Truth hurt part 6


Ignoring foot step behind me. I couldn't move anyways.

Joseph: Here take this.

He gave me the biggest joint I've ever seen in my life haha was he encouraging drugs?

Joana: Um

Joseph: Oh please you hang out with Keisha, Plus is not for you to get get high, Its for your jaw, 4 hours is a long time.

I cracked a smile to his words.

Joseph: We heading back in two days, We can go to the hospital to check your injuries

Joana: Hmm

I said looking at the fire.

Joseph: Take it from someone who have abuse someone in a relationships, If you allow him to put his hands on you. It's going to be hard for him to stop. You don't deserve that Nana

He said getting up and going back into his tent. I couldn't even smile, My nose had dried up blood, Lips busted ugh what am I going to tell the kids tomorow? I lite up the joint. All the pain magically disappeared.


Waking up this morning I felt so relaxed, My manhood wasn't up and alert this morning like usual. I felt like I had the best night ever. Why am I in Joana tent? Oh no! The only one who could get me to zero is her, Would she take advantage of me? What of Andrew? Oh wait, I should find her. I rush out the tent searching for her.

Joane: Ready to go fish

She was so cute with her little fish hat running towards me

Keisha: Good morning! You look better, Guess Joana Was right by letting you sleep it off. You know I was gone handle it for you

Derin: Handle what?

Keisha: Your dick, You were like supper hard. That chick said you needed to get release or your dick was going to explode.

This girl was so inappropriate always coming up with crazy stories. Joana gave me an release last night? Did she suck me up the whole night? Am so dried up I couldn't even get up this morning..

Derin: Where is Joana?

Keisha: I don't know. I just woke up

am sore all over.

Derin: From what?

Jerry: Fighting another one of your potential

He said angrily getting out the RV, What are they talking about? I'll find out later, Let me find Joana she might want to get back together?

Derin: Dad where is Joana?

I said passing by his black tent finding him brushing his teeth in the back

Joseph: She's by the river bathing.

Derin: Thank you.

I ran by the river to find a blunt in her mouth while she scrubing herself. Man Her body looks horrible I have to bring her to the hospital. I walked back to the camp.

Derin: Uncle Tommy let me borrow your car

Tommy: Hospital huh?

Derin: Yeah she's bathing but it looks bad

Tommy: I figured

Tommy drove a red truck similar to my dad. He threw me the keys, I grabbed her things.

Keisha: What about me Derin ?

Derin: Do you want medical attention?

Keisha: Naw yall go head. I think I'll chill

Derin: Alright. I think she's bleeding in the inside.


That was a wonderful bath, I miss this. I put my brah back on with the short I had on last night. On my way back to the camp I seen Derin waiting for me?

Derin: Get in the car?

Can He still be in the mood?

Joana: Why?

Derin: Am bringing you to the hospital

Joana: Why I feel fine.

Derin: Your High you don't know what your feeling.

Joana: Why is my stuff in this red car?

Keisha: Girl go get some medical attention I'll hold down the kids.

Joana: Fine but..

Keisha: But nothing, Go

I hate when she makes sense. I threw her the remaining blunt she was happy haha. He got me in the car we rode off. Man I remember this feeling, Where he would drive me in his dad pick up truck. Things we did in that pick up truck haha


She's not saying anything about last night maybe I should ask.

Derin: Nana

Joana: Um Yeah?

Derin: Did you give me a release last night?

Joana: No

She said staring at the window

Derin: Nana your the only one who could get me at zero and your saying...

Joana: Derin nothing happend, you slept it off.

Derin: Oh..

Joana: Yeah

Was she lying? If she did am glad it was her mouth and not Rachels. Maybe there is hope for us? I want to fight for her if she will let me. Man I want to make love to her for hours again, She's clearly avoiding conversation. We got to the hospital, Got her out the car walked her inside. Rachel mom was there looking worried I wondered what happen

Rachel Mom: Derin?

Derin: Yes, Hi how are you?

Rachel mom: My daughter is in critical shape I don't know if she is going to make it.

Derin: Am sorry to hear that what happen?

Joana checked in with a nurse, Why did they give her so much papers to fill? Rachel got her eyes from her dad, The mom was a petite Latino woman who believe in working hard. She had light brown eyes, Small body, curly hair. She works with the elderly, always exhausted, I wonder was she sleeping?

Rachel mom: The doctor told me come down here, She might Die Derin? Who would do this?

