Chapter 037 | Momo's New Vibe (Semi-R-18)

"B-But," Momo started to argue as I lightly nibbled her nipple, causing her words to turn into a moan of shock and pleasure under me.

"It's the only way... Your mom wants to make you marry some random bastard... I'll never allow that... " I said, pinning her down aggressively and kissing her, not letting her answer until I had gotten her even more in the mood.

"Heyyy," Momo said, slightly sticking out her tongue as I pulled away, my off again on again method was making her confused and horny, she probably felt like she was being teased.

"What's wrong Momo? we're discussing something," I replied to her disappointed expression with more teasing as I slowly grasped the bottom of her shirt, a white tank top that didn't leave much to the imagination with her breast size, had anyone else seen her in this I might have killed them.

"It's just... My mom?... That's weird... and also... What about... You know, My dad," Momo answered as I used [Massage] on her waist area, lightly touching her and running my hand down her leg.

"Hm?... What about him?" I asked confusedly, did she know something about her dad?

"It's his wife... And also... I don't like it much... Thinking about you and another girl... You know," Momo blushed slightly as she thought about it, her cute expression making my dick twitch.

I quickly flipped the dark-haired girl over, making her sit on top of me with her soft ass pressing against my boner, her shirt already off releasing the large round tits that I loved to squeeze, it was almost like an addiction at this point.

"Mhm~... Anyway... Why?... Why can't you just... continue what we are doiNG!" Momo's words went high as I pinched her erect nipples, using [Massage] to get an even more exaggerated effect.

Hell, she came, her tight little workout shorts rubbed against my dick as I sat up and pulled her close, keeping her there until her climax was finished.

"Hah fuck," Momo said after she was finished, surprising me greatly as she didn't usually curse, in fact, I don't think I remembered an instance of her cursing ever.

"S-Sorry... I... I just don't want my mom to have you," Momo said almost passively as her lips kissed my neck softly, her head slowly moving up until she slowly and sexily licked my ear.

"But I also don't want to be with someone else... Promise... That you aren't gonna be... I don't know... treating her differently, we just convince her, that's it," Momo finished her words without waiting for my answer, apparently, this conversation had ended as she sucked on my neck. Hmn, with the new human trait could I get a hickey?

"So my plan isn't the way to go huh?... Fine, I'll follow your lead then Momo..." I replied with a small sigh as I finished undressing both of us, I would either need to fuck Mrs.Yaoyorozo in secret or somehow convince Momo by fucking the shit out of her... Let's see...


"What do you two want?" Momo's mother said later as we stood outside of her room, some shock and slight... fear? in her voice, most likely due to the earlier incident.

"I have something to discuss, mother," Momo said, getting into "Business Mode" as I liked to call it.

She'd get really serious about things and try to convince others of these things, hence the business aspect of the name.

Instead of waiting for her to open the door I quickly burst through it, turning the handle even though it stalled for a split second. I only had about a day and a half left to do what I needed to do.

"Hey, we said-" Momo started to say before realizing I didn't care and simply sighed and closed the door as I sat down, only a few inches away from Mrs.Yaoyorozu, who wasn't as scared as I thought.

"Mom," Momo's voice was calm and loud enough for both me and her mother to hear. So serious that I didn't even notice that she hadn't said "Mother" like she usually did.

I wasn't sure of her plan to convince her mother, at least, not until she had stared right at her and sat on my lap, taking off her tank top and kissing me as she led her hands toward her chest.

Mrs. Yaoyorozo gasped as I realized Momo's plan, kissing her back deeply and fondling her chest.

"Hey! What are you two doing right-" Mrs.Yaoyorozu stopped her words as Momo broke her kiss with me and moved her head down to my neck, lightly kissing down it as her hand grasped my crotch softly.

I could see where this was going, it was a little weird doing this in front of her mom but I couldn't worry about that.

"I don't want to marry random people... I wanna marry Zinon," Momo said as she was now on her knees, zipping down my pants-

Wait what the hell did she just say?!

