

My husband is such a gentle soul. Look at him snoring on the bed next to me. I've missed him this month, all I've been doing is working, I was getting sick of my boss being unsensitivity towards the clients. It felt like I was a big fish in a small pond. I've been watching him sleep for the past 30 minutes now. I wanted him to get up.

Joana: Babe?

I said Pushing his manly body on the bed. His body was soo heavy when he wanted it to be.. I kept trying to toss him and turn him. He had a slight grin on his face, So I know he was awake.

He loved sleeping on his belly. It's the most annoying thing ever.

Derin: Nana, If I get up. There is no saving you.

Joana: Do to me as you will my husband

I said teasing him. He turned around. He was definitely awake, His manhood was piercing through his thin purple pajama plated pants.

Joana: I could help you know.

Derin: Help how Nana?

He said turning around putting his hands behind his back to poke out his manhood more.

Joana: Come

Derin: Nana I am tired. Do you know how exhausting your kids are?

Joana: Hahah fine than maybe tonight?

Derin: I promise to devour you tonight.


She smiled. When she got up from the bed I instantly regretted my decision. She was wearing this boy short Showing half her booty cheeks, Her butt had soo much dimples on it now, Her waist was still soo small, I forgotten how seductive she can be. I know she was teaching me a lesson. My eyes followed each cheek as she went inside the bathroom. I quickly got up following her to the bathroom. She was taking a shower. It's like she was touching her body, I took of my clothes hoping to change my answer, After such declaration I was no longer tired. I should of litsen to my second head. Now I felt like the Good Lord was pouring out blessings but I wasn't in the receiving end. She was massaging her breast letting out small moans. She knew I was watching. Why was this pants soo hard to come off. Am struggling in the bathroom All she did was giggled. At last my pants was finally off, Once I pulled the string that was tied to keep my pants up... I felt like a child opening their presents on Christmas. Sadly she had finish rinsing herself. As I got in, she got out.

Derin: Nana you don't have to... Just..

Joana: Tonight right?

Derin: Don't be cruel please. Even Jesus would never Punish soo harshly..

I said pleading my case. But she smilled. "Oh Good lord she was air drying?" I thought. "Hmm she would take some time to find something suitable to wear, If I hury up I can counter her in our bedroom." I said as a malice smile crept on my face.

I've never bathe so fast in my life. I rushed out the bathroom. She had put on this sexy mini skirt on, that had chains wrapping around her waist. Why was her skin Glistening to me right now?

Derin: Thats new.

Joana: Me and Keisha went to the mall getting stuff for her baby, there was some stuff on sale. I bought them.

Derin: You um yeah..

If I look under I could see underneath. The skirt was pink and white stripe. She bought this white see through blouse. I can see her nipples, wasn't she going to cover up like usual? I was happy when she took of the shirt. But aggrevated when she took out these black tape covering her nipples. This girl trying to kill me. Who she going to see later on today, I promise if she claim to be going to the office am following her. She don't dress like this in a while.

She completed the look with pink flip flops. I grab whatever out the closet. Eye Still glued on her. Am sure I did not match but I didn't care. I need to see who she getting sexy for.

Joane: Hey Dady Maria cooked a very delicious breakfast.

We had giving her some time off to go see her family, I was glad she returned safely.

Joana: Good morning, How was your trip?

Mariah: Good am filling for my family to come here.

Joana: Am glad to hear that.

She said as Maria put the delicious looking breakfast infront of us. I was starving.

Derin: You going to work today?

Testing her to see what she would say

Joana: No, I called off. He was getting on my nerves.

Derin: Uh huh

Joana: You know that shirt is dirty right?

Derin: Thats fine am home with my family who LOVES ME VERY MUCH!

Derin jr: Dad why are you screaming?

She looked at the boy who's going to be 5 years old and laughed. She thinks this is funny. In no time loud ass Keisha was here.

Keisha: Hey family?

Everyone respond except Joane, "was she still mad For the other day Keisha talking to her as a child?"

Jerry: Hey brother I got muffins

Derin: They freshly baked?

Jerry: Yes!

I was curious about these muffins. I grabed two. My lovely wife got up to get some more orange juice. That skirt was higher than expected when she sat down. I got up following her to the kitchen. She bend over to get the orange juice out of the fridge. I know my kids was here it had to be PG 13. I was thinking all X-rated thoughts. I grab her waist the way I know she loves it. She giggled.

