Lovely Hospitality

Lisa was sitting in the carriage; completely anticipating the meeting with her lady's birth parent who seem like generally nice people judging from her ladyship's personality. The scenery of the beautiful forest was quite beautiful despite the pelting heat in summer, but her eyes were immediately stunned by the vibrant purple foliage of jacaranda that this region of the Monciaux Dukedom was famous for. Lisa was excited to spend her time in such a beautiful place, "Don't you think this town is quite beautiful?" Turning her attention to the apprentice doctor who was accompanying Lisa for the duration of her day and onwards.

However, he was mumbling about as he was looking at his notebook. Biting his finger, frantically as he was assigned to this quaint town since he was so use to the capital lifestyle. He also had to travel with the same maid that made him lose focus whilst doing measurement and made a huge mess in the office, "Yea." He answered halfheartedly as he continued to skim through the notebook in his lap trying to memorise notes.

Lisa, however, being the talkative person wanted to talk to new people. Both her ladyship and this apprentice that was looking at his notebook were both preferred a quiet environment. she could only bide her time by looking at the scenery, but it would soon get boring quickly, "Since we will be working together temporary in this town," Giving her signature professional nature as she extended her arm to the assistant, "So, let's get to know each other." The apprentice closed the book that he was holding behind shaking her hand which immediately made Lisa joyous over the small progress of their co-worker relationship.

Upon arriving at the mansion that was up to the most scenic spot in the town with jacarandas at full bloom in midst of the summery heat as they fluttered down to the ground, providing a bluish-purple blanket on the ground. Both Lisa and the assistant exited the carriage, "Welcome! Welcome! You must be weary from the long travel from the capital." They were immediately invited in by a middle-aged couple which they gave them accommodation in the mansion that they were living in.

Lisa immediately greeted the couple with a smile, "You must be Lisa, correct?" Instantly receiving a welcoming hug. The woman beamed as she looked behind Lisa to see the other person behind her, "You are Helios?" She wanted to confirm they were the people she was expecting to come today. The both nodded as they were settling their belongings into the new dwelling for the mean time the owners of the home offer hospitalities and prepared a feast to make sure the two of them could live here.

Lisa was marvelling over all the furnishings of the house, "You have a wonderful house." As she was being shown around the mansion which was directed by her ladyship's mother who was very beautiful. Her ladyship definitely inherited the appearance and beauty from her mother whilst she had similar mannerism to her father. Both parents were quite the lookers despite their age and Lisa could only imagine what they look like in their prime.

The mother chuckled lightly, "Yes, it's very wonderful." As she paused in the hallway to look at the beautiful architecture of the house, "My daughter made sure that the house was comfortable for my husband and I." Though her upbringing with her parents was short it was still inherent that their teaching was strongly instilled into her. It didn't take that long for them to settle down to the quaint town and adjust to their surroundings. Lisa was assuming her role as a caretaker for her ladyship's mother, and she began coordinating alongside the assistant who was the one to diagnose and prepare prescriptions to alleviate some of the ladyship's mother symptom.

Cold weather aggravated the missus' condition, so blankets and warm clothes were required to keep the body temperature stable. Her diet prior to Lisa arrival was already good but the assistant added more nutritious rich food to help improve her constitution. Light exercise was also incorporated to help the strengthen the body. Whilst undergoing these regiment to aid in her health, the lady's husband also participates to partake along with her. The two always enjoyed each other's company like they were newlyweds.

The days quickly passed by as it soon became much chillier as the summer was coming to an end which would mean that the care would need to of upmost priority to ensure the missus' health. The ladyship's mother was doing the morning laundry alongside Lisa who was adamant of her staying in bed to recuperate her health, however, she could compete with the missus who was equally adamant on helping since it would be considered as a form of exercise. Hanging the laundry for the day was done quick with the two of them doing it, however, Lisa made the lady's go indoor to warm her body up from the chilly morning.

Lisa bundled her up in blankets nearby a heat to bring back her temperature back to normal and she was immediately met with Helios who was taking care of her medication. The medication was one of the best which was the most effective compared to the missus' previous medication according to the missus who was much more lively compared to their initial meeting. The couple were going out to the town to commerce the town meeting for the upcoming festival which was bound to have lots of villagers and people from outside would participate. Lisa and Helios also joined the meeting inputting some idea of their own since they were from the capital and didn't have much of an idea of the festival culture.

The meeting soon concluded with the people of the villager already having a pretty solid plan for the festival and thus the preparations began. The couple were doing some shopping in the town square, mingling with the people who came up to them. Lisa was quite excited to be in the town square after being in the house for the duration of her stay here in this village, "Helios, do you want to buy some souvenir for when you return back to the capital?" Pointing at a shop that was selling cute trinkets for various occasions.

Helios shook his head, "I don't have any family members or a lover." Responding monotonous as he looked into the notebook that he always carried around with him. He went to the nearest jacaranda tree, drawing the tubular shape of the flower which had a mildly sweet honey scent to them. It was soon about to end it flowering period and would go into dormancy as few flowers lingered on the branches of the tree. But as they fell to the ground and rot as they become crushed against the weight of people's feet the scent completely changes. Almost pungent like a musk of an animal.

