Recommendation of Safety

A letter from her ladyship came from the mail stating that there was a new caretaker coming to the Ferdinand house. This meant that Lisa would go back to the Monciaux Dukedom to continue her duties as her personal maid. After a week from that letter, the caretaker was a middle-aged lady who was widowed who was placed in permanent residence that wasn't too far from the Ferdinand residence so if there was an emergency there easily be able to aid her. Her credentials made her a better candidate than Lisa to be taking care of the Ladyship's ailing mother which was a benefit.

As soon as the caretaker was able to come to the residence. Lisa could return to the Monciaux Dukedom. However, Helios was not returning with her, "I much prefer this place over the Monciaux Dukedom." He was arranging his laboratory which was stocked filled with many medicines for the simplest of cold to more sophisticated illness such as the Madam of the house, "After the festival I had already sent in my resignation letter." Prepping for new medicine for the Ladyship's mother whose health was increasingly getting better over the time he had been administering her medicine.

Lisa smiled seeing as Helios was happy to stay here to work since her ladyship's parents were quite the amazing employers with good pay, accommodation and many vacation days, "It's good that you found a place where you enjoy working at!" Though Lisa would miss their daily conversation about random things especially when he would go in rambling mode into the most random topics of botany including plants, their properties and specialized equipment to extract essential oils. Though she didn't fully understand the topic itself she found herself enjoying about the subject of plants which she wanted to use to benefit her ladyship who would appreciate the aromatherapy for stressful days,

Lisa walked out of the laboratory carrying her huge luggage behind her, but it was quickly taken out of her hands, "Let me take it for you." Helios effortlessly heaved the luggage with his arm as he walks beside Lisa who happily trotted beside him. He packed the luggage into the carriage before helping Lisa into the carriage, "I will be coming back to the capital at the beginning of each month to get some supplies." Helios stated as he turned his head away unwillingly bashful to look at Lisa. His neck and ears easily turned red despite his face being completely neutral.

Lisa smiled as she hopped into the carriage, "Do you want to meet up then?" Inquiring as she looked at the blushing man who could directly tell her about his intentions with meeting her at the beginning of each month so that they could meet with each other. He nodded as he waited for Lisa to sit properly in the carriage where he closed the door watching the carriage leave before returning to the mansion to resume his work.

Eos impatiently walk back and forth for the carriage which was sent out to bring Lisa back. Lisa was one Monciaux Dukedom's servant to have taken care of her since young and take her side. So, Lisa was a very important person in terms of people she trusted and cared about. As soon as she saw the same carriage which she had sent at midday come through the gates of the Monciaux Dukedom. Eos immediately went to outstretch her neck to see whether Lisa was inside which she was, "Lady Eos!" Lisa came out of the carriage as Eos quickly approached Lisa before grasping her hands into her own hands, "My Lady, I have returned." Lisa was very amused by her ladyship clumsy ways of excitement of her return.

Lisa quickly adjusted back to her old routine to serve her ladyship with a calming bath with some bath salts, "I miss the bath that you always make for me." Eos laid in the bathtub with sweet peppermint bath salt that had already dissolved into the water. The salt would hydrate her skin giving her a soft glow to her after she finished her bath. Lisa also applied some light oil to nourish the hair as well as soften it giving her ladyship's hair a beautiful shine to her maple beige, "My Lady would it be alright if you try my blend of beauty water?" Lisa fidgeted as she held a cyclical glass bottle filled with a pale-yellow liquid contained within.

Eos smiled as she lifted her chin up as she closed her eyes, "By all means." This was all the approval which Lisa would need from her ladyship to use her formulation of beauty water. The blend used chamomile flowers and mint which would sooth the skin from irritation which was especially goof for any skin type especially sensitive skin.

Eos felt a cooling sensation as Lisa's hand glided across her skin which instantly hydrated her skin from within was quickly accompanied by some moisturiser to lock in hydration, "It smells really good." The mirror reflected the dewiness of her skin as well making some blinding glow that even Eos was surprised, "This is certainly a very effective product." Eos was marvelling at her own reflection as her skin though already beautiful became flawless as it glowed. The beauty water eventually seeped into her skin giving her a soften glow. Lisa was very proud of her beauty water which would soon become a staple in Eos' beauty routine for the rest of her life.


