Your every call part 2


Derin: Do you want to go get your clothes now before the stores close?

It was in the afternoon Jerry and Keisha was still here. We got a good amount of stuff Done Joana was nearly finish. I was praying for Amber not to come back so soon but we all know I wasn't that lucky

Amber: You right babe the key is pretty handy

She said unlocking Joana door

Joana: You gave her a key to my place?

Amber: That's my future husband of course he would make a secondary key for me.

Oh God Why? Amber loves attacking people. She walked over grabing both keys. I guess Amber did another key. I already know this is going to cost me at least 2 weeks of silence.

Joana: Get out of my house.

Amber: It's not even a house!

Keisha got up hugging Joana, she seen that lioness was coming out of her. I Smiled my thanks. I left, Amber was more upset than Joanna. At the house she kept on talking and talking. Like why is it so hard to admit your wrong for this. I decided to go into my all white living room to watch something. She followed me

Amber: Some people are just rude

Derin: Amber

Amber: I took time out of my day to help you and you kick me out? So disrespectful

Derin: Amber

Amber: They make it soo hard to be a good person to them

Derin: Why did you make a extra key?

Amber: For me of course

Derin: What was all that about future husband?

Amber: Because you are? I will marry you. I know you've been shy to ask. I bet all the night mares are because you think I will say no. I want to reassure you. That this? us? Is forever.

She instantly gave me a headache. I got up from my couch, I went to lay down.


It's been two weeks now. I start class next week. I told my job they understand. They allowed me to come later in the evening I usually close but made sure I got my job done. My school gave one class per month, My first one was online. I didn't like online. I like the physical class but what could you do.

Derin have been coming by knocking and leaving baby stuff. I never ask for his help but I wouldn't hide his kids from him I wasn't like that. I was able to get me a little car, I let my mom keep my other car. It wasn't much, two doors. Who else going to get in? I got off work like around 6pm. Derin was standing infront of my door with flowers. I have no idea why?

Derin: JOANA! Please forgive me it's been two weeks how long will you keep punishing me?

This boy clearly lost his mind. I open the door he followed me inside locking the door behind him.

Derin: Take the red rose I know they are your favorite.

I looked at him strange. It seem it should be a gesture fitting his future wife Amber. I got undress so ready for a shower, I walked in the bathroom. His right there what was his problem? I turn the water on and got in. So did he? I Nevermind him I had no care for his foolishness today. He was standing there butt naked. He obviously was getting hard to his own thoughts. I was scrubing myself. He was rubing my belly. I couldn't help but smile he soo stupid. He kept taping it, putting his ear to my belly like the babies was going to tap back

Derin: Is your mom being mean to you?

This guy. Always know how to put a smile on my face involuntarily.

Derin: Map regle avel ( Am going to handle her) right when we are done.

I push him back so I could wash my private part, why was he smilling like that? I finished; got out the bathtub.

Derin: Can I have a towel too?

I never told him to get naked, or to take a shower. I smiled.

I dried myself and walk to my bedroom. I was tired I couldn't argue with him. He dried himself using my towel. "Amber" I thought I'll have to burn that towel. He put his boxer back on and laid down next to me. Why was he here? Did Amber even know he was here? He turn and wrap his hands around me and my belly. I could feel he wanted to say something but he just laid there. As much as I hated his ways, He is the only one I've love. We dosed off together. I woke up first I was starving. Hands tightly around me, I gently remove his hands from me. I needed to eat something. I went to the kitchen I had some okra sauce with rice. It was a craving. I heat it, I hear him waking up. When he got out he was fully dress.

Derin: You have no idea how long it's been since I had a good night of sleep.

Joana: Blofè (lier)

Derin: Are you done being mad at me now?

Joana: Yeah

Derin: You will pick up when I call?

Joana: Yeah

Derin: Where is my key?

I showed him using my index finger. It was in one of my kichen cabinet in a glass bowl.

Derin: Thanks

Outside was dark I was sure our little cute moment was over.

Derin: It's getting late

Joana: So it seems

Derin: Are you okay here by yourself

Joana: Does it matter?

He took a pause looking at me. He seems to be thinking hard.

Derin: I mean are you sleeping?

Joana: No.

Derin: I had a feeling.

I walked over to the room Grabbed his shoes.

Joana: Be careful driving home.

He smiled, Putting on his shoes. He waived bye. If he only knew how much I cared for him? His the only reason that calms my anger. I hate it in this small apartment. I always thought I would leave my family for him, I just never thought it would be to the arms of another woman. I couldn't even finish my food. The little time he spend here I felt hungry? I haven't been hungry this entire pregnancy. I force myself to eat. He took a part of me with him when he leaves. I usually spend the night watching the big clock in my living room till morning. My house was completely silence I had no mom here, No Dad here, My little sister and her question was not here either. I wish I had the heart to end this pregnancy. It's ruining my life, Nobody knows it but me. I had no name here. I wasn't a girlfriend, a wife, I was nothing. "Oh God please make the hurt stop" I find me screaming On the top of my lugs holding my stomach as I fall on my knees. "Please take my heart this is too much Oh God" I hated my life soo much. I wonder am I even going to be the one who enjoy those kids. If Derin fight me for custody he would win. It was soo much holes in my basket. This is my fault. I can't blame Noone but me.


Amber: It's 11pm Derin

Derin: Hmm it seems later than that.

Amber: Am not laughing

Derin: Please

Amber: She is not your responsibility Derin

Derin: Hmm

Amber: She needs to find the father for her bastards.

I couldn't believe she just called my unborn kids a bastard. I Swore never to put my hands on a woman but this woman was pushing my buttons.