Chapter 11 - Don't follow me

Lin Xiao Yi felt uncomfortable when Mei-Yin fell asleep while hugging her body from behind.  Until she couldn't close her eyes at all even though she tried hard.  Even though tomorrow morning she had to go to a restaurant to work after yesterday's day off.

 Slowly Lin Xiao Yi moved the tiny hand from her waist.  If she continued to stay like that, she will certainly not be able to sleep until morning.

 After succeeding, Lin Xiao Yi immediately took the pillow and then stepped onto the sofa because in that house there was only one bedroom.  Let Mei-Yin only sleep with Fang Yin.

 She glanced at Fang Yin who was fast asleep beside Mei-Yin with a snoring sound that was sometimes quite disturbing.  It was fortunate to have gotten used to it so Lin Xiao Yi was not too affected.

 "Finally I can sleep," Lin Xiao Yi said as she stretched out her hands with her mouth yawning wide.  She saw the clock on the wall, which showed three in the morning.  At least there was still time for about 3 hours to fall asleep.


There was a knock on the door and the sound of the bell repeatedly but Lin Xiao Yi was still enjoying her sweet dreams.  Until the knock on the door increasingly disturbed her deep sleep.

 "Who in the early morning like this visits? There's always been a bother since last night," Lin Xiao Yi grumbled with her eyes closed.  She stretched and rolled, not realizing that she was sleeping on the sofa.

 Bug ...

 "Ouch," Lin Xiao Yi moaned with eyes that slowly opened and got up to sit down.

 "Why are you here?"  Lin Xiao then moved backward when she saw Mei-Yin in front of her.

 "Does your waist hurt?"  Mei-Yin asked with an adorable expression.  Her small eyes moved and a big smile crossed her lips.  However, in Lin Xiao Yi's eyes it looked annoying because she really didn't like children.

 "Geez, what nightmare I had last night," Lin Xiao Yi muttered while holding her head.

 The doorbell and door knock sounded again so Lin Xiao Yi hurriedly got up to go downstairs. She glanced at the bed, there was no Fang Yin there.  Maybe she has been to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Mei-Yin continued to follow Lin Xiao Yi wherever she went.

"Can you not follow me?" Lin Xiao Yi said irritably.

 Mei-Yin complied then sat down on the living room sofa.

 Lin Xiao Yi then opened the door with a palm covering her mouth as she yawned. Her eyes widened immediately when she saw a man in front of her.

 The man was well built, had light brown eyes, and a side-parted hairstyle.  His nose was sharp with a defined facial contour.  The button on his shirt was left open one so that Lin Xiao Yi could see his burly chest was covered with fine hair. Unconsciously Lin Xiao Yi took a sip of saliva.  But when their gazes locked, Lin Xiao Yi could see the cold look in his eyes.  It was enough to make her heart beat very fast but the girl immediately looked away.

 "Who are you?" Lin Xiao Yi asked after realize. She felt unfamiliar with the man.

 "Daddy!" Mei-Yin exclaimed, who was jogging, stepping toward the door.

The man then crouched down to greet Mei-Yin by hugging her.

 "Daddy, are you home?"  Mei-Yin said with a happy face then kissed the man's cheeks in turn.

 'Daddy?' Xiao Yi said inwardly. Her mind suddenly swayed.  Didn't believe with what Mei-Yin said.

 The man let out a long sigh and then chuckled.

 "Didn't you make daddy have to come home early? Why are you so naughty?" The man grumbled.

 Lin Xiao Yi just looked at them chatting in a standing position in the doorway.

 'So this girl who has refused to be babysitter for my daughter?  how arrogant she is,' the man thought as he looked so deeply into Lin Xiao Yi's eyes so that the girl looked away.

 "My name is Li Zheng Yu, the father of my daughter Mei-Yin. Sorry if you can't sleep comfortably," the man said in a flat tone.  Although annoyed, but he must be grateful.

Lin Xiao Yi only nodded her head without a word coming out of her lips.  She just didn't think that this man was Mei-Yin's father.

 "Honey, we better go home," Li Zheng Yu said to his daughter.

 Mei-Yin shook her head very quickly.

 "I'll go home if I'm with aunt Lin Xiao Yi," Mei-Yin said while pursing her lips.

 "Sorry I'm busy. I have to work today."  Lin Xiao Yi hurriedly went inside then closed the door without caring if there were guests outside.

 She didn't want to be trapped with that little girl anymore.  Even just one night gave her a headache.

 Lin Xiao Yi looked at the wall clock which turned out to be nine in the morning.  She then patted her forehead because it was too late.  She might be fired because it was too late.