

Jiro came home to a quiet apartment. He scoffed when the first thing that came to mind when he entered the door was what Laurie had been doing and then, just as the thought came to mind, he remembered Laurie was no longer staying in his apartment. He didn't even know where she was. 

He has been working on autopilot. Doing what was asked of him, functioning as if everything was okay but at the back of his mind, Laurie was all he could ever think about. He went to the recording studio but Bella wasn't home. She and the youngest Nakamura are the only friends of Laurie that he knows of. 

However, he has a feeling that the youngest Nakamura won't say anything to him. He met her in a few instances and one thing he could say about her was--she's not friendly. That's why he would rather talk to Bella. But then, when he went there Bella wasn't home.