the tiring night and their foot sores. Their beautiful eyes pierced through Eos' conscience who couldn't refuse her friends.

Eos sighed as she gave into them, "Alright, I shall prepare rooms and clothing you the four of you tonight," Pulling the curtain out of the way which let in a stream of light illuminate the balcony giving the a magical effect on the fairy like Eos who only gave them the light of her kindness which was overwhelming, "But, I will arrange messengers to inform your houses that you four will be staying for the night." The five all walked with each other to Eos' carriage. Then Eos asked for a servant from the palace to contact all the coachmen from her friends respective houses to send the message.

Soon the familiar family carriage that had a rose gold embellishments with the house insigna placed at the door and the back, "Young Miss, is the young master not going returning back to the estate with you?" The girls quickly filled the carriage with Courtney, Lilith and Arachne sitting on one side while Cybele sat directly opposite to them.

Eos smiled at them before flicking out her fan covering the bottom half of her face with eyes smouldering at the coachmen, "You have been with the Monciaux Dukedom for many years yet you still don't know what the Young Master does every time he comes out?" The coachman immediately understood her words and immediately settled in his seat to drive out from the Palace waiting for Eos to enter the carriage, "Just have another carriage sent to the Palace to pick the Young Master later in the early morning." Her nonchalance was something that she kept with the servants and it surprised the girls to see such a side of Eos which they hadn't seen before. Eos managed to break out of it quickly before she release a sigh which she had unknowing suppressed from the stress of family. As she entered the carriage holding the handle for support and heaving to bring herself into the carriage took out more energy than she originally thought.

The carriage bumped up and down from the rocky terrain from the cobblestone flooring of the streets ad this continued until they reached the over towering gates that lead to the Monciaux estate in the capital. As the carriage reached the entrance of the house, Eos was welcomed by the family servant along with her own personal maid, "Prepare sleepwear and the room nearby to my own," Eos returned her nonchalant nature quickly to deal with the servants who were behaving extremely well as the current moment since she had guest. The servants quickly dispersed to follow her commands. To which Lisa quickly attended to the ladies be bathed and preparing comfortable nightwear for them to wear. After the girls finished their bath, dressed in fresh sleepwear that was made of imported rose gold dyed silk that was made from Arachne's family.

Everyone then grouped in Eos' room talking about random events and gossip that was popular but then a knocked echoed in the room to which Eos responded with confirmation. Lisa entered to room holding a shawl, "The Lord has asked for your presence, My Lady," Her voice trembled fearing for Eos who smiled as she took the shawl from Lisa's arm.

Eos then turned to the girl wearing a smile, "The four of you continue," Closing the door behind her leaving Lisa behind to take care of them while she deal with the lord of Monciaux Dukedom. The smile quickly disappeared with unsettling speed. As Eos continue to her destination two figures stood in the distance; two middle aged man. One was the head butler that was responsible for estate in the capital while the other was a black haired man that had the familiar lime green eyes that Eos possessed. Since the office to the lord was in direction where the two men were talk which she would have to pass them but the butler was now leaving. The two individuals were left in the corridor staring at each other, "Fath- I mean Good Evening Lord Ferdinand," Eos quickly corrected her error however the tension in between them was awkward.

The middle aged man had a tender look in his eyes before a flash of sorrow glazed over his eyes as he placed his hat on chest before, "You too, Young Miss." The two could only stare at each other with melancholy as the situation between the Monciaux Family was very delicate, "I must be going now since my wife is quite ill." Bowing at Eos before leaving the estate leaving behind a silhouette of himself at the door.

Eos felt a pang of uneasiness well into her heart but she quickly suppressed. Suppress everything. Be patient. Finish with the task that you were entrusted with then will you be able to leave.