Nevertheless, it was a lovely flower, the jacaranda, representing wisdom, rebirth, wealth and good luck. A flower that truly embodied the lady. A single blossom fell into Lisa's hand who was surprised to able to catch the pretty flower which, "Did you catch the flower with your right hand?" A random child saw Lisa catch the jacaranda flower while he was playing with his friends and Lisa nodded her head, "You're so lucky! My teacher said that if you catch that flower with your right hand, you can have good luck for the rest of your life!" The children enviously stared at the fallen blossom that was in Lisa hand seeing that there wasn't many flowers left on the tree.

Lisa chuckled at the young group of children, "Don't worry you have the next spring to be able to catch a flower yourself." Reassuring the children's eye which were highly anticipation the next spring season to be able to catch a flower for themselves. A sound of a bell rung throughout the village signalling that it was midday, and the children were quickly told to return back inside to eat lunch, "It's time for lunch! Let's go!" Lisa quickly pulled Helios in tow as she looked for a restaurant. Helios could only be pulled only as he was also looking forward to eating lunch since he was hungry.

The both of them settled in a small restaurant which used the local produce to make their dishes which looked incredibly delicious. Their prices were affordable that even students were able to eat out at this restaurant. Their bags filled with books were situated nearby their feet as they dine in this restaurant which was quite filled but there was enough seating for both Lisa and Helios. Menus were given to them as they contemplate about the dishes that they would have for lunch which was swift since they were given recommendations by the other patrons of the shops knew that the both of them weren't familiar to the area.

After they ordered their food, waiting. Helios took out a book from his book reviewing the content. The cover was simple in nature, but it was a highly praised herbal medical book that was hard to come by because it was written by a commoner so the number of copies were limited. Helios was one of the lucky people to have a copy for himself and he cherished it very much, "No way! You have the Herbal Medicia Book." This immediately caused the few students who were in the restaurant to immediately stare at Helios who plainly nodded. Thus, this began a discussion between the few students who knew the infamous book in the medical literature world. The young students were quite enthralled by being in the presence of such a book as the few students who were interested in the same field couldn't dream of having the book for its rarity and its price.

The waitress placed their meal down and the students stopped bothering them so that they would be able to eat in peace. Helios for once didn't have a monotone facial expression as a huge grin was plastered on his face having had a discussion with those students. It was a nice expression that Lisa was pleased to see as he wasn't quite excited to come to this village. They enjoyed some small talk while they ate their food though most of the time Lisa was just listening to Helios talk. His breathing voice was quite soothing as it put Lisa in a good mood.

After they finished their meal, "You two enjoyed yourselves?" They met up with the ladyship's parents who were quite happy strolling around the town especially the ladyship's mother. Lisa nodded while gave a quiet confirmation from Helios who was quite enjoyed today. The same group of students that were from the restaurant rushed over to Helios who instantly peaked up, "I see you have met the students from the Academy." The student immediately greeted the couple before they continued discussing with Helios.

Lisa though was curious about the academy that the ladyship's mother mentioned, "The landlord created this school for both children and young adults alike to able to pursuit a career outside of this village." Lisa knew that her ladyship was the landlord governing this part of the Monciaux domain and she had a vague idea of the village having an education system. But, she never knew that the implementation that her ladyship had placed in order for this village to prosper. A warm feeling swelled within her chest as she felt her ladyship was the most benevolent person despite the monotonous mask she donned.

The slight gush of wind gentle blew against her skin; it was warm, but it wasn't cold. Lisa held her hair down from the hair trying to stop it from blowing into her face, "This is a beautiful village for the ladyship to have grown up in." The last few jacaranda flowers that were left on the tree had fallen. Autumn has come as last.


Eo sighed as the carriage was filled the rest of the group as they were all dressed as normal girls, "Eos, what does the festival entails that progress throughout the week?" Courtney asked she tried to keep her composure of being a duke's daughter seriously however everyone could tell that she was very nervous. It was her first festival, so she had no idea what to expect out of a festival and didn't know how to behave.

Everyone chuckled at the rarely seen nervousness of the poor girl, "First off, try to loosen up a bit." Eos suggested as she stretched herself as the village was in sight and the girls immediately were greeted by a beautifully decorated village with wreathes of foliage hanging across the entire village, "Everyone that comes here are welcomed as long as you have fun." All the girls exited the carriage which was filled with the scents of food. The fresh air assaulted their lungs as they took in the view of a celebratory day completely immerse in the energy of the people in the village greeting them with smiles and free food samples.

The girls especially; Cybele, Lilith and Arachne rushed into the festival full speed ready to have fun. Eos stayed with Courtney to keep her company so that she wouldn't get overwhelmed, "Are all festivals like this?" Her eye lit up with amazement as the scene of the festival blew her away. Eos nodded as she led Courtney through the festival where they had to navigate through the huge crowd of people. They soon arrived at a meat skewer stall which was selling freshly cooked meat skewers accompanied by condiments that were sourced from local produce.

The vendor smiled as they saw Eos being accompanied by a friend, "My Lady! You have returned and with friends, I see." The vendor began cooking up some more skewers where they handed the skewers with some soup to help warm the body, "Enjoy the rest of the festival!" The vendor waved before serving the other customers who were waiting for their skewer. Eos held the hot skewer up to Courtney's mouth so that she could take a bite and when she did. She managed to burn her tongue from the sheer hot meat.