Lavi Continye (life continues) part 3


Look at him standing there telling me he will be gone for 2 weeks. I can't get the clear from the counselor because of him. My babies was over at mom house, Am thankful to my dad keeping mom at bay. I need a week off. Jerry and Keisha gave me a couple week off too. Counselor said "I need to spend time to myself" So I am doing that. Am sure when am done she will clear Me. I don't know why Derin must tell me He is going to Brazil? After watching him leave I wanted to unwind. Sure my marriage is over, there is a woman taking my husband across the state. My kids are missing him so much yet it's like he doesn't see it. I don't want to be at the house, let me rent a hotel for 2 weeks. There was this hotel spa That just opened I decided to pack up and go. I need to train my mind to forget about Derin, We didn't mean anything, After I agreed to be his girlfriend he still chose her, Which is a sign I should move on. I have two kids, I got a great job, my kids won't be anyone responsibility but mine, If he decide to stay around Cool if not I got this. Sigh, I packed up, check in at the place, I am happy they had a room available. My room looked relaxing. Scented candles, my bed made with pedals and white sheets, Drawer, bathroom, Everything seems nice and clean.

"Knock, Knock"

I opened the door some worker hand me flyers of what they will have during my two weeks. If I wanted to see more I'll have to book for another 2 weeks, I smiled and took the flyer, I looked at the flyer it says tonight will be speed dating, Am not going to that. The next day they had some famous singer coming down tonight to sing I might go tonight. I spend the day ordering room service, Going on boat tours, Tomorow I plan on being by the pool. Tonight finally arrive. I put on a tightly fitted dress long glamorous blue, Plats in my hair, Walking in I took a seat not so close to the stage. I ordered food then I heard a furmilliar voice

Arthur: Fancy seing you here

Joana: Nope, this is not happening

Arthur: Stop it we been here before

Joana: It's not the same thing now I know your my boss

Arthur: Who are you picking up tonight?

Joana: Excuse me?

Arthur: Come on stop it. I know when ever that husband of yours pist you off you sweat it under a stranger

He said With a smile. Did this guy think I just go around sleeping with randoms? Ugh the nerve of this man? I didn't finish hearing the lady

sing because this moron was in my way. He was the opposite of relaxation for me.

Arthur: Come on don't leave.

Joana: Good night

I went to my room, Who the Hell does he think he is. Ugh I need something that I haven't done before. I decided to checked out the next day, I didn't want to be where My boss was, Me sleeping with him the first time was a mistake Its never happening again.


Man I can't believe am not in the US anymore haha I got my gorgeous jealous lady with me. We were waiting for her cousins to pick us up. She was sitting there tapping her feet on the ground, why is she so nervous? When the cousin came, Cecilia told me her name was Amelia

Amelia: So your black huh?

Derin: Um Haitian to be exact

Amelia: Haha okay this is going to be good wait till Aunty see this.

Her car was small and hot, Don't she have AC? In a small blue car with her cousin telling stories in broken English, It was hard to keep up.

Derin: Is there a near by hotel?

Amelia: Big shot huh?

Derin: No, I don't want to intrude

Amelia: No, everyone is staying at the house.

She said sharply, I am starting to believe she does not like me. Was it because am black? No thats impossible, I've seen Brazilians date black people before in America. We arrive at the small orange house, riped Wire fences in the front, some older lady was staring at our car with a broom in her hands. She looks like Cecilia, Nice caramel color, She had a belly am sure is due to child birth. When Cecilia got out the car she waived and the lady went inside.

Cecilia: That's my mom Maria, she's um.. Well you'll get use to her.

Amelia showed us the room Cecilia will be staying in, I was where the guys was? I am a grown man this is childish, Haha do you know how many times I had your daughter Maria? I kept my clothes in the suit case, All the boys had bunk beds, Why was their so much people living in a 3 bedroom house? Maria called us for lunch. Maria was sitting on the table already waiting for everyone to come sit. I was going to sit by Cecilia but she hollard "No" Than said something in Spanish to Cecilia

Amelia: She said Cece knows better than to... Um...

Derin: What?

The lady screamed "Amelia" causing her to shut her mouth

Maria: Bring you home without marriage

Derin: Hmm

Cecilia: Mom get over it, I've been married before it wasn't for me.

Maria: Cecilia!

Cecilia: Derin come on let's go check in to a hotel. I didn't come for this, I came to see where I can start my business with clothing.

Derin: Sure

I was more than happy to grab my suitcase, When I came back outside the mother was staring at me like am the disappointment, When Cecilia took my hands to the taxi I felt like I could breathe. It was just the 4 of us back at her house, Cecilia explain her brothers haven't came home from work yet. We checked in to a near by hotel, It wasn't too fancy but it was definitly affordable. She hasn't said a word since we got into our room, I was thrilled because they had AC!

Cecilia: I am sorry about my mother, She sometimes gets very disrespectful

Derin: It's okay, Am guessing your family is not a big fan of blacks

Cecilia: It's not that, My mother is Brazilian but my dad is Salvadorian they don't Date black people.

Derin: That's really racist

Cecilia: I should of told you am sorry, Are you mad?

Derin: No, Thats where you come from, That doesn't mean that's who you are.

Cecilia: Alright.

Derin: This heat ain't no joke, Am going to sleep

Man sleeping felt good now that I can breathe. I woke up to a male voice going back and forth with Cecilia, I got up to go into the Living room area, The hotel had a room to sleep in and a secondary room with tables and chairs.

Julio: Sister let's go back to the house, You know your mother.

Cecilia: No Julio, Not if she going to treat my boyfriend like he did something wrong by being black

Julio: I'll talk to her Ce please, We all miss you, now all of our Family is over there

Cecilia: Fine. But am sleeping here

Julio: Okay.

I watched her left without letting me know where she was going, She probably assume I was still sleeping? She misses her family I could tell, Its not like we are going to live here forever, We are only here for about 2 weeks.