Chapter 036 | Doing The Right Thing... A New Plan

Miss?" I said standing next to the heavily drunk woman as she continued to down her beverage. Smiling as she lazily looked over at me, I could tell that… well that this would be easy.

It wouldn't be as easy as Momo was, being a teenage girl and easily attracted… But easy nonetheless. Mrs.Yaoyorozu was already halfway there to bending over and letting me fuck her right here, but I'd need to give her a little push to actually get to that point.

If the harem quest shit classifications were anything important, I'd rank Momo as a lover, and Mrs.Yaoyorozu would most likely be a servant… or perhaps a pet, I guess I'll see what the system would classify her as after I'm finished with her.

Mrs. Yaoyorozu (Image)

"Hmm? Zinon!" She yelled, throwing her arms around my neck and hugging me affectionately, it was more of a motherly hug, but that would change soon enough...

Letting my hands slide down and squeeze her soft ass I smirked as she yelped a bit and jumped out of my arms, obviously thinking she had imagined it.

"What's wrong?" I asked innocently as my dick started to get harder, I always seemed to be in the mood for some reason…

*Trait Gained!*

[Endless Lust]

It's more entertaining when you're a horndog who can't keep it in his pants. You'll always be horny, though only when females above 15 are around… unless younger is your thing, hide your boner now, there are kids on this site.

*Perk Gained!*

[Endless Lusts Perk]

Stamina bar is nullified when having sex, you can go on forever, and you will, it'll be so hard to stop having sex when you can continue, good luck!

Fuck this bastard!

Trying my best to ignore the blatant disrespect, I quickly turned away, it would be hard enough to… wait… I can't think like that, This isn't momo… I have to be strong.

Breathing in and out I turned back around, not covering my dick that looked as if it was about to burst out of my pants.

She looked… She obviously wasn't expecting it but she looked down, as expected of a horny woman with a cuck husband, really the boss deserves this…

"Hm? Why'd you glance down, miss?" I asked, keeping my innocent tone as her eyes dropped again before looking away, she really thought I didn't notice her glances, she's a slut while drunk huh?

Fuck it, There's no reason to play nice when I have no plans for her to be anything other than my servant, though who knows what the system will call her.

Reaching out I grasp her wrists, not gently either, There was no time for such bullshit. With a small yelp, she tried to struggle against me for a second before she realized where I placed my hand…

Her struggling stopped as her surprised hand lightly grasped my crotch, her eyes widening as she realized what she was touching…

"U-Uh Zinon maybe you didn't notice bu-" I cut Mrs. yayorouzo, pulling her away into the nearest room and locking the door, I couldn't soundproof, oh well, I'd have to hope the two girls could sit in awkward silence for 30 minutes to an hour… Taking Mrs. Yayarouzu wouldn't take too long… I was already halfway there with her being drunk...

"Mph!" Mrs. Yayarouzu tried to struggle, tried to speak out against my acts, But I wouldn't allow that. I didn't have much time and I needed to take her. Seducing could be seen as anything really, as long as she was crazy for me by the end.

"Wow... I didn't expect that... Guess I'll need to be rougher huh?" I asked, taking my tongue out of her mouth as she thrashed around, my hand covering her mouth as she was about to scream.

Man, this kinda sucked... Meh, It'll all work out later, There's also the chance she won't be sober enough to even remember this.


I blinked, seeing Mrs. Yayorouzo laying there underneath me, my hand still covering her mouth, though it had slipped for a second...

What was I doing?... This woman?... She'd done nothing but be kind to me... Damn it... Fine... Fine.

I inwardly sighed as a tear fell down Mrs. Yayorouzo's cheek. This was the final straw, I was done, I'd figure out a better way... Sigh.

"Sorry... Mam" I said quietly leaving the room as she breathed heavily laying on the bed, who knows what she was thinking about, I sure didn't.


*Trait Gained!*


To blend in you'll need to look more human. Now you are human! With the same shit! Blood and things will come out of your body! Blood and everything else will disappear after 5 minutes of being there, don't worry about cloning.

*Trait Gained!*

[Milf's Chosen]

Instead of doing a bad thing you did a good thing, All Milfs will automatically treat you as their very own son, This can always grow beyond son…

*Trait Gained!*

[Rape Hater]

You hate forced sexual encounters, all stats x2 when saving someone from Rape.

Sigh… Well I guess it's nice to know I'm not a total asshole… But how am I gonna do that objective now?...

"Hm?... Zin…" Momo's soft voice called out, almost like she was sneaking around. Seemed that was exactly what she was doing, trying her best to sneak away from Inoue, who was sitting on the couch drinking coffee or something, I didn't get a very good look with Momo standing in the way.

"Yes… Wait did you just call me Zin?" I asked with a small confused smirk on my face, her eyes widening as I said it, obviously she didn't notice either.

"I-I just… Yes Yes I did"

Hm… This was new, well I suppose in the show she was normally a confident girl… at least most of the time… So it's not all that surprising she would act like this… Though it was still weird, she never did it around me before.

"Momo… Say that again" I said smirking as I pinned her against the wall next to the room I'd left her mother in. Now that I think about it… Couldn't she read minds?

Projecting my thoughts I basically told her everything I was gonna do to her daughter, I may not have gotten her yet… But with Momo's help and a little bit of trickery with Projection… I'll have her by the night… But first Momo…

Bonus Scene!

"Well beggars can't be choosers, but why him again Sage?" Gab, the seraph asked as he poured tea and looked at his master watching a screen in delight as a woman massaged his back.

"Well Gab there are only so many people I can mess with right now… Stupid elder gods and their rules… Can't wait till he fights one, He'll probably die… But at least the gamer system will be intact" Sage answered as he turned off the screen, he didn't like watching other's have sex very much.

"I don't see why you don't kill them all… Oh right, restrictions and whatnot"

Perhaps it was a small slip of tongue, but sage could very much hear the mockery in Gab's tone, and he didn't like it very much.

"You know what Gab, Fuck you, Bye!" Sage said, waving his hand and throwing Gab into one of his many many Multiverses he owned.

"Ah… Peace and quiet… Now Shalltear come here" Sage said, grabbing the flat vampire's hand while she was massaging him and started kissing her.

*[Kissing] -978→ 979*

'Yeah Yeah, quiet down now, I don't like to be interrupted…'