Derin: Am not sure

Rachel mom: She loved you, you know? If she don't make it I want you to know that

Derin: Am flattered but I made a promise to Marlon long ago.

Hearing her beloved son who died from violence made tears roll down her cheeks. I didn't mean to upset her. Man we were so close.

Rachel mom: I told her to stop hustling in the street but she's so goal oriented

Derin: She wanted to be the first woman who did it big

Rachel mom: But Derin I must be curse, I have three kids two boys one girl, seeing them picked like cottons to violence hurts. She's my last child. She don't even have any kids yet

Derin: Really?

Rachel mom: Yes, She always though you would come back for her. I don't know why she was so determine on you. You never looked her way once.

That wasn't true, We would flirt alot but I was a kid who knows she'd took everything to heart like this? I was at the party last night I remembered us in the room but that's about it. Oh Joana no! Joana wouldn't fight her right?

Joana: Am being called in you coming?

She screamed in the other side of the room. I excuse myself and left to Joana. They brought out a wheelchair for Joana to sit.

Derin: Are you still High?

Joana: Hahaha I think so, I can't feel my face

They brought her to a room to examine. She started to get undress, Her back looks even more terrible. Oh Good lord. The nurse looked a bit judgy but Joana was too high to care. The doctor came in no time.

Doctor: Joana Phanor?

Joana: Um yes?

Doctor: You have internal bleeding due to bone fractures

Joana: Oh

Doctor: How are you in this much pain yet you don't feel it?

Joana: Oh I might of smoke some weed

Doctor: Haha honesty I like it. Let's get you to the operation floor as soon as possible.

Joana: Sure doc, But once my high wears off I will need something

Doctor: Yes, We are aware

So not the time to be smilling at my woman right now.

Doctor: I'll have a nurse come get you

Joana: Great

Her influence on people is remarkable. The nurse came and brought her upstairs. My heart was on my sleeve, I didn't take her back to Florida to die.. Andrew is such a jerk, If he thinks am signing those divorce papers and he treats her like this? he got another thing coming. The new room had one bed, One couch and her own personal bathroom, All light brown colors, The nurse helped her to the bed changing her out her clothes.

Joana: Thank you.

She said as the nurse left the room. My poor heart.

Derin: Joana

Joana: Yeah?

Derin: How did your back got this bad

Joana: Haha you know me

Derin: Did you fight with Rachel at that party?

Joana: Um

Derin: How can you do something like that Joana?

Joana: What do you mean?

How can she be so irresponsible? She's a grown woman what she doing fighting, Rachel is like family to me, How can she put her in critical care?

Joana: Um are you saying your mad at me for Fighting Rachel?

Derin: Am saying who goes to someone's party and fight, Were not in high school anymore.

Joana: Hmm

Derin: At some point Joana you'll have to grow up

Joana: Right...

Derin: Her mom is a mess downstairs, Rachel is like family to me and you almost killed her?

Joana: I...

Derin: You know what I don't even want to hear it. Am so decipointed in you Joana. What could possess you to do something like that?

Joana: Am not possess

Derin: Really? Because one couldn't tell. I gotta check on the family I'll be back.

Joana: Oh um you don't need to I'll have Andrew fly down

Derin: Same guy who'd do this to you?

Joana: You go head and tend to her, I got me

Why did she say it like that? What wasn't she telling me? Plus what does she mean by going to tend to Rachel? That's not what am doing.

Ugh she's high, She must not understand her actions yet.


"Decipointed in me?" Haha this guy was funny, I have fractured bones because of him not Andrew, Sure me and Andrew got into little fights but not with bats. Am so stupid. I should of never went over there. I picked up the hospital phone to call Andrew; it's been a while since I reached out, am sure his mad.

Andrew: Andrew?

Joana: Hey babe

Andrew: 4 whole days Joana?

Joana: Yeah, remember when you said, "I wouldn't need Derin to take care of me because you'll be there?"

Andrew: Yeah?

Joana: Did you mean it or was it all bullshit?

Andrew: I meant it.

Joana: Okay so here is your chance to prove it

Andrew: What?

Joana: Am ongoing surgery in a couple of hours

Andrew: Body works?

Joana: No. My back

Andrew: Joana what?

Joana: Yeah, I may need you to take care of me until am fully recover

Andrew: Yeah, I'll get a ticket right away, Thank you for trusting me with this, I promise you, You won't regret it.

Joana: Were never fighting again, Use your words

Andrew: Okay, We will do that

I hung up the phone and laid back down.