Stopping the head that was rubbing against my cock I looked down at Momo in shock. She had said... Marry? When did I agree to that?

"Hm?... What's wrong?" Momo said, almost... scary like as she slipped her tongue out of her mouth, licking my bulge under my underwear.

"Uh... well I... never said anything about marriage..."

This was a stupid thing to do, perhaps I was an idiot? Hell, I should have noticed that Momo's behavior isn't the same as in the show, hell she barely acted like she did before, so seeing her glare at me when I said this I gulped, a sweat forming on the back of my neck.

"What are you talking about? If I didn't marry them of course I'd marry you... Are you saying you don't want to?"

Momo's voice was cold like ice, the room so chilly I could have seen my breath if I had been breathing.

"Woah Momo, Just chi-" Momo quickly got up and walked toward her mom, what the hell was she doing?


The sharp crisp sound of Momo's hand slapping Mrs.Yaoyorozo caught me off guard as Momo proceeded to pin her mother down, waving her ass in the air and looking back at me.

"She's fine with it... Right Mother?" Momo said, still looking at me, almost like a warning.

"What! How dare you hit your mother! And there's no way Zinon can be your main!-" Mrs.Yaoyorozu stopped as the demon on top of her glared down on her.

Momo's entire body shook as she got off of her mother, grabbing her by the hair and switching positions till she was holding her mother from behind, her gaze burning into me.

I wasn't actually scared... in fact, I was kinda... aroused? Momo was being pretty badass, and that was a turn-on, though I didn't like the way this conversation was going.

"Then we'll convince you... Besides, Zin said he wanted this... I'll give him anything he wants," Momo's vibe changed in a split second as she looked at me, pulling her mother into her lap.

"Here," Was all she said as she gestured down to her mother... Who had all of a sudden gone red, probably reading whatever insane thoughts Momo was thinking as she was pulled up.

Two girls, so similar in looks that they could have been twins, were right in front of me, neither struggling much as it was obvious what was about to happen... I knew I could count on Momo, but I'd see what that earlier vibe was all about, maybe she needed to be fucked harder? Well, I guess this is the time I'll find out...

Bonus Scene (Ahakao's Training)

"Phew... Come brother," I said, my little brother Hirito back to normal. Mother and father had bought him simply to be my training partner.

A kid with a mental disability, not able to really think for himself, a perfect punching bag for me.

It had been quite a while since I had fought someone.

"How should I kill him, slave?" I asked my brother, his brain barely registering. I was talking to him, damn it, I'd need to get the pills soon, or my pet could die... So annoying.

"Ah Sir, K-Kill him with the gun you used on his mom, Then let's take your Daught-" I kicked the retard's face into the cell before sighing.

I had totally forgotten his current orders, found a daughter, and turned her into a good pet for me. My wife wasn't good enough, too reserved and polite, at least in the bedroom... she also had THAT, the thing that made it less desirable to have sex with her.

We hadn't had sex since 2 years ago when Momo caught us, a terrible event for my darling little girl to set her eyes on.

There were three people I bothered to actually put in the same league as me. My wife, My daughter, and... Kuromoto, the only man who had ever had the guts to beat me within an inch of my life and buy me a drink afterward.

Now I was getting ready to kill his son, and I'd already killed his wife, sigh, these trash were annoying... though I suppose Zinon could be said to be at my level... I'll see how much he puts up a fight...

"Ugh, S-S-Sorry," My brother managed to spit out as blood ran down his face, retard... I'll have to ask mom and dad to "reprogram" him again. What should I go for this time? Daughter molesting bastard again?... No Inoue was mine now, no reason to share anymore now that she was all grown up and delicious... Maybe a Hero? that could be amusing, messing with a Human life is so... Fun.

Bonus Bonus Scene(Gabs return)

"Ah!, Master! Please harder sir! I want to CUM!" A woman screamed out without care for anyone to hear her as I stopped, man these bitches were insatiable, but they can't handle me, as usual.

