Diane was about to open a bottle of tropical rhythm when Desreen and Doreen walk up to her. "I'm so glad you guys could make it." She put the juice down and hugs her sisters. "Are you and the babies alright?" Desreen asks. "Yeah, we're fine." "Where is Gabriel?" She asks again looking around. "I'm not sure," Diane answered. "What you mean you're not sure, shouldn't you be keeping an eye on your man." "I don't need to keep an eye on him; I trust him." Desreen put her hands on her hips and set her lips in a thin line.
"I trust him too but there are a lot of women here and we all know who they are all drooling over, don't we? And by the way, you didn't tell me Gabriel was such a good singer. I was shocked when I heard him singing in church last Sunday." "So was I." Doreen adds.
"Diane smiled as she remembers the first time she heard Gabriel sing. "When he offered to sing in church for the first time, I've to admit I was scared for him but then he began and I was like, wow, I couldn't believe it, he has an amazing voice, not to mention his accent; Lord have mercy." Diane places her hands on her chest and took a deep breath as she finishes her sentence.
"The hand of God is upon that young man, he has an amazing gift." Doreen shakes her head in approval to what Desreen just said, then ads. "Well, I'm going to look for him because I'm sure we're not the only ones who realize just how amazing he is." Doreen was about to walk away when Gabriel came up behind her. "Hi ladies." "Oh hi Gabriel, I was just about to go look for you." He gave her a heartwarming smile. "And now you don't have to; so how're you ladies doing tonight?" "We're fine but I wasn't expecting to see so many people." "To tell the truth, neither was I, I knew it was going to be big but this is ridiculous but as long as my friends are having a good time, it's worth it."
At that moment Alex came up to them in his automatic wheelchair. "Hi, everyone." Their greetings weren't as warm as he would have liked it to be but Diane's sisters were still angry at him for trying to rape their baby sister and even though he knew he deserves their hostility, it still hurt. He glanced at Diane and she looks away from him.
"Um….. Could I speak with you for a minute prince?" He asks before wheeling away from them. Gabriel kisses his wife on her lips and whispers a soft I love you before following Alex. On reaching a spot that wasn't crowded he stops the wheelchair and turned to Gabriel.
"Um…. I didn't tell you this because I was too ashamed but on the day of my accident, I got a call from a friend of my parents. The person told me that my father was dead but at that time I was too high to give a damn, so a few months ago I hired a private detective to track down my mother, he found her two months ago and I told him to put her into a rehab center, which is where she is now." He said running his hands over his face.
"I've spoken to her a few times since then and I'm now in the process of helping her with her papers so that she could come here and stay with me when she is well enough to leave the center. I know it's too late to honor my father but I hope it's not too late to honor my mother."
"It's nice of you to want to help your mother and I think it's a good thing to have her come live with you. She too can come to church and give her life to God and seeing as though she didn't do much for you while you were young, the Lord will bless you for doing this."
"I want to help her but the more I think about this the more I'm wondering if I'm doing the right thing, what if I can't help her? What if bringing her here is a bad idea?" Alex sighs heavily. "I don't think it is; I think it's the best thing you can do for her right now; this might just be the change she needs to get her life back on track," Gabriel stated.
"I pray to God you're right and I don't end up regretting this." "Quit worrying so much. This is your mother we're talking about; sure she isn't perfect but she could've aborted you but she didn't and even though she thought you were a mistake she still brought you into this world, so if there's anything you can do to give her a better life and possibly bring her to God before she dies, then don't hesitate; do it for her and for your self."
The announcer was now introducing the couples and everyone raised their glasses to them. "Thanks for listening and for the advice, I think I'll go congratulate the guys," Alex said with a faint smile before wheeling away from him.
It was twelve-thirty when Diane walks up to him and the guys. "Baby I'm going to lay down for a while. Congrats again guys, I wish you all the best." She said before walking away and Gabriel went after her. "Let me help you upstairs, would you like to have a shower before you lie down?" "Yes, that would be nice." He went with her into the bathroom and after assisting her to undress he helps her into the shower.
"Is Jasmine asleep?" he asks. "Yes but don't worry, her room door is locked and I have the monitor right here." After her shower, he helps her out and wraps the towel around her. "I'm okay baby, you can go back to your friends, thanks for your help and I'll try not to sleep before you come back but just in case I do, wake me up okay." "I'll take it easy alright, I'll be back soon." He kisses her lips gently before leaving the room.
Most of the guests had already left by the time he got back outside and the guard was still at his front door, his friends and their girls were sitting by the pool. "Everything okay guys?" He asks. "Hell yeah, this party was off the chain prince, this is one party that should go down in history," Mike commented. "I agree prince, this was the party of all parties but as lovely as it was, we should be getting home," Justin adds getting up.
"At that moment the girls went to find the rest of their families that were still at the party, leaving the four guys to talk among themselves. Gabriel then hands Mike and Marlon a small gift bag. "What's this?" Mike asks opening the bag. "Try it; I think you'll be very pleased." "Massaging oil, is it good?" Mike asks. "Just put it like this, best sex ever," Gabriel answers with a smile.
"Hold on a second, where's mine? Justin asks. "You're a Christian and should not be having sex." Gabriel pointed out. "Oh come on prince, she'll be my wife in a couple of weeks anyway." "Well, in that case, I'll give you one for your wedding night." "Man; that's messed up," Justin said scowling at Gabriel. "I know but I'm not going to encourage you to commit fornication." "Fair enough, just make sure I get one for my wedding night."
Gabriel was waving goodbye to his friends when Desreen came up to him. "We're off also, we went to say goodbye to Diane but she is asleep so say goodbye for us okay." "I'll drive safely." Diana and Dana wave goodbye to him as well. They were about to drive away when he ran up to their window. "What must I do with all the leftover food that the caterers left behind?" He asks.
"Don't worry we already took care of that, we gave some to each of the guys to take home with them, we have some and the rest is in the fridge. The servers and the musicians are picking up now, I also close the gate and send two of the guards to patrol the yard and we told the guard at your front door not to move until you say so." Diana finishes with a satisfied look on her face.
"Wow, God bless the day you ladies decide to help us, thank you very much." "No problem, we'll see you on Monday." It was two am when the musicians and guards finally left, after locking the gate he lock up the house, set the alarm, checked on Jasmine then went and took a shower, after which he went to bed but didn't bother to wake his wife.
He decides to stay home on Sunday because Diane wasn't up to going to church. She had back pains and her ankles were swollen. At eight am he went and made breakfast for her and Jasmine and they all had breakfast together in bed. The cleaners came at ten am and while Gabriel went to speak to them, Diane and Jasmine soak themselves in the hot tub. The cleaners left at three pm after which he took Diane and Jasmine to dinner at the Tera Nova hotel.
When they got home that night Diane assists Jasmine with her bath and he read her a bedtime story, they both tuck her in bed and after getting her things ready for school the next morning they went to bed.
He wanted to make love but Diane wasn't up to the task and within minutes she was asleep. He wasn't sleepy so for the next four hours he buried himself in work on his laptop. He knew that if he was going to remain sexually sane for the next couple of months as he was going to have to go without he was really going to need guidance from God, so after he finished his work he went down on his knees, then for the next half an hour he poured his heart out to God.
Food for thought
The one who lives for this life only
Will have eternity to regret it.
Thank you all for reading, vote-comment-