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Her work under the young CEO is doing well, she couldn’t ask for more.

Althea didn't think that she would be able to get along with the young CEO, her auntie Clara’s words were literally true.

Jade is a very strict boss in terms of dealing with their projects, manhandling the situation with such finesse and how it should be done…………. there’s no space for error.

But on the other hand, when it comes to her staff she is very nice, sensible and understanding. Althea feels bless and grateful, she is lucky that the Howell matriarch gives her an opportunity to work with her daughter.

And speaking of her, she needs to visit aunt Clara so she could thank her personally and at the same time catching up, it’s been a while that she hasn’t seen the older woman.

Since she was starting her job in the company, she didn’t have time to visit her again. She definitely needs to make up for the days that she did not visit her.

While she was scanning the documents that were given to her by the young CEO for a double-check, to make sure everything is accurate…….out of nowhere someone is seating on her desk shamelessly fronting her.

She’s bewildered knowing her two guest chairs are empty…..why on earth this person is seating at her table? She wonders.

When she raised her head to see this daring creature, which has the audacity to seat on top of her table, she suddenly stood up in her chair and almost fell. Fortunately enough she was able to cling to her armrest quickly.

She is still not used to the uncanny and inappropriate behavior the young CEO display to her. She just took a deep breath to calm herself.

“Hi….M..s….Ja….de.” She is stuttering, how can she not be…….when the young CEO is seducing her again.

Yup you heard it right the young Howell is being flirtatious with her Personal Assistant.

From the moment she’s being introduced as her PA, Jade is so relentlessly flirting with her.

You can't even notice the way how she flirts, like one time when she asked her PA to make her a coffee, as she was taking the coffee mug she will maliciously caress the young woman’s hand.

Even on some occasion….no, not some but every time Althea would take down some notes even though it’s not her job to do so since the young CEO has her secretary…….she needs to seat on top of her table fronting her, looking at her seductively.

And most of the time the young CEO deliberately put her hand on her thighs, while caressing them which sends a shiver to her whole body.

She also has to wear a tight mini-dress skirt that should be above her knee.

And so many things that she couldn’t innumerate anymore.

The question that bugs her is………why in the world, the young CEO would do these sexual innuendos to her and what annoys her more is…….she’s letting her.

The first time her boss gives her personally ‘the office dresses' to her, she was so restless wearing them.

That was her first time wearing those kinds of outfits……..it’s so sophisticated but yet it’s too short for her liking.

Actually, the clothes are not that revealing it’s just that she’s not comfortable wearing them.

She wonders why the CEO would give those clothes, but Dominique the CEO’s secretary said it’s an SOP for the company to provide uniforms for their workers.

That’s why she just shrugs the notion that her boss is taking advantage of the situation, knowing she’s the CEO of the company………but yet she is a bit curious.

“How may I help you, Ms. Jade?” She nervously questioned her boss.

“Nothing……..it’s just that...…. I want you to come with me, don’t look at me like that, this is a business matter, Althea.” The young CEO smirk, noticing the discomfort she saw from her PA.

“It’s a fashion event, the owner of the clothing line will be there and it is very rare that you could see her attending her own organized fashion show so...…this is a good opportunity for us, to finally meet her. She’s a very aloof type of person, every Business Industry is going above and beyond just to have her account but unfortunately she’s very hard to get.” Explained the young CEO, now holding her PA’s hand, slightly caressing it so ever gently.

Althea becomes restive……..every touch, every caress of her hand by the young CEO creates an unknown feeling that pierce her heart so deeply.

So before a pleasurable heat occupied her whole system, she immediately retracts her hand from the hold of the young CEO and stands abruptly, she almost gets a head rush by doing so.

“Mmm…..Ms. Jade, may I excuse myself? I just want to go to the comfort room?” She is quivering…….God, she needs to stay far away from this she-devil incarnated.

“Oh sure by the way don’t forget on Monday okay...….…. the event. It will start at 2:00 PM so be there at 1:00 PM.” While saying those words she also starts to stand from seating on Althea’s table.

“See you, Althea.” Added the young Howell and winking at the unmoved Personal Assistant.

Holding her breath, the girl controls the fast beating of her heart……..…God helps her, why every single time the young CEO would get nearer to her, she always act stupidly…….why?

Althea quickly went to the CR to calm herself and splash her face with cold water.


“Argh….what just happened back there again!” Jade could not believe her actions towards her personal assistant in her office earlier.

Why she always behave like an old dirty old man every time she saw her PA.

Never in her wildest dream that she could be so perverted, she’s not like this, as a matter of fact never ever she behave appropriately to anyone not even to her past relationship to think she can be sexually deviant to her partner.

In fact, the first time she sees her in her office looking shocked, so naïve and timid, she was straight away drawn to her.

There something familiar that came back, that she never knew existed within her.

She knew in her being that she meets Althea before, but she couldn’t remember when and where and to think she has a very keen memory.

The beautiful CEO sat harshly on her chair face palming. Her mind was so confused with her feelings for the young PA.

Because of her deep thoughts, she did not notice her phone was ringing none stop.

“Ms. Jade, pardon my intrusion…………. your mom is on the other line, she’s trying to reach your mobile but it only rings.” Excuse her secretary waking her up from her trance.

“Ow……okay, thanks, Dominique.” Waking up from her musing, giving a slight smile to her secretary thanking her.

“Hello, mom?” What’s up?” She fondly responds to her mother.

“Hi darling, just checking my baby,” Short answered by her mom on the other line.

“Mom, don’t be ridiculous, I know you need something from me, tell me, mom, spit it out.” Jade, challenging her mom’s words.

She knows her mom wants something from her because they always see each other in their mansion every day.

Jade knows how conniving her mom is……she knows her style if she needs something from her……like now.

There's something fishy going on here.

“Ow….darling, I can’t really escape from you. You know me very…very well.” Happily uttered her mom with a playful tone in her voice.

“Of course mom, because as you can see my dearest mother, every time you want something from me, you always start your sentence with……….. ‘Hi darling, just checking my baby’ who can’t anyone hint that?” Articulated the beautiful young CEO.

“You really get me there, okay since you know already the reason I call, then I have to spill the beans.” Her mom can’t deny her true intentions now but to say what she really needs to her daughter.

“Remember Micko your cousin?” Asked her mom.

“Yes, what about him?” Confusedly questioned her daughter back.

“He's coming on Sunday in our house, just you know…..catching up on things?” Hesitantly answered her mother.

“Mom, I think that’s not the reason why you call…….you know, you can tell it to me in the house later tonight after my work. What really is the reason mom…………don’t let it drag longer mom, I still have something more important to do.” Jade is getting impatient.

“Oh well...…..you caught me there, you are really like me, can’t deny about it...…..….hahaha!” Teasingly laugh her mother.

“Mom!” Her daughter is now annoyed.

“Okay. Okay, actually darling I want you to invite Althea on Sunday, I want her to meet Micko, you know...….since Althea is single and Micko………”

Before her mom can finish her sentence she was immediately cut off by her daughter.

“Mom NO!” Shouted jade with a very angry demeanor.

“But Jade I……”

The Howell matriarch wants to say something, but again her daughter cuts her off.

“I said No! No! No!”

“End of conversation!” Now the young CEO is furious.