Joana: Yes Mr. Phanor.

Derin: Why are you doing this to me Nana?

She grab the orange juice from the fridge and turn facing me Wanting me to get out her way for her to get a glass

Joana: Your in my way?

Derin: Who are you going to see? Is it another guy? Do you not want this anymore?

She didn't respond just smiled Going under my arms and pouring herself a drink. She pressed her beachball booty along side the counter by the sink. She leaned in and kissed me. My hands went besurk cheeks in my hands, such an easy access. She had no panties on. "Why, oh why"

Joana: I know I've been working hard, And I appreciate you holding down the twins and the house while am away. But I know your still a Man, You saying No to me today made me feel like I should step up my game, you know; I don't want you getting bored this early in our union.

Derin: Bored? I don't think

that was ever our problem Nana

Her word calmed my fearful heart. I was honored she put a whole show for me like this. I had to show something too tonight. We continued kissing. I heard the door knock. But every unwanted guess was already here. Sigh it was Cecilia.

Joana: Good you made it

Cecilia: What did I make exactly, I wasn't sure if I should bring a gift or not. You just said "come over"

Joana: Take a seat, have you had breakfast already?

Cecilia: Um not yet.

My kind wife pull up a chair for her. Keisha was judging her right as she step foot in the house. My babies finish eating and excuse themselves. My wife instructed them to find clean clothes, She will be in to bathe them soon.

They jollied away. Out of all the things to get from their mothers they got the obsession with water. Cecilia took a seat Knowing what happend the last time we hung out I didn't want to be in the same room as her. Not out of hatred just precaution.

Derin: Excuse me everyone. I am going to go change. I'll be back some time soon.

Joana looked at me worriedly but I reassured her by pointing to my shirt. She smiled her understanding. I went upstairs. Changing was easy since I already took a shower. I kept walking back and forth thinking should I go back downstairs? I decided to stay up in my room to avoid confrontation. I felt like I handled it pretty well. Hours have past in my mind, I was sure Cecilia was going home by now. Keisha not so much. I walked back downstairs. Hearing my wife talk about the twins birthday party in three days made me happy.

Cecilia: I think the camel would be better here

Derin: Where did all these pictures comes from?

I said as I seen pictures of animals, All over the floor and table.

Keisha: If you didn't take forever upstairs, You would know that we are having the party over at Cecilia house.

Derin: Wait, what Why?

Jerry: The zoo explain they can't let the kids pet the animals or ride the horses. We had paid for the animals already but they explain if we want personal contact it'll have to be on private property, We would have to sign some paper saying they are responsible for anything that would go wrong.

Derin: Babe isn't it easier for us to just throw her a princess party?

Joana: She doesnt want it babe.

Derin: Why? She's 5 we should dictate what she do or don't do.

Cecilia: I don't think that would be the best approach

Derin: No offense but ....

Cecilia: I don't have kids... Right...

I hate it when she use that tone with me.

Derin: Thats...

keisha: Thats what am saying

Cecilia: Right... So um Joana just let me know, I don't have anything plan this week, let me know so I don't double plan.

She got up without even looking at me. Dam it. I should apologize. Sigh since she already left. I don't want to go over her house by myself. I'll apologize at the party. Few days past Joana serious about having the party over at Cecilia place. Everyone getting ready. I dropt the twins off since last night telling them we are going to have it at Grandma house. Derin was fine with it but Joane was well.. not soo happy. It gave us time to set up everything.

Joana: Baby bring these party hats over at Cecilia for me.

Derin: Just dropt them off?

Joana: Yes, my love.

I grab the hats from joana's hands, I started to walk to Cecilias house. The door is open. It was 10 am we were expecting the delivery to be around 12pm. I opened the door and head inside. Her whole place was decorated. Pretty ribbons. Unisex toys and plates. I'm surprise how well this got together.

Cecilia: Hats, Okay, Place them on the table outside please.

She said Still not looking at me. Dam is she gone be mad forever?

I walked back inside the kitchen were she was decorating the cupcakes.

Derin: Sorry about what I said.

Cecilia: No problem. Can you um see if your wife have anything else to bring over?

