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FIVE: Unexpected Picture

" DADDY! YOUR HOME! " the little boy screamed in excitement as his dad approach him and lift him up, " Happy birthday my little one! " he said then let him down,

the little boy hugged his dad tightly and his dad smiled and ruffled his hair, " let's go eat outside..and...let's eat ice cream after, sounds good? ", the little boy screamed in excitement once again and nodded his head as a response.

" happy birthday to you~ happy birthday to you~ happy birthday happy birthday~ happy birthday to you~ now blow your candles! " his dad said and the little boy went close to his chocolate cake

" wait! make a wish first! " his dad interrupted him, he looked at his dad first then closed his eyes and wished for something

" hmm? what did you wish for?" his dad asked him and he laughed before saying " secret daddy! hihi " he's dad laughed too and just said " okay okay, now blow the candles "

the little boy finally blew his candles and his dad clapped his hands and scream " yeyy! my little boy is now 9 years old!",

The dad patted his son's head while the little boy was enjoying his food, a smile was formed on his lips and his eyes suddenly became watery, he whispered: " happy birthday again....my son ..."

" do you like your chocolate ice cream hmm? " his dad asked him and his son nodded his head while smiling

They were both eating ice cream as they walk together heading to go home, The dad was holding his son's small right hand with his left hand, slightly swinging it

Standing in front of the pedestrian lane, waiting for the signal that lets them know when it's time to start walking, the little boy suddenly thought of a question that he will ask his dad

" uhm dad? do you- " his words were cut off by the sound of people screaming and the sound of vehicle tires screeching that was in the area.

The little boy immediately shut his eyes in shock. Slowly opening his eyes, he saw a little girl in front of him on the ground on the pedestrian lane

People were just starring at the little girl for a couple of minutes, no one was approaching her. No one was helping her

My dad was about to walk to her when suddenly a middle-aged man approached the poor little girl on the ground, " hello? can you hear me?.... wake up, wake up !" the man said lightly shaking the girl's body

The man then picked up the girl and ran with her in his hands somewhere


" aaa I'm so full " Andrea said as we just stepped out of the cafe, she was rubbing her stomach. Angeline and I looked at each other and laughed

" I need to go now, My mom is somewhere near here with my older sister so I'll go meet them hmm? " Angeline said to us and Andrea and I nodded our head as a response and Angeline started walking away from us

" Want me to walk you home? " Andrea asked me and I shook my head, " no need, our house is pretty far from here but someone is gonna pick me up " I said to her

" hmm sure? " she asked me once again and I nodded my head, " alright then, See you tomorrow! " She said and started walking away from me

I opened my phone and called Grayson. why is he not picking up? I whispered to myself.

after calling him for the third time he finally answered, " huh..finally..were you busy? " I said, " huh? oh? uh no no I wasn't but why did you call me? " he replied with a raspy voice

uh? His voice sounded much deeper...wait..was he sleeping? " uh! were you sleeping??? " I asked, " oh hehe..yeah..but it's okay. Why did you call? " he answered. " ah hehe...I'm sorry about that...but I don't know how to go home...yet..so can you like pick me up? ", "ahhh right, where are you right now then? " he asked me

" uhmm in front of a cafe, Fw cafe. It's near our campus also beside a clothing store " I replied and he said " okay okay, stay there and I'll go pick you up " before ending the call. He didn't even give me a chance to say okay psh

I turned around and decided to face the cafe and take a picture of it. why? I wanted to send it to Grayson so he knows what cafe I'm talking about

I stepped back and was about to send the picture when someone bumped into me. " ah I'm sorry miss " a guy said to me, I looked at him and smiled awkwardly and said " ahaha...It's okay...it's okay" he smiled at me before walking away

I sighed and look at my phone once again and my eye's widened. I accidentally sent Grayson a photo..but It wasn't the photo of the cafe...ahaha...fuck

Grayson's P.O.V

I was inside my car scanning through the places that were near our school, trying to find Eliana. When I heard my phone vibrate, I grab it and press the home button. ' Eliana sent you a photo'

huh? what is this now I thought to myself. I unlock my phone and was surprised to see the photo. It was a picture of her. She was wearing the exact clothes that I saw her this morning so I'm guessing this was a recent picture of her that she took. She was holding a cup of coffee and was smiling. The background looked like she was in a cafe so I'm guessing again this was the cafe that she went to earlier.

I don't know why but I was just starring at the picture. She looks pretty...in the picture...I suddenly whispered huh? what? I closed my eyes then open them again and sighed what did I just say again?

After realizing what I just said my face suddenly started feeling hot. omg...Grayson...My phone vibrated again which scared the fuck out of me. I looked at it and it was a message again from Eliana.

'Eliana: ah! I DIDN'T MEAN TO SEND THAT! JUST DON'T MIND IT! HERE!' was the text and sent another photo ' Eliana: here! The cafe that I was talking about! ' She did send a picture of the outside of the cafe

I sighed once again and replied 'okay' after that I threw my phone, not that hard to the passenger seat. I don't want to be near my phone for now I said to myself and started driving.