Possible Union

From the huge spotlight on the possible kindling between the heir of the Monciaux Dukedom but also the eldest daughter of the Umber family was a gossip of high society and the common folk. Many of nobility was unappeased about a half noble joining the ranks while the common folk found it as a conversation sparking of a romance between two people from different social status.

Cybele was seated in front of Eos and Courtney who was trying to help polish up her etiquette skills so that she would be able to stand on the same playing field as the rest of noble ladies, "Is this the correct way?" Her form was decent, but it did need quite bit of polishing to get her to minimum standard to qualify as a noble lady. The rest of the group was doing other activities where both Arachne and Lilith were exercise together albeit it for different reasons; one to tone her body while the other preparing for the military academy entry exams respectively. Eos, on the other hand, was formulating exam papers for Silas who was probably at a business meeting with the duke to assist.

A devastated sigh escaped from Courtney's lips who was straighten out Cybele posture using a ruler to lift her chin, "No, your posture must be like a vase completely straight but shows and accentuates the figure." Starting from the beginning at their age wasn't impossible but noble ladies at their age were conditioned from young to conduct themselves in a certain way that it was expected for them. Courtney couldn't blame Cybele; her etiquette and knowledge of noble would be decent for any noble woman. However, the way that she conducted herself and her posture were unacceptable since it would make Cybele seem like a country bumpkin amongst the noble ladies, "Show more confidence in yourself since you are now a noble, now again starting from the beginning." Cybele nodded as she began from just standing, straightening out posture with her head held high. Courtney lightly adjusted Cybele posture as they continued from standing to curtsying to introduction and greetings.

Arachne and Lilith applauded Cybele who beamed at their praises. Courtney grinned at Cybele who immediately shuddered at her smile sensing a foreboding lesson, "Now, we will commence with dancing lessons." Courtney gestured to Lilith who groaned at having to do formal ballroom dancing but complied as it would benefit Cybele, "Lilith and I shall demonstrate the waltz to you and after you will dance." As the two girl's hand intertwined with each other as they began dancing the waltz. The performance was elegant, however, the terrain unstable from all the small pebbles which inevitably caused Courtney's heel to slip. The momentum of the fall would cause injuries, but Lilith quickly went to break Courtney's fall only to cause her to strain her back.

Cybele, Eos and Arachne rushed over to their fallen friends, "Lisa, call for the doctor quickly!" Despite the chaos that ensued from the accident Eos still was levelled headed enough to be able to seek help from the servants around. Cybele attended to Courtney who had sprained her ankle whilst Arachne attended to Lilith who had strain her back though not life threatening it would affect her training. After a few minutes the in-house doctor arrived with the assistant following close behind who immediately went to attend to the injuries girls which was quick and efficient.

Courtney and Lilith sat out for the duration of their tea party, "Cybele, even if Lilith and I are injured and unable to physically teach you." Courtney was seated at the table where Eos who had finished making the exam and was reading the new book that was in her hands, "You can still learn how to dance though it would be better if you have a partner." It was like Courtney had some sort of magic that the Duke and Silas returned from the business meeting. Upon seeing Cybele, Silas began walked towards the group's direction as the girl began cooing with laughter while Cybele began panicking.

Fiddling with her hair to help her anxiousness, "The perfect dancing partner has arrived for our dear Cybele." Arachne teased the shy girl who was not used to so much attention whilst Cybele blushed at the attention being focused on her especially from Silas, "Young Master Silas would you do the honours of being a dance partner for sweet Cybele." Arachne offered to the stunned young man who smiled at Cybele before taking her hand in his own personally teaching her the waltz under the guidance of Courtney who was acting as a timer. The young couple was dazed in their own world, the courtyard surrounded by beautiful flora, as their own ballroom. Cybele was absolutely glowing like a beautiful flower finally blossoming like an azalea.

Arachne, Lilith and Courtney were giggling amongst themselves watching someone in the group possibly in a progress of being a couple. Eos quietly admired the young couple, however, the butler approached her. As he whispered in her ear, releasing a shallow breath. Eos quietly excused herself from the table as she directed herself to the estate trying to leave the courtyard without too much commotion. Eventually, Eos was faced with the duke in his office. The silence between them was deafening as neither of them initiated to start a conversation but the duke sat as his chair, "Now that your brother has finally decided to act like the heir." His critical eyes stared down at Eos with contempt before staring down the window that had the view of the courtyard, "I want you to look into the Second Prince and Bastard Prince activities specifically look into any possible militia activity." The duke shooed Eos away as he began looking at the new documents from today's business meeting.

This would be the opportunity Eos was looking for to gauge out the forces in very faction in the empire including the possibility of foreign or domestic factions that are dwelling in hiding. Simply placing the two factions of the Crown Prince and Bastard Prince combined with the disproportionate power of each sector in the Empire could result in a civil war, something that the Empire can't afford. No empire from any dynasty could afford a civil war. There were so many unknown factors that could contribute to the Empire's future. Fortunately, this report would make her able to have more free time on her hands as it acts as a vacation for her.


However, as soon the word was spread to her friends, they immediately took Eos out to parties, dressing up and eating at artisan cafes. The sun was beaming the groups who were wearing cute dresses at a specialty cafe chain which was selling delicious desserts and pastries. A waiter came over to their table which was filled with delicious looking drinks and desserts which everyone began sharing comparing each other's order of dessert with each other, "I love this cafe in house dessert." Arachne relished in the subtle sweetness of the short cakes that had an airy sponge that was layered with an almond infused cream which was topped with glazed strawberries that were fresh, "Apparently, the pastry chef that own this alleyway cafe was offered the position of royal patisserie, but they refused." They all stared at the handsome chef who was making more desserts, piping decorative cream on a custom cake that was so pretty that it could easily be mistaken for a piece of artwork.