I know that was a excuse to get out this conversation. She didn't look at me like she did before. Maybe the kiss was just a moment of weakness? I nodded and head back outside. Walking to my house to see if there is nothing else for me to do, my wife screams at me asking me " What am I doing here? I need to sign for the animals. The driver already called they were delivering it now. Slightly agrevated I walk back to Cecilia house. She didn't even bother to ask me "what am I doing back?" she just kept setting up the plates. This woman can hold a grudge. I smile Joana knows how to get to me. I wasn't going to lie, Cecilia had my attention. I sat on one of the chairs she had recently set up in the back yard looking to see if the truck was coming. She was done setting up, Her silent was soo loud. What was this? She wasn't Cursing or shouting at me but I could feel so much rage. The guys finally came. I wasn't sure where to place the animals so I told them hold on let me ask where she wants them. Without thinking I barge in her room screaming "The guys are here, Where do you want the animals?" I startled her with my suden entrance. Her breast was fully expose, medium sized extremely perky breast. She had her belly buttons pierce, tattoo by her side saying "Love me" She was bald down there. It looked soo prety. Joana shave but I think Cecilia waxed. My mind was telling me to leave. I thought I was leaving, my body wouldn't move. Until she said

Cecilia: Can you get out?

She said angrily. She barely spoke a word to me but now she was pist again for another reason.

Derin: Oh um sorry I thought you was getting robed.

"Really that's the best you could do?" I thought; Before closing my eyes and exiting I seen she was about to smile. When the door was fully close I ask her where she wants the animals?

Cecilia: Sign, I'll be right down.

I made my way downstairs. I saw them getting camels out the truck. What the? Why did we have camels? I signed the papers. Joana came with some more food. Keisha was helping her bring the food over. They look like the bad chick I first saw in high school. Look at my beautiful wife, she made her way to me smilling. Cecilia finally came downstairs. I couldn't get her naked body out of my head, so I thought it would be best to stand by my wife, The entire party.

Joana: Cherie(honey) go outside to see when the babies are coming. Pretend you were taking a walk.

Derin: I don't want to leave you here

Joana: Leave me where? making plates of food?

Derin: Exactly.

Joana: Go please.

I stole a kiss. I agreed to go wait outside. Cecilia was also outside Watering her plants. Honestly why was she here? I mean it is her house. She didn't look at me. She finished, proceedings to go inside the house. I grab her arm.

Derin: Am sorry about earlier

Cecilia: How you fiercely fight off those people trying to rob me?

She laughed walking inside shaking her head. Am glad she thought it was funy. My babies was screaming "Daddy" when they saw me before I saw them in Grandma car, I opened my arm Joana mom parked the car stepping out. We walked inside where everybody screamed "Happy birthday" My son was smilling by my Daughter was doing the most. Screaming, Crying while stuffing cupcakes in her mouth. She lost her mind when she saw the animals. The day was going soo well. We also had Profesionals supervising while the kids play in the zoo.

I was beat I joined the other adult in the round baby blue table. Joana, Cecilia, Keisha, Jerry was sitting looking defeated.

Derin: Who's on screaming duty? babe why you invited all these peoples children here? Most of their parents thanked us, as they left smilling and laughing like we don't know what we signed up for?

Joana: Some wanted to go on dates, they haven't been out for some time.

Derin: I love you but please warn me next time. Oh Good lord!

Keisha: What's so funny?

Everybody stop to see who she was talking to.. I could feel the shame coming from Cecilia

Keisha: Why do you look at him like that? He ain't that funy.

Joana: Keisha!

Keisha: You know hoes. You can't turn them to a house wife.

Both Jerry and joana was furious with her respond "KEISHA!" Cecilia excused herself but before she could get up. We heard a loud splash on the floor.

Jerry: Did you peed yourself?

Joana: Oh Shit keisha..

Keisha: Ahhhh what is this...

I look at this evil witch as her water broke and contractions kicked in.

Derin: Look at God!

Joana: Babe?

Derin: God knows we can't physically hurt Her for what she just did. So God strike judgement

Joana slightly smirked.

Jerry: We need to go to the hospital.

Joana: Thank you for today. Don't worry about her.

Cecilia shook her head. Jerry stumbled with Keisha's fat ass. I wasn't going to help. She was always a bully even back in high school. Cecilia tried to help her.

Keisha: Don't touch me, I don't want you to contaminate my baby.

Joana: Keisha! Stop what is your problem?

