Chapter 43: The Homecoming


The fog around in my head began to swirl, it gathered pace and created a tornado that jumbled all my thoughts. Images flashed by as if a microfiche was on repeat behind my eyelids. I pushed through them and reached high above for an opening to escape the vivid visions. Then suddenly, I was drifting up, up and finally conscious enough to know it was all just a dream.

My eyes snapped open and I was staring at a familiar ceiling. The single bulb in the center threw a bright yellow hue over the artex design above me. I sat up and slid my legs over the bed, my feet landed softly on the rough fibers of a carpet I had grown up with. Fully awake now, I took stock of where I was and let out a sharp cry. I was home. In my old bedroom. In Seven Kings. My hands flew up to my face and I slapped my cheeks repeatedly hoping to wake up. My face stung as the blood rushed to the surface. I was not dreaming. I was fully awake and somehow back in London.