Rachel mom: Oh honey what are you doing back downstairs?

I didn't give her a respond how can I? My wife beated on her only daughter?

Nurse: Larose!?

She hollard, The mom nearly slip trying to sprint to the well dress nurse. I walked with her to find Rachel face completly disfigured. Joana's got a problem, What could make her do this? Did she suck me up last night because she was jealous? It's less romantic now.

Rachel: Hey there handsome

Derin: Haha hey, How are you feeling?

Rachel: I've been better, How is your wife?

Rachel mom: Why are you worried about her?

Rachel: Her and her friend is who we fought?

Derin: "We fought" what do you mean?

Rachel: Well, I kinda drugged you at the party than tried to take advantage of you.

Rachel Mom: RACHEL!

Rachel: I know, I know it was stupid but Derin

Derin: How many girls her and Keisha fought?

Rachel: Am so sorry I was drinking and..

Derin: Any weapons

Rachel: Don't be mad

Derin: Rachel, I got upset at her thinking she hurted you

Rachel: And she did!

Derin: How many girls.

Rachel: It was the 4 of us

Rachel Mom: Oh am sorry, The lady that came in with you is your wife? You knew he had a wife and you still

Derin: I gotta go.

Rachel and Joana was on the same floor. Dam it why do I always fuck up? When I got to the room there was this big security guard infront of her door. I tried to ask him to move but he didn't want to. I decided to go to the nurse who was doing reports at the desk inches away from me. She had her hair in a tight bun, I love their uniform here, The uniform was all white.

Nurse: Yes?

Derin: Can you tell this man to move please.

Nurse: No can do, She specifically requested no visitors

Derin: Wait what?

Nurse: Yes sir, if that's the patient wishes we have to honor it.

Derin: Um, And I can't just let her know one thing?

Nurse: Um no sir, We don't want to let you in ignoring her request and she considered a battered woman than the hospital will get in trouble for that.

Derin: Um if I bring her phone will you give it to her?

Nurse: No sir, she has a hospital phone if she needs to talk to somebody

Derin: Um okay um thanks.

I am the stupidest guy on earth. Sigh Walking out the hospital I decided to call Keisha am sure she will tell me more.

Keisha: How is she?

Derin: Surgery

Keisha: Wait what?

Derin: Yeah, Um that night did she fight?

Keisha: Yeah, Rachel was trying to get pregnant with your baby, Joana warn several time she didn't want to fight. When she got you out that room she didn't touch that bitch.

Derin: Rachel in the hospital

Keisha: Okay, I care because....?

Derin: Than?

Keisha: We got ambush leaving the party with you, You were heavily medicated.

Derin: Uh huh?

Keisha: I was fighting Rachel because she was saying all these crazy stuff about your manhood, The drug she gave you would of made it explode. She was telling Joana she can handle you better. Joana didn't even want to come.

Derin: To the party?

Keisha: Yeah, your uncle told her she should, Even then she said "Regardless what she do you'll go running to the other girl, not her"

Derin: What does that mean?

Keisha: It means you always pick someone else stupid

Derin: Hmm

Keisha: When is the surgery

Derin: I don't know

Keisha: They haven't said it yet?

Derin: No

Keisha: Okay well keep me posted.

Derin: Am heading back.

Keisha: Why?

Derin: Just cause

Keisha: For me to take care of her?? Am confuse to what's happening?

Derin: Um

Keisha: For the love of God what is it?

Derin: I might of

Keisha: Did you hit her?

Derin: No

Keisha: Litsend Jerry is calling me keep me posted.

She hung up the phone, She only sucked me up to help, Why am I this dumb? How can I tell her am decipointed in her? She didn't do anything but helped me. I bet if I pick up Keisha, She can get me into the room. I decided to drive to get Keisha to head back to the hospital. The drive was long, I don't remember it being this long while driving here with Her, her presence always made everything feels great. I park next to the RV on the grass. Kids saw me and ran up to me asking of their mother

Joane: Where is momy?

Derin: At the hospital

Joane: For what?

She looked concern, Should I tell her?

Joseph: To get a check up. Now give your fish to Floyd

Joane: Okay Granpa

He waited till the kids left to say something else.

Joseph: Your here for two reasons?

One You screwed up again? or you came to get your things to stay with her at the hospital? She going surgery isn't she?

Derin: Yes

Joseph: I figured. Why are you here?

Derin: First one

Joseph: How?

I told him everything that happen. We may not have seen eye to eye all the time but we were always honest with eachother.