She apologized once more to Cecilia but this Time Cecilia wasn't that convince. She just turned around heading upstairs. Joana and Jerry carried her to the car

Joana: Babe wrap the party up please

Derim: Or you can help and go to the hospital later?

Joana: Babe

Derin: Fine

I waived as they drove off. She text me all the parents number to pick up their children. The party was going on for about 4 to 5 hours now. They should be happy. I called them one by one. Some understood immediately, some push back saying "well you said 7pm" I replied with the most sincerity "I will leave your child at some strangers house. Please come get your kid" after a short while the parents started to come. Some was apologetic, some was thankful but the Jefresson was the 7 o'clock, I knew it. I was ready to take my twins home until grandma interject.

Joana mom: I will watch them you go and see if Keisha or Joana need something.

That old lady pist me off.

Derin: She is fine, am more worried about Jerry. It's their birthday

Joane: Grandma promise Julie can come over and sleep. Please let us go Daddy. We are skipping church tomorrow to go to the beach with our sleep over friends. Will be going to church at night.

Derin: Did she now?

She hurried the kids in the car. I gotta tell my wife we are moving. After the place was emptied. I drove to the hospital. Joana text me the room number. I came in and I seen Keisha straped up to monitors ready to have a baby

Joana: Babe did everyone get home safe?

Derin: Some parent I threatened

Joana: What?

Derin: They wouldn't come.

Joana: who?

Derin: The Jeffersons.

Joana: Oh okay. Yeah they don't like their kid much. Did you clean up?

Derin: What?

Joana: Did you help clean up the party?

Derin: No, I came straight here.

Joana: The person open their home to us, Keisha completely insulted her and her hospitality, the last thing we need to add was more feul to the fire. Please go and help cleaned up.

Derin: Babe visiting hour will be close

Joana: Then come tomorow. We will change rooms after she has the baby.

Derin: Ugh I hate you Keisha. I had plans tonight.

Keisha said nothing, She was focus on controlling her breathing.

I walked outside felling stupid for even coming, if I was going to be sent right back. I drove to Cecilia house. The door was locked so I knocked. She opened. She had a large T-Shirt on with pink gloves on. The house was a mess. She was going to clean all this by herself?

Derin: Hey

I said walking inside. She close the door behind me And proceed to the kitchen where she was scrubbing. the table.

Derin: Can I have one of those gloves

She pointed to the kitchen closet. I open to see all type of cleaning products. I spend alot of time cleaning after my dad when my mom left. So I was pretty good with making it quick and clean. I grab everything I was going to need. I grabed an big trash bag going to every table. With my hands I sweep all the trash to the bag. I finish that in no time. I walked to the backyard I figured since the animal was here, it may required more of my attention. She wasn't talking she just kept scrubbing. I can't imagine how that hurts her feeling today with Keisha saying what she said. She is a woman with alot of pride. I was greateful to see the animal guys picked up after their animals. I had just a few plated and napkins flying around on the ground. It took a bit of time but I think I got all of it. I walk back inside and she was soo slow.

Derin: Haha you would be here all night

Cecilia: Hmm

She said refilling her wine glass.

Derin: Are you still mad?

Cecilia: You think you know when am mad?

Derin: I could see when your not happy.

I said tying the trash bag, Grabing the boom to Sweep.

Derin: Where is your mop. I want to get it ready. So I could transition easier.

Cecilia: Under the sink you'll find the scented stuff but in the closet you should find the mop

I nodded walking over to the sink. She scoot over just a little giving me access to the sink. I was tempted to see if she had anything underneath but I decided not to entertain my thoughts

Cecilia: Use the lemon, I like that one.

Derin: I'm going to mix them

Cecilia: Okay

She said showing no more interests, I stood up beside her placing everything on the table.

Derin: You know Noone agreed with Keishas remarks.

Cecilia: Hmm

She said holding her glass to her mouth taking another sip while staring at me.

Cecilia: You don't talk to me for a month and a few days? And your going to come here and play like your on my side?

Derin: First off, I don't play am a grown ass man.

Cecilia: You sure.

She said staring at me. Her eyes was light brown so prety, they shine when she was under the right lighting Without thinking I leaned in and kissed her. We kissed for a while then she backed up and continued sipping her glass of wine. Moving to another direction. I figured I should sweep before something bad happens. Her house was huge I was greateful we only used her kitchen, And the backyard. I was done sweeping. Her mop? Yes! in the closet, I was excited to see what smell I could make, Always the best part in cleaning up for me. I was going for elegant yet soothing, Flower and lemon seem to fit. Why did she have all these brand? does she used any of this?

