Professor Ren

Orion shook his head,

"I'm fine."

"Haha, you know the popularity of Miss Ren. Therefore, to gain the best seat it is important to arrive early. I thought I would be first but boy! You are here too.

Let's go quickly before other hordes walk over. "

He grabbed the hand of Orion as he pushed him to the first seats of the class auditorium.

"We will sit here!

Haha! We will have the finest view."

He exclaimed and sat down in his seat also pulling Orion same to his adjacent seat.

Finally seeing him settled down, Orion took chance to ask him questions,

"Hmm, Bro what are you actually talking about?"

The guy who was almost on the verge of stretching out to relax, jerked like he had touched a live wire.

He looked at Orion like he could not believe what he was asking. Like he seriously didn't know about this class. Then, how did he join it? Is he pulling his leg? then scrunched his eyebrows,

"From the looks of it, I haven't seen you earlier at a fresher's party. Are you a transfer student?"

Orion nodded his head,

"Yeah, kind of?

I joined late due to some personal reasons."

For a brief moment images of his previous uni and friends flashed in his mind. But he pushed away those depressing thoughts.

"Ahhh! Then brother let me introduce myself, I am an Exchange student Li Huang. "

He extended his hand for the shake to which Orion reciprocated.

"I'm Orion Trudger from the States. But I'm Asian of descent. "

Then suddenly, his face lit up, like he was going to talk about the most passionate thing about his life.

"Let me give you a quick rundown, then. You are my brother in the best, most sought after, even more than a hundred percent attendance class that is because girls and boys not from this course also come to listen in this class.

That's all because of one and only Miss Ren. She is a twenty-five-year-old, Professor of this curriculum. And a most beautiful woman on the whole campus. "

As soon as he finished, Orion suddenly had his face turned awkward.

"So all guys come here to see her?"

Li's face was turning red due to the effort he was spending to spread the praises about his role model.

"Exactly, to have just a glimpse at her matching beauty. Listening to her soul-soothing voice. She is extremely strict but her fan clubs are still rapidly multiplying in the uni, reaching even other ends."

"I don't know bro, but I am getting a creepy feeling about this. "

Suddenly, his face which was excited a second earlier flushed red in anger.

"Creep! Hell, no bro.

We are legitimate, fans of her not any type of stalkers or creeps. Her fans are led by girls for your information.

Her fashion style is followed by female teachers and students alike. We even have an Anonymous complaints box where we deal with any disrespectful cases to our idol.

We never stalk her, even take pictures of her without permission and those who violate these simple moralities are soon visited by the student council first and then by local gangsters second.

She is an extremely fierce woman, but that's why we love her. We only want to worship her by attending her class no more than that. "

As he was speaking his tone and voice kept getting higher which scared the Orion, that someone will walk on them. He hurriedly patted his back to calm him down.

"Sorry, sorry. I doubted you. Relax, dude!"

The man finally relaxed and suddenly felt his head getting hot in embarrassment,

"I'm sorry brother. I kinda got out of control! "

Orion just shook his head indicating it was all fine. Suddenly he heard some sound coming from the corridor, and within few seconds it reached the door.

Like a tsunami boys broke in and began to throw vags to claim seats in the hall. In just a few minutes, half of the seats were filled on the left side behind and alongside Orion and Li. Only backward seats were left empty now while the whole of the right side was empty too.

"It's empty?"

Orion pointed to the right side and asked Li.

"Yeah! Actually during the first lecture boys flooded the auditorium leaving no seats for the girls. Thus strict Miss Ren, equally distributed two sides as boys and girls. "

As he finished talking soon another large group of students walked in. They were mostly girls, they too were hurrying but the scene was less chaotic than the boys. They quickly sat without any quarrels.

It was then Orion felt someone watching him from the girl's group. He turned back to see Ai setting in the third last row of the auditorium. She mouthed a few words to him but he could not catch on to what she was trying to signal him.

He was about to text her when suddenly, the last group of boys and girls walked in. They also took their respective seats quickly filling the whole classroom.

Suddenly he heard the clicking of heels as Miss Ren walked into the class. He knew she had to be beautiful for such a fanbase but when she truly came into his view, he was stunned by her sharp beautiful features.

She was tall, with a lean build. Her curves were in the right places with the right proportions. Her face was like a jade beauty empress of paintings with a sharp jaw and large black eyes. Her hair was trained into a long ponytail.

She placed her notebooks on the lecture stand and took one good look at the whole class.

"I hope everyone here is enrolled in the course, not someone from outside. "

She exclaimed in her strict authoritarian tone. She then opened her book to find the topic they were going to study today when suddenly she looked up from the book and gazed straight ahead.

There was already pin-drop silence in the class, and of course, her moves were closely followed by everyone. When she looked straight ahead everyone watched her gaze to see where she was looking.

But the most surprised was Orion because he found out that she was directly looking at him, straight in his eyes. He felt like he was standing in the frigid wind. Her cold gaze stood on him only for a second and then moved on to other students, but he noticed that his eye ink had turned red on his chest.

"She is not simple. "

Thought Orion as she finally began to start her lecture.