Eos' routine returned to normal as Lisa adapted herself back into her role as Eos' personal maid. Life was good for the mean time. An invitation from Lady Bassett arrived in her invitation which piqued Eos' attention since they had only met once from the tea party. But she decided to indulge the young lady and accepted the invitation for a private meeting. The dress she donned was simplistic to say the least; it was an off-white dress with an haute bodice which was connected to a skirt which would flow along with her whenever she walked. It had a meshy overlay that was like the iridescent material, which was signature in her all Penni's dress, but it wasn't too flashy since this was just a private invitation.

The sleeves separated at her uppermost part of her arm where it would be hung as the length of it reached her thighs, "My Lady! You look absolutely beautiful!" The shoulder section was embroidered with a green gold thread emulating wings along with some fine line purple thread which depicted jacarandas. It was very much a fairy-esque dress which Eos didn't mind since fashion trends wasn't something that she particularly up to date with. This was only possible because she had access to one of the best tailors in the capital in her opinion, her family position in society but as well as her VIP status in Arachne's family shops. Lisa prepared her appearance with the beauty water and some light makeup.

Her hair was just put into a high ponytail which was simply tied with green ribbon. Eos rode in a carriage to the destination of the Bassett's mansion which paled in comparison to the Monciaux mansion but it had more of a cosy feeling. Lisa would also accompany Eos to her trip to the Bassett mansion as it a lady would be required to have a servant follow them into a private invitation. Servants were the immediate welcome to the Bassett mansion, but Eos was quickly greeted by the Lady Bassett who was quite the upbeat person, "Lady Monciaux! Wait, are you more comfortable with Eos?" She immediately become nervous about what to address Eos.

Eos giggled at the adorable girl, "Whatever is comfortable for you." As she followed behind the servant who led them to an outside gazebo which was quite a quaint little spot into the garden which was accompanied by some climbing greenery "Your family has quite a beautiful garden." Eos complimented as she looked around the scenery which was carefully curated flowers and hedges to decorate the garden. Lady Bassett was overjoyed by the fact that Eos had complimented the family's garden.

For the rest of the tea party the two ladies had discussed about etiquette, social rules, and hierarchy. It was mainly Lady Bassett asking the question well as Eos answering them or giving a small lecture about certain topics. It was quite the enlightening talk for Lady Bassett who was still new to the social world of nobility and hadn't been too exposed to the social rules which weren't taught but learnt through interactions, "Lady Eos, I wouldn't be able to reciprocate all the things you have taught me today." To Lady Bassett, Eos was the epitome of an upstanding noble.

Eos chuckled as she the naive girl thought she was someone to admire when in fact she wasn't too active in the social but active enough to be relevant, "I'm not anyone to admire but I do know that there are many other ladies who are much more active than I am." Eos admitted knowing that there was no need for her to talk in a roundabout way to the young girl since they were in an informal setting.

Lady Bassett shook her head trying to dismiss Eos comment to degrade herself, " No, No, Lady Eos you are one of the few people who have helped me," She took up Eos hand into her own hands who were even smaller than her which was surprisingly to Lady Bassett who had very similar sized hands, "You even have been teaching all this time, yet you are busy." She was extremely grateful to Eos who was known for her minimal appearance at parties because of her hectic schedule working at the Monciaux Dukedom replacing the Madame who recently had a manic break.

After having their conversation, they were interrupt by the sound of a dog bark. Bernese Mountain Dog came rushing towards the two of them with it jumping on top of Eos who was shocked to say the least, "Lady Eos! Are you okay?" It began licking her face as she chuckled as she heaved the huge dog off herself, "Teddy! Off!" A familiar called out to the dog or went to sit next to the fallen Eos who dusted off the dog hair that clung to her dress, "I hope Teddy didn't tussle you too much." It was a shame that the dress was dirty, but it was worth it to see such a cute and fluffy dog.

