Chapter 17: The Closeness

An exhilarating thirty minutes later, I was weaving my way through crowds of tourists on a mission to get back to Vazar’s exhibition hall. I had some exciting news, and I was bursting to tell him.

I couldn’t contain the glee from spreading all over my face and just as his eyes met mine, he knew that I had been given the job.

“Congratulations, baby!” He swooped down to lift me into a giant hug.

“Thank you! I can’t believe it! I got my first ever job!” I laughed, allowing the waves of happiness to carry me away.

I was acutely aware that in all my teenage years, I had never expressed my joyful emotions to this extent. I couldn’t remember a time when I received such good news that made me want to dance around the room with the same euphoric feeling that was currently bubbling up inside me.