Chapter 39: The Enemy

The night passed faster than I expected. I awoke to the sounds of various bird-like creatures singing at my window. I felt marginally better than the night before and was eager to learn the outcome of the elders. Vazar was already up and had left a note on his pillow.

Good morning love. Couldn’t sleep. Come find me.

I washed up and dressed in a simple pair of jeans and a T-shirt and left the room. Heading for the kitchen, I padded softly down the corridor towards the sounds of hushed chatter speaking in a language I couldn’t understand. Judging by their tone, I guessed it wasn’t good news. As I turned the corner, the chatter died down and several heads turned in my direction.

“Good morning, baby.” Vazar broke away from the group and came over to greet me.

I leant into his brief kiss and stepped back to see who else was in the room. There was Vazar’s parents and two other men who I hadn’t seen before.

“Hannah, let me introduce you to my brothers, Alekaan and Sahmar.”