some tests 1/2 19

March 14th ,for the occupants, The moon in examination room 4391

As Seb could feel the charge grow in the air around him he tensed expecting to be electrocuted like those he saw before, but with a small flash the bloody stain he had created flash fried into char and flaked off floating in the air towards what looked like air grills in the corner of the room leaving no trace it had ever been there. Letting out the breath he unintentionally held and loosening up his tensed body he once more looked around for the source of the voice earlier.

"I do hope you don't intend to use that now?", the voice sounded again but only seemed to be coming from speakers hung along the walls.

"Use what?", Seb asked quite confused with the question.

"That tool in your hand of course.", the mechanical voice chimed in with what could almost be exasperation tinging its tone causing Seb to glance down at the pipe wrench still in his possession and tightly gripped in his left hand, he had not even registered holding it being that he was so used to carrying it around normally.

Lifting the wrench up he took hold of its head and held it down in front of his waist before answering easily, "No, no, no, no…I'd assume you guys would give me the bug zapper treatment that those other guys got if I f*cked around and did something like that right?"

"Just so indeed, then we will continue the examination without giving you the bug zapper treatment then.", It was hard to tell but Seb thought he could detect a hint of amusement in the cold robot voice,but then it continued on with an easy professional detachment, "Please stand still, this may be uncomfortable for a moment and will have to be repeated if there are any mistakes." As the voice broke off, all of the equipment in the room started to rotate into action and point in his direction whirring and clicking menacingly.

Seb had a moment to look as all of the equipment either cycled up, rotated their lenses, and in the case of the odd box begin to float off the ground before he felt the air thrum and he staggered a bit completely caught off guard as he felt an onslaught of different sensations hit him moments later.

Seb could feel a pulsing in his body as if he was standing next to a speaker at a huge concert, his eyes felt like they were trembling or vibrating in his skull, his equilibrium vanished and he felt like he was falling, but the most disturbing was that he could hear what sounded like whispers coming from behind him but completely unintelligible and just crashing together to make a soft susurrating noise as if he was in a busy restaurant Seb was in the process of trying to turn around but the loss of equilibrium was making him sway and stagger when all of a sudden it all just stopped and he was left there swaying like a drunk.

Taking his head in his hands he belatedly realized he had lost hold of his beloved pipe wrench and immediately went to one knee on his prosthetic to retrieve it swaying slightly, but just as he closed his hand around its haft the voice interrupted him.

"You seem to have been affected by the sensory equipment by quite a larger degree than the rest, hmmmmm this is strange, very strange. Unfortunately there is something that requires more looking into, if you could please be patient and wait while this small matter is resolved. I would appreciated your continued cooperation.", Seb was left reeling but as he sat there knelt down he thought he could detect uncertainty in that response and that unsettled him quite a bit, had they found something wrong with him? Did he have some disease that was eating at him? Or organ failure? Dropping down in a sitting position he couldn't help but worry in silence as his mind went racing.

March 14th Quirrel's personal streaming lobby

Quirrel was hovering in front of multiple screens all laid out in a grid pattern and flashing with data ranging from overal health, weight and height, condition of organs, suitability for augmentation, mental acuity, psychic range, list of diseases, what primitive medical devices were implanted, cosmetic changes or implants, possible alien technology, possible alien influence, and even whether or not there were signs of stigmata from association with an elemental being or just possible accidental association with an elemental being. Overall everything was pretty average and unfortunately lack luster, there were some religious cultists amongst the lot but the elemental being whom they worshipped hadn't been active in at least a couple thousand years if in fact he existed at all.

Through their research of this planet they found that religions were recycled into new ones quite regularly, or divergent but similar religions would pop up around a cult leader to be carried on after their deaths to evolve into something completely different. There were hundreds if not thousands of religions active on this planet and yet of all the humans he had examined none had a stigma, some had deluded themselves into thinking they did but upon closer but discrete examination it always turned out to be a bust. Even all of the so called religious leaders of these respective religions couldn't boast a stigma which made some sense as most of them believed in the same being just in different ways…

They had found a few lesser elemental beings here and there but they were very rare, possibly due to over hunting by humans, decimation of their habitats or a mass extintion due to some rule they had to follow, either way the few they found couldn't rival even the shabbiest the empire had come up against in the past. This had brought the scientists studying them to conclude that they had probably been an experiment by a more powerful of their kind who may have traveled to this part of the galaxy and set up shop to create new types of life as a past time before getting bored and moving on again.

There was another theory, and one Quirrel thought quite possible to be honest, and that was that the elemental beings here had a rule that they had to remain hidden, they had to spend a certain amount of time hidden, or they had to pay a price if they were seen. Elemental beings were always tricky to hunt down in the beginning of an occupation but once the scientists fully understood the rules that these creatures labeled themselves too, everything would become so much easier, it always just took a little time that's it.

"Ugh at this rate my stream will have a mediocre start…I wish just one person could add some flavour and flair to it…huh?", Quirrel snapped out of its dreary thoughts as a screen on the upper right began to flash red rapidly indicating something that needed immediate attention flagged by the presiding doctor of that group.

"Yes finally!", Quirrel exclaimed as it made a direct link to the doctor in question, "Doctor Gloglan tell me what you've found!"