Chapter 38 (Riley pov 3)

At first I thought holly didn't mean her words since all my previous girlfriends always left me I waited to see how long holly would last I had taken doctor Chu advice I finally told holy I had cancer most of the women in my life would leave me once they found out I was dying man. But what holy did shocked me unlike my previous girlfriends who left holly became a constant pillar of support in my life

Holly was God sent ever since I came I clean I had cancer she has cared for me like no body else she always drove me to my chemo therapy appointment un like my previous girlfriends who learnt I was sexually assaulted by my uncle and that I had penile cancer and all left my holy was different she was more beautiful warm hearted she had the perfect body

Every time went to the hospital random men always tried to get fresh with my girl saying she was to beautiful to be with a dying man and that she could do better always worried me that she would get tired of playing nurse and leave me , but my holly never did on the contrary she always put those bozos in there place saying the could never be half the man Iam that's why the single , she was by side at every chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatment I and always told me I'm the best thing that has ever happened to her

Only making feel worse cause I felt I was tying her down and yet couldn't please her sexually which only worsened my anxiety fear holly was everything to me and I worried that she would grow tired of a sexless relationship and leave me she was sexy always dressed to kill took good care of herself any man would want be her side

So told holly they were in an open relationship and she could sleep with other men though it was hurting me expecting holly to be pleased but what holly did next shocked Riley slap as holys hand left hard mark on Riley's chick

Never say such words to me I won't sleep with anyone except you don't you understand that I love you and you alone can arouse me no other man it doesn't matter if their rich hot or even irresistible they won't turn me on cause I don't love them you just focus on getting out of that hospital bed so can be together ok that's an order Riley Clemons

"Yes mama whatever you say."

"Ok ."

From then on it was me and holly against the world we did everything together not wanting to waste any chance of making beautiful memories we played in the hospital gardens. Watched the evening sun sets Java's and even date night under stars holy tried make my life as normal and possible so I don't feel different our relationship is as normal as any other couple although bieng in the hospital most of time I never felt happier cause holly would be by hospital bed always cracking jocks so that I smile at all times

Every day chemo was execuriating painful but having holly by side made it little more easier to bear I always lied to holly it was painless cause I didn't want to worry further she literally did everything for me just to ease my pain and worry how could I tell her that chemotherapy wasn't working anymore the tumor was only getting larger so hid it from her

Months and months of chemotherapy went by doctor Chu had been trying to improve my treatments so as to fight the cancer better but nothing was working all the while kept lying to holly that cancer was almost gone though I knew I was dying man holly kept praying and fasting for my well bieng always sleeping at my bed side holding my hand

I knew she dreamed future with me yet there was no future so like loving fiancé I became mean toward and cold towards her spilling the food she always cooked for me with so much love , shouting at her for no reason cursing at her so that she would leave me find a man that's not dying but she never did infuriating me further

she wouldn't leave me alone so invited my ex girlfriend to come and stage a scene with me we acted as though we had sex when holly condoms lay on the floor Jennie was naked top of me I knew this would break the woman I love and she would hate me and find true love with a man that will love and take care of her un like me who was dying though it hurt me to this but holly was wasting her life away and just couldn't watch it any more I had do it no matter how much it hurt me so me and my ex staged everything quickly before she walked in so it looked like we having sex

Walking In holly on seeing the sight holly ren out crying and broken Riley was hurt for hurting the woman he loves but he knew he was doing for her own good it hurt immensely he knew her sex cheated on her and he had revisited an old wound but he had no choice it was the only way holy would hate him and find herself a good man but Riley loathed himself for what he had just done

Finally out holly was furious and couldn't believe she let herself be fooled by Riley's fake love and lavish life style Riley was dick head just like the others but that used her in the past he was no different she had cared and loved him so dearly she didn't deserve such betrayal she was going to leave men alone and remian a spinster all her life she was heading out of hospital where that had been for three months , three months of caring and loving him that man hore rejecting all other men only for the bastard to do this to her , she was hurt by this, holly wanted have Riley's children. But he now betrayed her and she was lieved only to meet Nigel on the way out

Nigel was perplexed on seeing holy crying she had to ask "what's wrong holy ."

"Your best friend cheated on me ."

"Are you on drugs , the guy is literally obsessed, all talk about is you he wouldn't cheat on you trust me ."Nigel said Stan of her best friend's feelings

"He did and her are the photos." Holly said crying profusely

"So the fool actually did it ."

"Did what?" An a furious holly barked back

"Nothing trust me he did nothing." Nigel replied hiding the truth

"Nigel you better tell me , the truth right now."

"There is nothing to tell."

"Better start talking Nigel,oh so help me God I will end you ." holly said threatening Nigel

"Riley will kill me I can't ." Nigel replied terrified she had never seen the side of holy before

"What do you think I will do." unraveled holly said as she was about to explode on Nigel taking all her frustrations on her

Knowing holly's anger and and her boxing past Nigel decided to tell the truth "He staged everything ."

"He did what am going to kill him before the cancer does ." Holly said storming away in a fit of rage

"But before you fight with Riley you should know he did for you." Nigel said meaning every word

"Well thanks he hurt my soul and your saying he did it for me ."Holly said in a sarcastic tone

"Yes really Riley is dying holly, the chemotherapy hasn't been working he is dying, he had been hiding it from you lying he is getting better but actually when cancer is only getting worse, he only has nine months left on this earth of ours. but he didn't want you know and be tied to a dying man with no future he wanted you to find a new love could take care of you , so please don't leave him please he needs you ."Nigel explains

"Oh that fool of mine ,you mean he loves me that much as to hurt himself in this way plus how many times do I have to tell him to understand that I only Love him, of course I won't leave him, am going to be here for him."holly said in tears after learning the truth

"But he should never know that you know he is dying just act normal around him and if you ever tell him he should never know that I'm the one who told you , I just couldn't watch my best friend loose a good woman like you." Nigel replied

"It's ok I will keep the secret he will never know that you told me ."

Holly returned to the hospital room with new found courage , holly cleans up the hospital room and chases Jenni out of the room , saying that is my man and no one not even you can separate us ok , I was be here for my Riley matter what may come. And you Riley we going for the next chemotherapy treatment together I will need to see the medical reports of treatment so far , your getting better right so it's only fair that I escorted you right." holy said smiling trying to guilt trip Riley into saying the truth

"No you can't." Riley said

"And why not my love , your getting better it's only reasonable ." Holly said still smiling hiding the pain in heart

"No am not holly I have only nine months to live the chemo hasn't been working for the past two months honey am sorry I lied ."

It's alright though am mad you lied I don't want argue my focus is getting better and I don't believe in science of the doctors you will get better ,"

"I will baby please forgive me , I thought you would better off without me and plus I didn't cheat baby it all staged , I would never cheat on you I just wanted you to be happy cause we can never have a normal relationship with me."

"Who said I want normal, normal is boring plus you want me to be happy how can I be happy when you're not with me cause my happiness lies with you can't you see that."

"Am sorry holly ."Riley said kissing holy with lots of love and devotion

It's ok teddy bear , I forgive you but should never do anything like this again "

"I promise you ." Riley replied pecking her on the lips