Should I make another multiverse? Cthulhu wasn't here to cry anymore and had finally graduated to an elder god, along with Azathoth, bastards, I was changing their diapers not all that long ago.

A small mana spike turned my attention to the side as a silver-haired man walked through, dragging on a cigarette as he had 2 girls beside him.

"Hey, boss... I'm back," Gab said, his eyes shining as he rushed me pulling a sword out of his inventory.

"I sent you to one piece for a few years and you think you're strong? Pft!" I laughed in Gab's face and smiled as Darkness, the woman I had just been fucking blocked it and kicked him away, protecting me as my hand reached over her shoulder and started groping her.

"Hmm, Gab... Quiet down like the dog you are, yeah?" Maybe... Maybe I would have been fine had I not said these words…

(A/N: A small teaser for future works, Hell I might even post my backstory… Be warned I was and still am an evil asshole… Killing one kid? Pfft, I've done much Much worse… Gab will be gone for a while, I wonder which world I threw him in, things kinda blur together after a while… Ah shit, sorry, elder gods and shit are getting mad at me now that I am messing with the multiverse again, god damn it these guys are pussies, If they don't want me to mess with them then give me back my power!... Cough… sorry, Anyway see you all next time… It's either one last sex scene with Momo to convince her of Zinon's plan, or skip that and do some Instant dungeon shit for a bit, grind levels, then Take her mom… Muhahaha- GodSage Out xD)


Zinon's Stats!


Name: Zinon

Age: 15

Title: None

World: Boku No Hero Academia

Level- 19 (Inspect is not high enough level)

Class- [Assassin {Weapon Specialist}]- Lv. 3/100 [89%], [Healer]-Lv. 1/100 [93%].

Race- Human

Rank- Bottom Tier Simp (Test Available!)

Alignment- Neutral Evil

Hp- 1900/1900 (580 Per minute)

Mp- 1950/1950 (520 Per 30 seconds)

Sp- 1900/1900 (540 Per 30 seconds)

STR- 38

END- 38

DEX- 39

INT- 34

CHA- 34

LCK- 78

(Mp= +100 each level, +20 regen every INT level up)

(Hp= +100 Each level, +20 regen every DEX level up)

(Sp= +100 Each level, +20 regen every END level up)

Money: 989,101,560 Yen (He still doesn't have all the money, just the main bank money, so a little over half of all of Mr. Yaoyorozu's money, more to come xD)

Accumulated Exp: 32

Stat Points: 21



[Gamer's Mind]

[Gamer's Body]

[Shadow Step]-Lvl. 3 (12/350 Exp)

[Physical Resistance]-Lvl. 6 (345/650 Exp) (This will be leveled up a lot very soon)

[H.T.H Combat]-Lvl. 25 (23/ 100,000 Exp)

[Acting]-Lvl. 3 (167/300 Exp)

{Taunting}-Lvl. 3 (235/350 Exp)

{Projection}-Lvl. 4 (145/450 Exp)


[Shadow Step]-Lvl. 3 (12/350 Exp) (Realized my mistake, This is a passive and Active skill, Passive effects make it harder to see him in general, Active makes his body practically become part of the shadows, though he can still be hit and hurt while in them)

[Astral Aura]- Max

[Massage]-Lvl. 7 (234/7000 Exp)

[Flirt]-Lvl. 2 (13/250 Exp)

[Inspect]-Lvl. 3 (22/300 Exp)

[The Tongue]-Lvl. 9 (6,344/7,355 Exp)

[Heal]-Lvl. 1 (34/100 Exp)

[Medic Zone]-Lvl. 1 (0/100 Exp)

[Life Steal]-Lvl. 1 (0/100 Exp)




[Will To Live]

[Endless Lust]


[Milf's Chosen]

[Rape Hater]


[Enhanced Looting]

[Lusts Boost]


[Endless Lust Perk]


[Ability Copy]

