Chapter 130

It has been two days since Lucifer offered Impulse the deal of magic for his soul. He has been going through every pros and con for selling the soul. And from what he sees, there are more cons than pros. He has been thinking of dropping the deal and finding a way to gain magic himself.

He can achieve magic on his own, but it will take too long to do it. If he chooses Lucifer's option to obtain magic for his soul, he could skip all the steps of training magic and trying to control it, but he will have no spell. Thanks to his Kree biology and his immense speed, learning from the best magicians would be child's play for him. The question is will it be worth the price and if he is only charged when he dies. From the books he read, some Demons take their payment when the host is still alive, while others take it when they are dead. Leaning back on his couch, Impulse let out a long sigh, wondering what to do.

C-3 saw his frustrated face, causing her to ask, "Daddy, what's wrong?"

Impulse looked at the little girl, getting annoyed by her constant questions. "Yeah, I am all right." He said, letting out another sigh. The room fell into silence, with Impulse in deep thought and C-1 staring at him.

"I had a strange dream." C-3 suddenly blurted out, squeezing the doll she was hugging.

"What? A scary one?" Impulse indifferently asked, looking down at C-3 staring up at him

"No, after-"

Impulse shut up from his chair, interrupting C-3. "Clones. My counterparts on other universes." Impulse shouted, a grin on his face. "That should work. Now, let's go on a trip. Just you and me."

Carrying her from the ground, Impulse shot up into the sky with a green streak, appearing in space in an instant. C-3 looked around space, a look of interest and curiosity on her face. While C-3 was looking around space like a kitten in a new home, Impulse vomited a toy ship which immediately grew to its normal size, Impulse and C-1 appearing in the bridge of the Ship.

The dark bridge was brightened up, a white glow coming from the walls and ceiling. The octagon console in the middle of the room brightened up, a holographic cracked hexahedron appearing above it.

[Xerah has been ea- getting tired of waiting -waiting patiently for your return, Operator! Welcome back!] The cracked hexahedron emits radio wave-like ripples as he speaks.

"Good to speak to you again, Xerah." Impulse said, putting C-3 down. "I would be using you more often now that I lost the speed force." He continued, smiling at the cracked hexahedron.

[That's gre-so bad to hear, Operator. I hope you aren't sad]

"Ha. I know your true feeling." Impulse laughed, appearing in the Navigation room. Sitting down on the captain's chair, Impulse said. "Head to Earth -2."

The ship spun in space, facing the moon before shooting forward in a burst of light. Right as it was about to hit the moon, it disappeared.

[Operator, who is this new passenger?]

"My daughter." Impulse said, leaning back on the Captain's Chair, a full holographic star map appearing. The maps were similar to his own at Earth -1, but it now had Earth -2 before their names. "Enter cloaking mode. I will be on my way."

The Traveler turned completely invisible as Impulse appeared beneath the ship, falling into Earth -2 like a comet.

Flipping in mid-air, Impulse faced the planet, a green glow appearing around his body before shooting through the planet's atmosphere in an instant. Slowing to a stop, he landed on the highest roof of Arkham Asylum in the north of Gotham City.

Arkham Asylum is a gigantic, gated Victorian home on a dark and stormy night. The image of the run-down, dreary building contrasts nicely with the individuals caged within, making Arkham a notable location in Gotham City.

"It has been 6 years since I have been here." Impulse smiled, looking around the place that brought him to life.

Scanning the building with his X-ray vision, he noticed his doppelganger located in a room on the fourth floor. The same one he woke up in. This somewhat shocked Impulse, seeing his Earth -2 counterpart being a prisoner in Arkham. How is that possible? He just wanted to check out this world Arkham before going to do some snooping in a computer, but who would have thought his counterpart was here?

Phasing through the roof, Impulse fell into Joker's room. Before he could be noticed, Impulse zoomed through Arkham, soon arriving at his destination. It was a big, dark room, in the middle is a glass box, with only a bed and a toilet. Laying on the bed was a big man, standing more than 6'5 in height, with a strong muscular body, bald head, and dark caramel skin. He wore orange prisoner pants and a white tank top.

The man had his back to Impulse but knew that he was there. "What are you here for?"

"To make a deal with you. A soul-bonding deal." Impulse said, walking up to the glass box and standing some feet in front of it.

"Please, Just get out of here and tell the guards to bring me my food, I am starving." He said with a yawn.

"Rick." Impulse said, leaning his back on the glass wall and folding his arm. "How did you end up in here?" He asked, genuinely curious. Although he could go online and find all this out, he wanted to hear it from himself.

"Are you fucking serious?" He asked, sitting up on his bed and facing Impulse. "Just go get me my food and leave."

"I will ask again. How did you end up in here?" Impulse asked, tapping his arm. "This is part of the deal, so you either answer or stay here for the rest of your life. I can buy you as a slave in the black market. Set you free. You can restart your life and be the maniac you are. Get revenge on the Batfamily if you want to. Hell, I can even give you meta powers. So you either answer or stay here and rot."