Eos plunged her fork into the soft sponge of the peach mousse cake that she orders. The beautiful clean intersection of the sponge, mousse and peach filling was pleasing to the eye as it entered her mouth. The sweetness of the peach infused sponge was subtle with the hint of vanilla shadowing behind which was mousse, balancing the flavours. The chai tea that accompanied the cake was mixed with milk to give a creamy flavour but there were some lingering aromas or spices as well. This cafe had resources stemmed into other empires just from the sweets they were eating; the peaches and chai tea are from the Eastern Empire. The pastry chef probably exchanged the position of royal patisserie for resource connections in other countries.

Even the serving vessels that the desserts were placed in were not something most ordinary people could afford, "So, everyone how do you like the desserts here?" Arachne curious of the group's opinion of this specialty cafe. Everyone had good reviews of the place including Eos who rarely went on outings; but thankfully Arachne was very familiar with the capital, so she also has recommendations for unique restaurants and cafes. She was known to test out new shops for their merchandise and if she liked them; then she would recommend them to other ladies at tea parties. The many small business such as this cafe who were recommended would boom in popularity as Arachne was known to be very particular about her recommendations.

Cybele and Lilith relished in the dishes that they were served as they continued to order more dishes to try out the other flavours and desserts. Courtney and Eos ordered some beautiful, chilled drinks that had an assortment of colours and flavoured with the same exotic fruits. The chilled tea was sweet fruity aftertaste after the strong malty flavours of the tea which was decorated with cute small flowers. As soon as the group had finished the delicious food did, they decided to wander around the capital to buy something novel; Eos paid for today's meals. Lilith was giggling at the front of the group as she stared at the entertainers in the plaza, "Any recommendations for something fun to do later this month?" The group stared the chuckling Arachne who smirked at Lilith's suggestion. Right now, it was the cool down period for the social season, so the girls had more time on their schedules especially Eos.

Arachne spun around as her eye sparkled with mischief, "I know that there is a festival at this beautiful village with jacarandas with plenty of activities, delicious food and specialty wine." Lilith and Cybele eyes brightened at the thought of a festival where they could disguise as common folk for the duration of the festival.

Both Arachne and Courtney stared at Eos who chuckled, "It's within the Monciuax region so I could be the guide for the duration of the festival." The group agreed for the festival meet up seeing as it would be something to occupy their time during the off season. Soon the group separated, returning to their family except for Eos. Her destination was the fountain in the middle of the plaza where there was plenty of people were lounging around; especially children who were kicking their feet in water. A small children approached her, handing her a folded piece of paper which was tied into a knot, "Thank you, my dear." Eos smiled at the boy before reaching into her pocket for her purse which she retrieved out a silver coin to hand to the boy whose eye were shocked before he ran off. She unwrapped the paper knot revealing the contents of the paper to see some interesting new about the Second Prince who was looking into people of interest especially of neutral parties whether they be from common birth or noble birth.

It wasn't that surprising since that would be normal for people in power to recruit as many talents as possible to be able turn the tide in favour. But there was more as a woman carrying a basket filled with a beautiful assortment of flowers that were brimming full of lovely scents that overpowered each other. The flower was reminisced of the shape of a butterfly wing as it had a beautiful deep violet colour, "A secret admirer wanted to send this flower to you." The woman had a wary disposition of wanting to give a monkshood flower because of its ominous meaning tied to the flower. Eos smiled as she took the flower with gratitude but before the woman left, she slipped a folded piece of paper into Eos' hand, "A message for you, godsend, my lady." She immediately went to the plaza to attract people to her merchandise acting as if it was a normal day for her.

Surprisingly, Eos had reports from two of her informants which was highly unusual especially with the Monkshood attached to it. Monkshood had the meaning of danger lurking about. As she unfolded the paper in her hand, a displeased expression was evident. Eos immediately rushed over to the nearest carriage rental where she ordered a coachman to take her to the Monciaux Dukedom, "My Lady, you have returned." The head butler politely welcomed her back home as he finished attending to a junior servant, "Shall I have someone call for Lisa to aid you for a bath?" He suggested to help her refreshing from being out for so long.

However, shook her head, "Can I have you bring in the financial documents of the Dukedom sent over to me later?" She continued to her designated path. There was a task that only Lisa could achieve that Eos wanted her to do since she was a trusted ally.

Eos rushed over to Lisa who immediately greeted her, "My Lady, did you enjoy your outing today?" But she immediately knew that something upset the lady as her mood was quite gloomy. She went to brew some calming tea for the young lady seeing as her mood wasn't good.

Eos sighed as she pinched the area between her eyebrows, "Lisa, I need you to help out my mother who had been in weak health," The concern over her weak mother's health has also been a worry for Eos since both her father and she have been working and cannot spare time to care for her health. Despite her mother's protest of needing a caretaker Eos still had reservation, "This will only be a temporary position until I can find a suitable caretaker." Lisa was stunned to say the least.

However, despite knowing that she would be leaving Eos with having to deal with insignificant daily task, "I shall fulfil this duty as best as possible." But Lisa knew that Eos placed a huge significant on her parent's wellbeing even if they couldn't be together often.