
Chapter 6

Jake's pov

"I can't believe you guys started to fight on school's corridor! Don't you have any shame?!" The discipline teacher scolded both of us and we both just looked down.

"Why did you fight?" He asked us but none of us answered his question.

"I asked again, why did both of you fight?"

Again, we didn't answer.

"I'm so done with you guys. Everson, I am so disappointed in you. You're such a good student and you had never got into any troubles.. until now." The teacher sighed and Edward couldn't look at him in the eyes.

"As for you Jake Dominic, you've only been here for few weeks and you want to show you're a gangster around here? What have gotten into you?" He scolded me but I remain quiet.

"Detention for a week. Starting from today. Go back to your class" The teacher said and left us.

We go back to our class without saying anything. It's almost lunch time but I don't have any appetite now and my jaw hurts alot. We come into the class and the class becomes dead quiet. We slowly walk to our seats and mind our business.

Edward's pov

I can't believe I got into trouble with him. I hate him so much. As I take my seat, Luna seems so worried about me.

"What happened?" She said as she holds my face and examine it.

"It's nothing.." I look away from her. I'm glad I didn't bleed.

The school's bell ring, it's lunch time and I just want to get away from there. She asked too many questions and I couldn't seem to have any answers. I quickly get out from the class to have lunch without her.


Luna’s pov

"Edward!" I shouted his name but he left me just like that without any answer.

The class started to get empty as the students get out to have their lunch. I sighed as my eyes caught on Jake. He is still here.

I approach him slowly and takes a seat next to him.

"Y-you're not going for lunch?" I asked him and he shakes his head.

I examine his face and I could see blood is still coming out from his mouth. I quickly take out the tissue out from my pocket and wipe the blood from his mouth.

"You're bleeding.. It's better if you go to the school's clinic" I said in concern and he gives me that sweet smile which I like.

"I'm alright." He takes the tissue from me and wipes his mouth.

It looks painful.

"What happened? Edward didn't say anything to me" I asked him, hoping he would answer my question this time.

"You know, guys... We had misunderstandings. That's all. You don't need to be worried" Jake ruffles my hair.

"But still.. You guys shouldn't have fight."

Jake lets out a heavy sigh then he looks at me in the eyes, "I heard Michael is having a party. You're coming?"

"Y-yeah.. Are you?"

"I'll be there if you'll be there" Jake smiles at me and I smile back.


It's already the day where Michael is having his house party and I don't know what to wear. Leo told me not to wear anything too revealing. Well.. Since he is coming with me too.

I ended up with a sleeveless lace dress that reached above my knee. It's not sexy, it's cute. The color of this dress is navy blue and I wear a silver bracelet and did a light makeup. I let my hair down and I take my wedges and I'm ready to go!

Leo drives the car to Michael's house and we could see his house is already filled with colored led lights.

"Look at this kid.." Leo chuckled as we parked the car inside of his garage.

When we get into the house, the living room is quiet and dark. We walk farther into the house to the main hall and that's where the party is.

“EVERYBODY! THE HARVICKS ARE HERE” Michael greeted us with a hug and pull us into the crowd.

I see Blake, Daniel, Jake and Lucas but I couldn't see Edward anywhere. I excuse myself from Leo and Michael and started to look for Edward around the house.

The music is too loud and people started cheering for Daniel to drink the whole bottle. It's getting wild here.

I go to the quiet corridor by myself away from the party. I'm used to visiting Michael’s house so I'm familiar with it. As I'm walking through the study room, I see someone is sitting on the chair in the dark and I could see a bottle of vodka infront of him.

From the silhouette, I think it is Edward.

"Edward?” I walk toward his direction and he looks up to me.

“Luna" Edward’s deep voice speaks up and he gets up and walks toward me.

"Why are you here by yourself? Did you drink?" I asked when I smelled the strong alcoholic scent around his body.

"Uhh.. I guess so" He chuckled but he still looks so adorable to me.

"Let's go back to the party" I drag him out from the study room and we get back to the party.

While I'm talking to Edward, a drunk Daniel appeared between us out of nowhere. "POOL PARTY BITCHES!" Daniel suddenly screamed out loud and takes off his shirt then he runs outside to the swimming pool and jumps in. Some of the other people followed him into the pool too including my brother and Michael.

"They're crazy" Edward said while laughing.

"Be right back" I said to Edward.

I walk to the table where the drinks are and I grab one of them. While I'm drinking, Lucas shows up infront of me.

"Hey there Luna” He smiled at me. He looks so amazing tonight. He wears a cute orange jumpsuit with his hair pushed back.

"Hi Lucas!"

"You look beautiful Luna. I-I mean you always are beautiful but you know.. You're beautiful" He rubs the back of his head shyly.

I couldn't help but to blush from his compliment. "Y-you're hot yourself too Lucas"

I look away in embarrassment. I meant to say he is handsome but I said hot instead.

"You know, Luna.... I actually want to get to know you better so... can I umm.. get your number?" Lucas asked then he takes a drink and started to drink.

"Yeah sure.." I smiled widely as I give him my phone number.

"So Luna... do you want to...."

Before Lucas could finish his words, Edward clings on him and started to say some nonsense things which we don't even understand. His face is already red and I can confirm Edward is totally drunk.

"Mmm.. this comfy.. blanket.. Lucas" Edward keeps saying some weird things.

Lucas looks shocked but then he excused himself from me and started to get Edward off from his arm but Edward continues to cling on to him.

Darn it Ed.. You ruined our moment.

Jake's pov

I’ve already drank alot but I still haven't got drunk yet. Some girls keep flirting with me but then I found Luna is standing near the drinks by herself.

I walk toward her and tap on her shoulder. She turns around and gives me a smile.

"I was looking for you" I said.

"I'm here now" She grins but then a drunk guy suddenly comes up to her and almost hug her. I quickly pull her to my chest and push the guy away.

"Get off" I said to the guy and then I look at her.

She looks shocked but she is still in my arms. She slowly pulls herself away from me and fixes her hair.

"Don't you think it's too loud here? Do you want to go somewhere quiet? My head started to feel dizzy too" I said with a chuckle and she nodded her head.


We walk together to the quiet side of the house. We go to the second floor and the lights are kinda dim here. I could see she is getting drunk but I think she didn't have that many drinks.

"Are you okay?" I hold her arm when she doesn't get to balance her body.

"I'm okay... I just..." She holds her head and leans against the wall for support.

"I am a bad drinker" She softly said.

My eyes started to stare at her body. From her hair to her face to her neck to her chest... and down to her legs. She looks so perfect as always. Then I look up back to her face.

I rest my hand against the wall, blocking her way out from my sight. Then I move my other hand to slid around her waist as I pull her closer to me.

"J-Jake.. What a-are you doing.." Her voice trembled but she doesn't look she is in her conscious state anymore.

"I'm here.. I'm here to make you feel good" I smirk and I bring my face down to her neck. I inhaled her fresh sweet scent and started to plant kisses on her neck. I begin to suck every inch of her bare neck and when I found her soft spot, I keep sucking and licking it.

"Mmhhh... J-Jake.." She slightly moaned a little as her hand grabs the collar of my shirt.

I pull away from her neck and stare at her beautiful face. I gently hold her face and brings her closer to me. I started to kiss her lips slowly while my other hand is stroking her thigh. When she started to moan, I slide my tongue into her mouth and start kissing her passionately. We started to make out against the wall and I could feel I'm getting a boner.

Her soft little moans that escaped from her lips make me even harder. I couldn't get enough of her moans. It's like a beautiful music to my ears. I want her. I want her now.