She was In the far side of the corner trying not to look at me. I was okay with that. When I finally finished, I decided to help her finish scrubing the surface, so I could hurry up and go home.

Cecilia: Thank you. Everything looks spotless.

Derin: Yup! good night

I put all the stuff back in their rightful place.

Cecilia: Last time I lost a good friend. I don't want you to ever regret doing anything with me.

Derin: I adore my family. So um sorry about earlier. I don't know what came over...

She leaned in and kissed me again. Seeing her naked body today I couldn't resist her. She jump on me wrapping her legs around me. I wanted to quench my curiosity. So I used my hands to hold her butt to see if she was wearing any panties?

Cecilia: Ahh can we?

She led out a small moan, She looked at me to see where my head was at. I could feel she was wearing panties but just a line. I walked upstairs supporting her weight on me since her legs was still wrapped around me. As she kissed my neck. She was soo petite. When I got to her bedroom. It didn't feel right. She taste soo sweet maybe it was the wine.

Derin: Wait, Wait.

She got up from the bed Looking irritated, God knows how much I wanted to make this woman sing my name But love should bring me home.

Cecilia: Just go please.

She said walking inside her huge bathroom. I don't know if I should or not. After a while she must of thought I left. I heard loud sobs coming from her direction. The steam was starting to fill the room. How hot was this shower? I open the door Fighting to adjust my eye to the steam I find her in a ball position letting the hot water fall on her. I can't tell if she was crying or agitated when she saw me. I turned off the water Handing her a towel.

Cecilia: Why are you still here?

Derin: Because am a good friend, I don't need sex from you to see you are valuable.

I brushed her hair back, Dried her off and brought her over to the bed. She laid her head on my lap. I was nervous, she was naked infront of me. What man wouldn't want her? After a while the sobs stop. I removed her head from my lap and proceeded downstairs. Walking inside my own home felt strange. I felt stupid for not taking her right here and now. Who knows if I'll ever get the chance again. My phone started to ring

Joana: Hey baby did you...

Derin: Yes, next time please hire a clean up crew.

Joana: Haha am sorry baby. Me and Keisha was going to clean but am glad I have you to count on. I love you

Derin: A "I love you" is not going to fix this

I teased

Joana: Haha well Keisha is still in labor but they say she will deliver Tomorrow Morning. Can you come get me.

Derin: Yeah am on my way.

I walked back to my car drove to the hospital, she was already downstairs waiting on me. She got in the car We drove home. Am soo happy she is who I picked. When we got home. I wasn't taking no for a answer.

Joana: Oh babe.

She said as she gently push my chest away from hers.

Joana: Am really not in the mood am worried about Keisha

Derin: Soo I get nothing because of Keisha? Baby I really need my wife tonight.

Joana: Babe, dont be like that.

Derin: Just plank there.

Joana: Haha wow. No babe another day please.

She said rubbing her forehead. I was so mad. I could of quench my thirst with Cecilia but I didn't because Joana is who I want. I followed her to the bedroom she was laying their looking into space. I got on top of her kissing her. Touching her everywhere, I know it was Joana but she looked like someone else. Call it lust but I looked down for the tattoo that said "Love me" I was kissing her chest making my way down, until I felt a sting on the side of my face.

Joana: I said no!

Did she slapped me? I Can't believe she slapped me? I realize what may seem romantic in my mind felt invasive to her. I release my grip Nodding my understanding. She didn't realize what she has done until I left the room closing the door behind me. She looked like she was going to say something but I didn't want to hear it. I just wanted my wife. I picked my wife I got slapped for it. I've never thought she would. Slap to some others is okay but she knew me way better than that. I didn't want to go any where, Where would I go? we had a spare bedroom I decided to sleep off the urges for tonight. I had work in the morning. It wasn't mandatory but I felt cramped in this room. The next day I took a shower I figured I could just buy some clothes on my way to the office. I walked in to a Man's store. I picked some clothes and pants, belts etc. I figured I should just stay low for a while. I change at the store after paying With their permission of course. I put my clothes in the back seat made my way to the office Where my boss was looking confuse at the other workers.