WebNovelMY FIRST24.36%

In love.

"A fantabulous person once told me the way to get over stress is through shopping." She parks her car at the lot and smiles at me.

"Who told you that?" I ask her as I unbuckle my seatbelt.

"Me." She points to herself and I roll my eyes.

I didn't see Chelsea until the end of school, and when I told her everything, she said we needed cooling off.

Hence, the reason we're at the mall.

"What makes you think shopping relives stress? We both walk to the entrance.

"It works for me. I mean, think about the smell of new clothes, the softness of putting them on, feeling dazzling in them, the sound of the cash register eating your money, the sound of the receipt printing out, the weight of the take-out bag-"

"And the endless boring hours that comes with shopping." I finish for her.

"You just had to didn't you." She glares at me.

I smile and nod quickly.

"Let's just go." She pulls my hand to the first shop.

Two hours later, Chelsea's still shopping for clothes.

I mean they're just clothes! Pick one and you are good to go!

But no, for Chelsea it's either,

'This one makes me look thin'


'This one makes me look fat.'

I mean, just pick one!

I wanted to relieve stress, but here I am, building it up.

And besides, I thought we were shopping for me!

I sigh for the thousandth time and bring out my phone.

I was already bored and I didn't want to just leave her alone.

She's lucky I love her.

I check through my instagram feed and when nothing attracts me, I scroll through my contacts.

I find his name and I tap on it.

He picks on the fourth ring.


"Um, hi?"

"Hey Hathaway." He's panting over the phone.

"Were you busy?"

"I'm at practice."

Shit. I forgot he had practice after school.

"I'm sorry. I totally forgot, I didn't mean to disturb."

"No it's fine. Coach just gave us a five minute break so you called on time.

"I'm glad then."

"Yeah, so you got five minutes with me. You should be honored." He says in a sassy tone and I chuckle.

"I am."

"So what's up?" He asks.

"Well, Chelsea dragged me to the mall and I've been here for over two hours with nothing to do."

"You bored?"

"Me bored." I confirm.

"If I didn't have practice, I could have come rescue you."

"You could ditch practice?" I suggest.

"If it wasn't my first, I could've."

"I would I liked that." I say and the line goes quiet.

"Hey, wanna hear a story?"


"Once upon a time-"

"Must you start with that?" I interuppt him.

"It's what most people start with!" He argues.

"Yeah, in child stories."

"Whatever. Do you want to hear my story or not?"

"Oh great storyteller, please do not be offended and continue." I mock.

"Funny. Anyway, there was this guy who had just moved in. He didn't know anybody or anyone and he felt alone."


"One day, he met this girl and his world stopped. She was pretty, dazzling even and he couldn't seem to take his eyes off her


"Immediately, he was hooked. He always wanted to be with her, always wanted to hear her voice, always wanted to see her smile, always wanted to be near her, always wanted to hear her laughter. But one thing was that, she didn't feel the same way."


"Or at least the guy thought so. But he made a promise to himself to make her fall for him, so that she could be finally his." He pauses. "The end." He finishes.

"Sounds like he's really in love with her."

"So that's what it is?" He asks.

"Yeah." I nod. "That or it's obsession. For him to always want to be near her, and he wants to make her fall for him, yeah he's in love." I sigh. "Poor guy."

"I'm grateful for the clarification."


"Coach's calling us back on the field, so I have to go. But I'll see you later okay?"

"Wait-" He hung up.

Clarification for what?"

"Hey Summer?" I look up to see Chelsea holding up a couple of clothes. "I'm ready to cash outttt." She sings.