Everyone Has A Secret


"I heard that Andrei is with a guy!"

Laurie's eyes widened in shock. She was lost for words and just stared at Kristina. She was startled when Kristina shook her arm.

"So it is true," she said in a hushed tone. "It seemed that you knew about it, yet you agreed to marry him. What game are you playing, Laurie?" The question was said in between clenched teeth.

"As I told you before I can't tell you now," she replied in a quiet voice. Her eyes darted across the table, observing the other girl if they were listening to their conversation.

But they were all busy taking pictures of themselves and their food.

She returned her attention to Kristina, "Where did you hear about it, and do you think one of them heard about it too?" She tilted her head to indicate the other girls.

"No. I don't think they know." When she saw the doubt in Laurie's face, she added, "My cousin who is also in the closet told me about it. And the only reason he told me about it was that he knew we were friends. And he thought marriage was a big deal to lie about sexual preference."

She released the breath she didn't know she was holding in upon hearing Kristina's explanation.

"Andrei is a friend. We were caught in a situation that we had to act upon quickly, however, this now, is not part of that plan. I was trying to call Andrei but it's been two weeks since I last heard from him."

Kristina shrugged her shoulders and returned to her phone.

"No wonder Andrei's mother was very generous." Elize suddenly blurted out that broke the silence.

"Excuse me?" she asked defensively. "I don't like the tone of your voice."

"Why? Don't tell me that you didn't question the fact that Mrs. Tan was quite lenient and generous towards you," she said with a crooked brow.

"What are you insinuating Elize?" She narrowed her eyes to the other girl.

Elize just scoffed and turned to her book.

"You are pissing me off Elize. You know that I hated it when you start saying something then just clam up like it was nothing!"

Kristina elbowed her because the other girls' attention was on them. She bit her tongue and stopped herself from saying anything but she didn't hide the fact that she was in a bad mood.

When nothing else happened between her and Elize, the rest of the girls went back to whatever they were doing before.

Laurie now regrets pushing this damn engagement party. She can't believe she put herself in this situation where she has to pretend with these girls that she doesn't like.

She pulled her phone and sent another message to Andrei. She gave him an ultimatum that she would tell his mother the truth if she didn't hear anything from him before the day ended.

"The possibility of Andrei's mother knowing the truth about her son — truly didn't cross your mind?" Elize asked again, however this time the indignation was gone from her voice. It was laced with pure curiosity.

She got defensive with what Elize said because if she acknowledged the idea of what she was saying about the possibility of Mrs. Tan, knowing her son is gay, is something that she can't accept.

Because if Mrs. Tan knew that Andrei is gay, it means that she was a pawn to Mrs. Tan's plan for Andrei.

And that's something her pride can't accept. To get played. She chewed on her bottom lip and gave the idea Elize was saying a thought.

She glanced at the heavy diamond ring in her ring finger and the notion of Mrs. Tan, using her to protect Andrei disappeared from her mind.

Mrs. Tan won't use the old Tan to play this game. They won't involve an old family connection just to stage a wedding, does she?

There are still doubts in her head for Elize has always had a way of getting into other people's heads. One of the reasons why she doesn't like hanging out with her.

"I don't think Mrs. Tan has an idea of Andrei being — "

"How sure are you?"

"Ugh, Elize if you are bored, please just read your book. Stop picking on my head."

She chuckled and sarcastically asked, "Why? Was it because I hit a nerve?"

Laurie blew an air of annoyance and faced Elize, "Listen, you bitch, I didn't invite you here to act like one. If you have some issues that you are going through right now, spare me. I don't want to involve myself in your drama," she spat at her.

She was just spouting nonsense, hence, she was surprised by the hurt in Elize's expression.

"Oh," she said, shocked. "My apology," she said sincerely.

Elize likes getting on other people's nerves, but she doesn't like it when they get on her nerves.

And right now, Laurie hit a sensitive truth.

"My," she smirked. "It seems like you truly believe that Andrei's mom adores you?"

The other girls who were occupied with their phones all snapped their heads in their direction.

"What are you two doing?" Kristina asked under her breath. "Do you really plan to pull each other's hair in front of this group?"

"You don't like it when you are not the one who has the spotlight, right Kristina?" Elize asked.

Kristina's amiable expression on her face turned ugly. She stared at Elize, waiting for the other girl to say another word.

"Stop it!" Laurie said in a threatening voice, but the two still stared at each other like cats that were about to scratch each other's faces. "If you don't stop at this moment, none of you will get into the plane!"

Elize was the first one to flinch. She averted her eyes and returned to her book as if nothing happened.

But Laurie was sitting right to her so that it didn't escape her eyes that Elize was seething in anger. A crease appeared in between her brows. It seemed like Elize truly had some problem.

However, she was more focused on the fact that despite sending Andrei an ultimatum, she still didn't hear anything from him.