Eos chuckled as she patted the big dog on the head, "It was quite surprising to have a huge dog jump on me." She cupped the dog's face into her hand before shaking Teddy's face side to side, "But I don't mind being jumped by such a cute dog." Teddy titled his head so that he could lick Eos' hand which tickled her slightly. His floppy ears made Eos' squeal in delight as the cute display.

Caedman chuckled watching Eos fawn over Teddy, "I never took you as the dog lover type." He went to unbuckle the collar around Teddy's neck so that he could play in the garden. However, Lady Bassett began to bicker with her older brother about Teddy jumping on Eos. Caedman was accompanied by another person, Casimir, who was Eos who recognized so while the Bassett siblings were blissfully unaware. Eos placed a finger on her lips signalling to Casimir not to speak of their meeting which he nodded. He fully complied with her wishes to remain anonymous about their prior meeting in front of the Bassett siblings, "Lady Monciaux, I want you to meet my new friend, Casimir." Caedman introduced the two as if it was their first meeting with each other.

Casimir politely greeted Eos, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Monciaux." As she was a noble, so it was customary for a proper greeting. But. it didn't make him nervous since his prior meeting with her showed that she was polite person even to the most bottom ranks.

Eos gave a nod of acknowledgement as she gave a polite bow which could be used for anyone regardless of rank, "Likewise, Sir Casimir. Lisa began to fix Eos' hair from the slight tussling from the dog, retrying it into a low ponytail since they had no hair tools to do anything extravagant. It was the exact same scene where Casimir and Eos left off from the last time their met. But soon Eos' expression turned dark. "Sir Bassett I recommend you start preparing to defend yourself for the future to come." It wasn't a good sign if Eos was suggesting starting preparations for, the worst outcome.

Everyone was immediately concerned about Eos' change of tone, but it was inevitable they wanted this to happen much later than the road, "How much time do we have to prepare?" Caedman was anticipating an ideal time frame to start for defensive measures. Eos sighed as she remembered the duke had both Eos and Silas sit down together after the Madame's hysterical breakdown. He had suggested them to seize the throne as it was their time of glory to come since they were the true royal bloodline. The legends of the Monciaux family being the descendant of the Snow-White heritage while having the blood of spirit intertwined in their bloodline. Silas would be the true Emperor of this kingdom while Eos would be the Spirit Maiden to back up Silas.

They had been preparing for this since the birth of Silas. Eos' birth was just an additional solidifying steppingstone in achieving their reign over the kingdom that was meant for the Monciaux family for centuries, "At most four months at best." Eos could only give such a short time frame even if she were to delay it as much as possible. Silas and Eos had teamed up together to protect the neutral regions of the Monciaux Dukedom since they couldn't see themselves joining either side., "I cannot join either side as it would endanger the region which I govern over." It was beneficial to protect what they had left for them mainly the region which Eos reigned over since that village was a permanent safeguard with all its magic.

Caedman understood her viewpoint as both sides would endanger Eos but even if she were a neutral party, she would still be in danger for abandoning her duty to the Monciaux as well as being the enemy of the Second Prince, "How about you?" Casimir was concerned about the entire circumstance surrounding Eos, "Won't you be in danger?" She would be a prime target for both sides since she was involved into this entire civil war being of her unfortunate circumstances.

Eos smiled as she could only think of grime futures for herself, "I will try to stave as much time as possible for you to prepare yourselves and your families." Her own livelihood didn't mean much if it meant that everyone, she would care for would be safe, 'But, yes." Her position was quite unfortunate especially since she can't fight against anyone. She was defenceless lady who has no survival skills.

Lady Bassett was absolutely terrified for Eos' safety, "Do you have any safe places which you can retreat to?" Her mentor was going to be terrible danger if she didn't have a safe house to retreat to if things went awry.

Eos nodded as she patted her Lady Bassett's head, "I have the Forest of Illusions to seek refugee in." Everyone's face was shocked the Forest of Illusion was notorious for its wild magic running amok, "Don't worry, I can navigate myself in the forest since I grew up with magic folk." People would wander the forest until they died from dehydration, exhaustion, or death by creatures. This still cause an uneasiness for the three of them since they weren't so sure.