Rick stared at the man in front of him, bursting into laughter. "Do you really think I would believe a man dressed in pajamas to be a rich dumbass? What the hell do you take me for? An animal?"

"Yes. You are an Incompetent animal who gained the power to move at superspeed. Instead of doing something productive, you spent months just running around and committing murder, rape, or whatever fuckery comes to your mind. With that power, you could become the richest, strongest, or most influential person in the world. Gain immortality. Or fucking become a God." Impulse said, his voice getting higher and higher. "Instead of thinking logically, think of the far future, you did things that came to your mind. Let me ask you this, why did you spend most of your time killing people?"

Rick sat there, staring at the man before him. He didn't know how to responds. Did he like it? Of course, he liked murdering people. He loves how they beg for their life on his feet, the despair in their eyes, and even the hope which he will rip away a moment later. It was enjoyable.

Impulse waited a while before saying, "You like it, didn't you?" Rick was about to say something, but Impulse cut him off, continuing. "Instead of using them for your gain, as slaves, spies, or whatever the fuck you want, you just killed them to have fun."

Rick stiffened up. The six years in this cage wasn't for nothing. He has had time to think through his decisions after coming to this world. He knew he fucked up. The power he got, he waisted it. He knew all that. But having someone say it to his face? It was unpleasant.

"Your ultimate goal was to gain Immortality, right?" Impulse asked, turning to face Rick. "Tell me. How will you get that Immortality now?"

Rick looked into Impulse's yellow eyes, feeling as if it was staring deep into his soul. Those eyes were reading him like an open book, something no one, even his true father, was unable to do. Looking down to his feet, he mumbled.

"Of course you don't know. Haha, you don't fucking know." Impulse chuckled, slamming his fist on the glass, causing it to shatter. "Six years. Six fucking years. And you haven't thought of anything? How stupid are you? Tell me!"

Rick climbed on his bed, moving further away from impulse. He wanted to get away as far as he can, from this man. Being read like this. Having all his insecurity and stupidity spread out like this. He didn't like it. All people have done was tell him to change, do something good. But this man...

"Tell me. Have you ever tried to escape?" Impulse asked, Rike vigorously nodding. "And you failed, right?"

"N-no... I managed to escape 3 times, but..." Rick was cut off by Impulse, saying;

"You were caught and put back in your cage." Impulse saw his past self cast over Rick. This was how he was. Stupid. An animal... No, a mindless beast. It was painful to see someone with so much power yet use it so recklessly. "I will give you a chance. A chance to do something productive with your life..."

Batman, Nightwing, Red Robin, and Robin ran into the room. A green aura immediately appeared around them, stopping their movement. Trying to break free was impossible, and calling for help was out of the question. Good thing Batman already called for Backup from the Birds of Prey, or else they would be doomed.

"I will give you powers. In return, you will have to pay for the cost of my magic. You can either agree or as I said before, get caught by these people in costume." Impulse said, putting his hands out. "Deal."

Hearing this, Batman wished the Birds of Prey to come quickly. And speaking of the devil, the wall of the room was broken through by multiple thick vines, shooting towards Impulse and Rick. Before it could hit, a green barrier appeared around both of them, stopping all the vines from reaching them. Black Canary came in soon after, opening her mouth and letting out a sonic scream. All the scream did was destroy the area around the barrier, harming it in no way. Batgirl came in soon after, but they were also engulfed in the green aura, stopping them in their track.

'Who is this man?' Batman thought, trying his best to move, but he wouldn't. Even blinking was impossible.

Rick looked at the seven heroes, then back at Impulse stretched out right arm. He took it, saying, "Deal."

Suddenly, a blue fleam shut up from the ground below Impulse, shooting through the ceiling and parting the clouds. He felt intense pain. Pain he couldn't fathom. Even after he removed all emotions of pain, he felt it. His mental fortitude did nothing to defend against this pain. So he concluded. This was a flame burning at his soul. But he stood his ground. Not showing any reaction to the pain one bit.

The pillar of flames shattered into droplets of blue flames before shooting into Rick's chest. Just like Impulse, he felt intense pain, but unlike Impulse, he didn't have the willpower to act as if it didn't hurt, so he fell to the ground, screaming. After ten seconds, he looked up at Impulse, who was smiling at him.

"You have become the first Kree of this planet. Use this power well." Impulse said as he connected himself to Rick, changing all his genes to Kree genes. "Don't fail me." Letting go of his hands, a green glow appeared around him as he started floating up. "Be reborn as Red Saint."

With that, he shut up into the sky, releasing the seven heroes from his telekinetic hold. They looked up at Impulse, who is nowhere to be seen, then back at Rick, who was still staring at the spot Impulse once stood.

"Red saint." He mumbled, a strong red force erupting from his body, pushing everything away from him. "I won't fail you."