
Chapter 7

Jake's pov

I want her.

I want her now.

I lean closer to her face to kiss her again on the lips but before our lips could met, I heard someone is coming this way and I quickly pull away from her and grab her arm and wrap it around my shoulder, pretending that I'm helping her to walk.

"Oh shit!" A guy cursed when he saw me helping a drunk Luna.

"I thought you guys were ghosts or something.." The guy keeps drying his hair with a towel. He looks like he just changed his shirt.

"I don't know.. She got drunk when I met her" I give my fake smile to him.

"Who are you? I'm Leo, her brother." He asked me while taking her into his arms.

"I'm Jake Dominic"

Leo gives me a smile. "Thank you for helping her Jake. I've told her not to drink" He sighed heavily. I nodded my head and watch him as he takes her away from my sight.

What a cockblocker...

He ruined everything.


Luna pov.

The next morning I wake up, I found myself in my own bed, still in my last night clothes and my makeup is still on my face.

I couldn't really remember what happened last night. I only had few drinks but oh well.. I can't really tolerate alcohol just like my brother. I get up to take a shower.

After I take a shower, I wear my casual clothes and when I look at the mirror to brush my hair, my eyes are widen at some marks on my neck. It looks like hickeys.

"What the fuck?" I touch the mark and my heart started to beat faster.

Who did these....

Did Leo see these? I hope not.

I quickly cover those hickeys with some foundation and concealer. Then I get out of my room and see Leo is taking the car keys with him.

"Oh you're awake" Leo gives me his bright smile.

"Y-yeah.. where are you going though?"

"Daniel's house. He is home alone so he asked me to accompany him. You can call Edward to accompany you here. I've cooked you some foods" Leo said as he is wearing his shoes.

I really want to know whether he saw the hickeys on my neck or not but it looks like he didn't notice it so I better keep quiet or else he'll snap.

"I may be home late so take care" Leo left the house and leave me alone just like that.

I think I can be with myself for a day. Edward needs rest too. I walk over to the kitchen and look for the foods Leo cooked for me.

Fried rice.

He only cooked me a fried rice? How could him....

But whatever since I'm hungry, I started to dig in.

After I ate, I do the dishes and some house chores until someome rings my doorbell.

I run to the living room and peek from the peephole to see who's there and I widen my eyes when I see Lucas is standing outside of my door. I quickly fix my clothes and my hair then I open the door with the sweetest smile I have on my face.

"Luna! Good afternoon!" Lucas said in excitement. He has his huge smile plastered on his face. He wears a shirt underneath the cute cardigan that is in my favorite color. He also brought along few books in his hand.

"Good afternoon Lucas. What brings you here?" I asked him, still smiling widely.

"Oh! I just want to return these books. It's Leo's. Where is he?" He asked while handing me the books.

"He went to Daniel's house because Daniel is home alone right now" I replied while taking the books from him.

"Leaving his sister alone here?" He raised his eyebrow and I let out a small chuckle.

"If you're not busy.. Do you want to go to the book store with me? I want to buy some new books" Lucas asked while rubbing the back of his neck. Without further more, I agree to go out with him today.


We're in the book store together and Lucas is busy choosing books that he likes. I keep walking around to find something interesting to buy too.

Suddenly my phone buzzed. I check my phone to see Edward’s name popped on my phonescreen.

You're not home? No one is home? :(

- Eddie

I smiled and reply him as soon as I read his text.

I'm out with Lucas. Finally, it's a dream comes true!

I startled when Lucas taps my shoulder from behind. "You're smiling so widely.. What happened?"

"Ohh.. N-nothing. It's just Edward" I replied with a grin.

"Edward.. I don't want to be impolite but do you have any relationship with him? You guys seem so close together" Lucas asked then he looked down shyly.

He is driving me crazy. I can just melt right here infront of him. Stop being so cute!

"We're just best friends. I'm single" I blurted out. Oh shit.. Why would I suddenly said that I'm single.. It looks too obvious that I want him to date me. I'm so stupid.

"Really? That's good then!" Lucas sighed in relief and he handed me a book.

"This is a good book. I think you should read it"

I take the book from him and nodded my head. After that, we purchased few books and leave the book store. Lucas then brings me to the park that he loves.

He said he always go to this park whenever he needs some relaxation. Sometimes he would cycle around this park and sometimes he would just walk around or read books here. He is such a wise man. How can he be so perfect.

"I hope we can always go out like this" Lucas shyly said while looking at me.

"I hope so.. I want to.." I mumbled softly.

"I'm sorry if you think I'm a boring guy. I just don't like to go to the clubs and have parties all the time.. Being in the crowds makes my head hurts"

What an intellectual. This is the man that I'm going to marry. This is the one. This is my perfect soulmate.

I hope I can just say that I like him.

Can I?

Suddenly Lucas pulls my arm and I fell into his arms. My head is leaning against his broad chest and I could hear his heart is beating faster.

"Watch out!" Lucas shouted to the guy who cycled past us.

Lucas checks up on me and tucks the strand of my hair behind my ear. "You're fine right?"

I nodded my head, still staring at his face with my blank face.

"You're so cute" He chuckled and continue to walk while holding my hand.

I feel like I am his girlfriend right now. The cold breeze doesn't even bother me because being with him makes me warm and cozy enough. We mainly talk about life and arts. The more I talk to him, the more I feel like I'm kinda dumb for him but that doesn't stop me from talking. When I don't understand something, he would explain it to me one by one.

I wish he can be mine.
